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  1. #1
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    Default Is it ever OK to sleep with someone for money? [ENDS 15/04/2012]

    Is it ever OK to sleep with someone for money?
    Ends: 15/04/2012

    There have been statistics released earlier this year that a greater number of British students have been turning to prostitution in order to help fund their education. This statistic may actually grow with tuition fees for tertiary institutions across Britain being raised three times from this September.

    Prostitution has been deemed as somewhat taboo in the past. However, with references being so "out there" at the moment, people have found it increasingly more acceptable to subject themselves to such a industry. Supporters for this debate argue that it would be OK to exploit this and turn it into a positive, such a getting money to feed a baby or for the above case of education. They also say that sex has become so normal and even irrelevant that making it a sort of business and treating it that way may be no big deal.

    However, those against this say that it firstly is risky in terms of sexual diseases and obviously those in the sex industry have a much higher chance of contracting such diseases. Furthermore, they say it exploits women, making them be treated almost as objects.

    Anyway, the list of arguments can go on and it is up to you to decide which side is more appropriate for you, or whether you would simply take the middle road.
    Former: HabboxLive Manager, Asst. HabboxLive Manager, International HabboxLive Manager, Asst. HabboxLive Manager (Int.), Asst. News Manager, Debates Leader (numerous times) and 9999 other roles, including resident boozehound

  2. #2
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    I think it's okay and is something that should be made more acceptable. Sex is normal, everyone will at some point in their life do it so why should we treat prostitution like something that is wrong? If someone likes sex enough to get paid for it, why not let them? If someone needs extra money to pay off debts or student loans and they're okay with doing it, why not let them? It's their body, their choice. I feel if it treat it like something that shouldn't be done, people are going to end up in bad situations because they had to do it on their own or through dodgy places and because it was so frowned up, nothing could be done to prevent it whereas, if we set up some agencies where people can apply for jobs or apply for someone for the night, things can be done properly, checks can be done regularly and you know that the people on both sides are safe.
    thanks lucpix for the cute sig xo
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  3. #3
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    I disagree, You see Sex is classed as something for someone in a relationship not to be shared in my opinion, and its not exactly a normal job. I would look down apon someone who sells their body for money- also many girls get forced into this was of life, so by making it legal for them to do it would throw a massive loop hole in the legal system, Seeing girls on the street trying to sell their bodies while on the way to get a take away is not a great night for me sorry to say.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kanzar View Post
    I disagree, You see Sex is classed as something for someone in a relationship not to be shared in my opinion, and its not exactly a normal job. I would look down apon someone who sells their body for money- also many girls get forced into this was of life, so by making it legal for them to do it would throw a massive loop hole in the legal system, Seeing girls on the street trying to sell their bodies while on the way to get a take away is not a great night for me sorry to say.
    I can see your point, about girls being forced into it and that's when I think it's not acceptable. In situations like that, then of course action needs to be taken to sort it out but in situations where the person is willingly doing it, rather than being forced, I'm okay with it.
    thanks lucpix for the cute sig xo
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  5. #5
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    Well I think, it's up to them but don't do it under age limit as well a;so if someone is forcing you, you should tell someone and not go into it as it can lead into baby's etc.

    Even if you have a condom on that little rip can count and you may have a baby to look after at a not so good age.

  6. #6
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    I think that this debate has just all kinds of wrong in it, allow me to explain:First of all, lets talk state-wide. In some cities if there's a lot of prostitutes on the street( underage and old n' wrinkly), it leads many people to think that the street is dirty. Plus some kids( you know what I mean, eighteen or something) aren't emotionally prepared to have sex with someone, let alone a total stranger. I mean, isn't that half of Katy Perry's Last Friday Night?( not such a good example tbh...) And, also, I agree with @vampirism; , it's their decision and they can mutilate their bodies however they want. But, if they do whatever they want doesn't that break the whole society? I mean, pretty much the whole country of America( dont know how London or them works,) runs on the basic foundation of you follow a specific ruling and benefit from the rewards i.e when you go to work, you have to do what your told or, well, your pretty much fired( unless you do better then you're told to do), but if when you worked you just started to do the opposing of your main goal, it would tilt the balance of ordinary. Of course, some of you may argue that Prostitution IS a job, and to that I would agree, that it's perfectly okay for people to continue with prostitution, but if they don't have the necessary protection and balance with their lives( i.e. ready to support a baby), then it would be wise of them to abstain from economical sex. I also understand that some prostitutes are doing this for tuition? This is a very stupid route to take in my opinion, partly because this is NOT THE ONLY JOB YOU CAN GET TO PAY TUITION, AND NOTHING YOU DO DURING SEX IS GOING TO GET YOU PAID ANY HIGHER. This is a vital sentence because many women think that if they arouse their client more, they will dish out a higher payout. THIS IS STUPID, STUPID, STUPID WRONG!! No matter how hard you try, the laws of trying again just aren't in use here, simply because with sex and prostitution, you don't win. And many girls that submit to prostitution are under the age of 21, and how the heck to heaven and BEYOND are you going to pay for a baby that you don't even know the father to? For my final opinion: I think that prostitution is unhealthy for hygiene reasons( genital warts, AIDs, herpies, ect, ect, ect, ect,), is dangerous( I mean, what if the guy you were 'doing' was a stalker/serial killer? Slim chance, yes, but still...), and is just gross( considering the 'modest'(sarcasm) appearance you put on the street. Also, prostitution affects the way people perceive you, as well.). So, my final sentence, just abstain from it if you don't want more trouble.

  7. #7
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    I think as long as protection is in place then it's okay. Problem is that you don't really know what some of these girls are spending money on or even if they get the money and it's not going to some pimp. There's a murky underworld that is keeping it a taboo. Personally, I'd hope it would always be a last resort for someone and there should be systems in place to stop people from feeling that the only thing they have to offer is their bodies.

  8. #8
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    In all fairness im quite Self minded, Once i focus on something i wont be swayed round to anyone else s ideas, and we all get brought up to believe that prostitution is wrong, I disagree selling your body is not a job, nor is it a way of making sustainable means, for instance people don't agree with photo editing in adverts, this is like picking the person you like most then using them for an hr and never seeing them again, not right at all in my opinion.

  9. #9
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    I don't really feel strongly about the matter to be honest. There is a very real risk of pimping (And all the organised crime that comes with it, guns, drugs etc) which should be treated very harshly but if a woman is selling money on her own accord for sex I don't really feel she's doing anything wrong (Providing she's not standing on street corners etc). I don't buy into the whole excuse that people desperately need to do it for money though. There's plenty of other jobs out there and one's where you won't lose the respect of people for your job.
    Last edited by Jordy; 02-04-2012 at 10:16 PM.

  10. #10
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    Personally, I see little problem with it. The main one in my eyes is that it is just objectifying women (well most likely because you don't tend to get male prostitutes). I saw a bit of Secret Diaries of a Call Girl on ITV2 and it just showed a perspective of prostitution which isn't too bad. It is up to the individual because if they understand the consequences, they protect themselves and they need to make a living, then it's their decision. Overall as long as it causes no harm to the general public i.e. you keep it private and protection is used, then I really don't see a problem.


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