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Thread: Habbox Adverts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

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    Default Habbox Adverts

    It seems every month there is a number of threads about the adverts you see on HabboxForum or other Habbox websites. A lot of time it is users complaining about the advert being incorporate or other times there has been a false hit by some over protected Anti-Virus software. This thread will explain what any of these are all about and hopefully cut down the number of threads on the matter.

    Inappropriate Adverts

    Adverts are NOT controlled by Habbox - These are Google adverts and at times due to various reasons it can show adverts that you may considered inappropriate adverts. You shouldn't have been going on them naughty websites! But in all seriousness we cannot do anything about them unless you grab the link of that specific advert and send it to Jin.

    Jin isn't always active and blocking may take some time so I suggest you do the following:

    You can customise the settings for the adverts you see by Google and you can do that by going to: - This will also help reduce the amount of inappropriate adverts you see on websites like Habbox.

    False Virus Alerts

    If you have a crap Anti-Virus or an Anti-Virus that is over-sensitive then it will probably block an advert and display a message saying it is a threat. The majority of the time this is incorrect and there is nothing wrong with the advert. Most of the time if you are using a browser such as Google Chrome they will stop you from visiting the site if any malware is on it. Habbox, HabboxForum and all other Habbox sites are safe to use and these threats are false.

    If you are using McAfee security products of any sort - Please un-install and find better software. I suggest you use Microsoft Security Essentials and you can download it by going to:
    Last edited by xxMATTGxx; 18-08-2012 at 11:11 PM.

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