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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Latest Awards:

    Default Habbox Version Eight HAS ARRIVED!

    To our wonderful Habbox Community,

    It brings us great pleasure this evening to announce the launch of's Version Eight.

    This brand new site design builds on the functionality of Version Seven but brings you a modern, sleek and responsive Habbox website for the first time.


    I would like to take a second to thank Sho and Connor for looking over the site and design many times, as well as to Scottish for his support on a few technical bits and bobs. Also a massive thank you to Sho for helping with the design and endlessly testing things, especially tonight as we've been putting it live!!

    We have kept this project very secret from the commuity: I hope you can forgive us! We weren't sure if we were going to be able to do it so we didn't want to announce and disappoint you.

    "IT'S BROKEN!!!!"

    Let's be realistic, no it's not. Please be nice! I'm still learning a lot and by no means a perfect coder.

    But we do have a bugs reporting thread if you spot anything that doesn't look or work... quite right. I'm happy to fix it! There's also a chance to win an exclusive forum icon if you do spot something.

    Click here for the bugs thread

    What's next?

    We will be continually making upgrades on this website over the coming months, with many new fun things planned.

    We will also be launching an updated staff panel and forum skin which will match the new site design, once all the bugs are ironed out.

    Check it out at

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Latest Awards:


    @Joe; and I have been busy working on some bugs over the last few days and I just wanted to make a quick post annoucing some of them so you're aware!

    Mobile site

    If you're on a small screen or mobile now, the header, logo, spotlight images and radio player (including the message the DJ box) is a lot easier to see and navigate!

    Message the DJ ine

    The Message the DJ line has been updated so when you send a message, it disappears from the box straight away! We had a lot of people sending messages in multiple times so hopefully this makes it clearer to see when it's been sent.

    Sorry but if your message is rejected it will still disappear but you will get an error message so you can send it again.

    Login, register and profile

    These pages are all now accessible from the drop-down menus!

    General improvements

    Some smaller things but links are now more obvious in text, the text in the spotlights is now viewable on all screen sizes, and the font generator doesn't mess up the screen!

    If you spot anything else that doesn't look quite right, or even if you want to just ask a question about it, please report it here: Version Eight Bugs Thread


    Laura & Joe

    Like _spirit Liked

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Latest Awards:


    @Joe; and I have been busy working on some bugs over the last few days and I just wanted to make a quick post annoucing some of them so you're aware!

    Mobile site

    If you're on a small screen or mobile now, the header, logo, spotlight images and radio player (including the message the DJ box) is a lot easier to see and navigate!

    Message the DJ ine

    The Message the DJ line has been updated so when you send a message, it disappears from the box straight away! We had a lot of people sending messages in multiple times so hopefully this makes it clearer to see when it's been sent.

    Sorry but if your message is rejected it will still disappear but you will get an error message so you can send it again.

    Login, register and profile

    These pages are all now accessible from the drop-down menus!

    General improvements

    Some smaller things but links are now more obvious in text, the text in the spotlights is now viewable on all screen sizes, and the font generator doesn't mess up the screen!

    If you spot anything else that doesn't look quite right, or even if you want to just ask a question about it, please report it here: Version Eight Bugs Thread


    Laura & Joe

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