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  1. #1
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    Default Should Animal Testing Be Banned?

    Animal testing is something that regularly happens in the cosmetic industries in order to test their new products before putting them out on the shelves. However, many people stand up against companies that test their products on animals, and refuse to buy any products that aren't "Cruelty-free".

    For this month's debate, do you think that testing produts on animals should be banned? Or, do you think it is a valid part of the production process.

    Let me know your thoughts below!


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  2. #2
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    Personally I don't care to some degree... Like I wouldn't wanna watch a pig/rabbit or whatever struggle to break free whilst I watch people smother them with untested products, much like I wouldn't want to watch my cow being butchered before I eat it, but I still eat meat knowing the process, and I'll still buy products knowing they were tested on animals.

    I like to believe in this day in age that if there was a better solution for testing products we'll have done it by now, especially with all the protesters out there and whatnot, just like there is now a whole different market for vegan burgers and meat in general which apparently taste extremely similar to meat, even with the same vitamins you get from meat added into the vegan products, sometimes even more... I know there is alternatives to testing on animals, such as lab grown cells, but without looking into it, I assume there is some drawbacks to going down that route, whether that be the timescale, cost, effectiveness or all 3.. Who knows, but unlike vegan options, you don't have to try and get the whole world to change and switch to the new alternative, with animal testing, you only need to get the individual companies to switch to the alternatives, which is far easier, yet still hasn't fully happened, which tells me that the alternative isn't 100% yet, as I like to think any company would choose an alternative that's 100% the same as testing on animals.

    So no, I don't think it should be banned, at least not yet, when whoever it is that is working on the alternative creates it 100% and the cost the same, or similar, then I'd agree it needs to be banned.
    And in my opinion the same applies for vegan meat, I wouldn't care if they banned meat if the alternative is the same price, same taste.... heck they even have a lab and a loads of peoples job to ensure that vegan meat smells, sounds, looks and feels the same when raw, being cooked and being sizzled etc...

    Fyi, I've Googled none of this, so idk if what I'm saying is accurate anymore, used to be once upon a time when I read about it probably years ago lol, but to my knowledge it is still correct, feel free to prove me wrong

    There's another shooting today, and this one was bad
    I'm glad that we all hope and pray, but it takes more than that
    We've been trying, we've been crying
    Hoping that they will do more than keep lying
    I need to believe that people can change
    Or else this life has all been in vain
    What's the point of fighting if we're fighting for a lie?

    I'm not senDing sublimInal messagEs to rule breakers
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  3. #3
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    Faced with the choice of humans dying in agony from horrific diseases, conditions and illnesses... or the animals, I am afraid it isn't a question for me. All of us have benefitted from this research and will continue to do so, even with the prospect now of modifying animal organs and transplanting them into humans to save lives. At the end of the day, an animal doesn't think twice about its own survival when faced with another animal or prey, and nor should we as a species.

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  4. #4
    MadameJaquack's Avatar
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    It’s a tough one to have a set opinion on in all honesty. I think it should be noted that animals aren’t used for cosmetic testing as widely as they used to be, at least not in the UK, as so many alternatives have been discovered/created!!! A lot of scientists actually use isolated cells and tissue, or bacteria but there is some instances where animals are still needed as the alternatives just don’t offer the same results. In the UK there’s a piece of legislation called the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act which basically states that animals have to be used as minimally as possible and only when no other alternative is available, and they’ll have to abide by the Animal Welfare Act when housing the animals to ensure they have food, water, enough space etc (hi can you tell I studied animal behaviour and welfare for 4 years). I do think that the media and organisations like PETA radicalise it quite a lot

    but anyway ye if there’s absolutely no other alternative is available and it’s important research (like for vaccinations, medical treatments etc) then it’s okay as long as all legislation is being followed

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