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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Compare yourself...

    Okay so that other thread on running and how a load of us are like active and have lives and stuff got me thinking.

    What do we all think we're like now compared to our past selves? Like think about how you've changed over the past 5 or 10 (idk, you pick depending on what works for you) years, specifically in relation to the forum as well.

    Five years ago I believe I was working in the Help Desk absolutely buzzing for a new year of HxSS, totally planning to not leave my room for the next two weeks to rack up those points for Black team lol.
    And now I have not the best job but something I really bloody love doing surrounded by coworkers who are basically my second family. I want to say my awkwardness has subsided but actually it's more like it's changed into something I can work with, like for example I genuinely enjoy talking to people now which is still a relatively new thing for me.

    I actually typed out a few more sentences for what I was like in summer 2013 but I don't wanna spill my life story to you all and then have everyone else post like "five years ago I was 5ft10 and now I'm 5ft11" or some impersonal shit (flyingjesus dont even think about posting that as a joke now) while I'm here like "IT ALL STARTED WHEN INTERSOCIAL WAS MEAN TO ME IN THE HELP DESK..." so I'm gonna see what you guys come up with and then maybe post more if you inspire me.

    SO YEAH make me feel nostalgic with your life success stories (could've renamed this thread 'How did you get a life?') or entertain me with your failure stories lol.

  2. #2
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    Hard one...

    10 years ago I was just floating through life without a care in the world and just addicted to games with a really unhealthy lifestyle, not active at all, not social at all, etc.

    5 years ago I changed my unhealthy lifestyle slightly, had a niece and nephew so someone else to annoy and was a few months into my first serious relationship so was madly in love. I was still stupidly addicted to the internet and games and had an unhealthy lifestyle (wasn't active at all and was anti social still, just ate less shit).

    Now I'm the opposite and have a really healthy lifestyle, still get to annoy my niece and nephew at least once a week for like 8 hours (love) (which is more than I used to see them even though I'm now 40 minutes away), I exercise about 9 times a week so I'm very active now and I actually love it and can't wait to go for a run, to the gym, etc which I never thought would ever happen, even going back to the running thread I done a charity 5k yesterday, have a 15k obstacle race next month and another 9 or so races coming up which I'm doing with groups of 4-29 friends which goes up to 20 mile distance.. which if you went back a few years I couldn't run 20 meters never mind 20 miles and had 1 friend irl who was also my gf... I have absolutely no interest in games now (I don't think I've launched a game since December last year) and couldn't care less if I wasn't on the internet for days. I'm trying to be a lot more social too like going out for meals with friends etc which I've never done before really, I'll also be going on nights out etc which I would always avoid before as I don't drink.

    So yeah quite a lot changed, in most aspects of my life I'm a lot happier now than I ever have been, only one aspect I'm not happy with

    Oh also, I've always been very self conscious about pictures of myself so straight up refused to have any pictures taken of me and I would hide from pictures lmfao where as now I'm happy to sit for a picture and couldn't care less when people take them. I also actually have hair now where as for the last 15 years I've just cut my hair to like 2mm anytime it got long enough to stick up.. now my hair is a lot longer and I try to style it �� life story over.

    Wait one more thing.. I also think I've always been fairly selfish and typically got my own way, and although I tried to make certain people happy I do think deep down I did try to get something out of it for myself too? Where as this year is probably the first time I have truly prioritised someone over myself and what I think/want doesn't matter only their happiness does?

    Okay it's way past my bed time and I get far too weird and open when I'm tired so time to sleep.
    Last edited by scottish; 23-07-2018 at 11:48 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Five years ago I was approaching my first year anniversary with my then-girlfriend. I think by that point we had moved away from Blackpool and were about to move into an apartment together in London. It was a very transitional time in our lives, but I was happy despite some bad moments here and there. The following two years were fairly stable, then everything went to shit.

    These days I am very pessimistic and feel my best years are already behind me. I stopped visiting Habbox from like 2012 until 2017, so I don't have any forum specific memories from those times. I have a stable job, but haven't progressed at all in terms of a career, though I am just two months away from getting a Masters degree. Thinking back to how I used to be five years ago is so surreal. I've fallen so far, but I stuck it out and I'm still here, so I guess that's something. I hope the next five years are good to me.

    Ten years ago I would have probably just finished college for the summer. Honestly, those were some of my best times. I didn't know anybody in my class when I started, but everyone was really nice and I made two very close friends. I always had a tight group of friends in school, but this was the first time I connected with anybody else so strongly. Back then I was kind of timid — I wish I had been more outgoing so I could have gotten to know some of the other people in my class better. I guess I'm a lot more easy-going now, but at the same time I'm kind of hopeless.

    The first half of 2008 and late 2012/early 2013 were the best times of my life. The first half of 2012 and pretty much the entirety of 2017 were the worst times of my life. This year has been extremely unremarkable. I'm certainly a more independent person now (though there are a few conflicts in my life that I can't resolve alone, and the person that could help me isn't around), but my general well-being has regressed. Just over five years ago, I had barely a care in the world. I was so deeply in love that every day was a delight. We lived in a tiny little apartment, but it didn't matter. I would skip uni for weeks just to stay with her, and we would roam around and find things to do during the day, and get wasted on cheap alcohol during the night. On my days off now, I usually end up buying a bottle of vodka and get drunk alone.

    I always tried to be decent and kind and loving, and people always tell me as much, but I got royally **** over and it messed me up. Now, more than ever, I realise that life is pretty darn hard, and no matter how hard you work at it, or how much you think you know somebody, nothing is ever certain. The things I've been through have made me stronger, but they've also made me sad. If people need me, then I'm there for them, but it doesn't seem like anybody is there for me. As somebody who struggles to find a purpose without companionship, that's kind of soul-destroying. Five years ago I thought my life was going in the right direction, now I feel like it's going in no direction.

    Sorry to be a downer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Writing my version of it in the condition of being one of the younger members of this community, so do not expect HIGH happenings, but still...

    ...Ten years ago, I was a boy of ten, and discovered the miracle of broadband internet. You know, that one that are 100 times faster than the dial-up connection and my parents wouldn't mind having us using it daily because, opposing to the internet via phone, we wouldn't be charged per minute of use, or something like that. I discovered Youtube and just got thrilled by the idea of watching my fav songs anytime and stuff. Got my first experiences with online friends in a Sonic-related Orkut community (equivalent of Facebook pages but with the same functionality of a discussion forum, with threads and everything) which obviously was TERRIBLE because I was a kid and, obviously, it'd be super hard to get along with the other dudes which generally were much more older but none of them were nothing but great Sonic fans just like me so never too serious's happened lol. My best friend at the time (and NOWADAYS) is a dude called Patrick which, in Portuguese, sounds like "Pah-Tree-Ck", you know?? Also, a big fan of Sonic and turns out he's one of the VERY few people in the world I know in person which shares the same taste about it. If there's one reason why our bond was also SO strong and easy is because he never cared too much about appearances and "coolness" and at the time I was such an introvert ant. His creativity always fascinated me and he was always an AWESOME storyteller and we can chat about anything and we extract something interest, a philosophy about it. He's in a far city right now and we don't converse as often as we used to do in the past but he's definitely got a special place in my heart and he's a solid reminder that I'm not alone in this world, after all. Oh, and we programmed some RPG maker games too and I think it's a memento of our strong friendship, haha. I still play it these days, it's just surprising how it is compatible with the most modern PCs.

    Five years ago (when I was 13-14) I was spending all my energies on an art class I've signed in. The kind of art we prioritized was the manga and as you can imagine, the whole classroom was always filled with aficionados for the eastern culture and, because it was a circle of people of different ages and totally unrelated to school, they were somewhat more easy to have conversations with and I wouldn't need to fear being judged or bullied, even though it wouldn't normally happen in my life. I went to anime/game conventions with the $10 my parents would proudly give me and that would only make me able to buy some sushi or a small souvenir, like a ramen-eating Naruto or similar, but I didn't care too much, it was always about having a quality time with some known and unknown non-judgmental human beings and the simple act of walking and talking with them would be enough to make me feel like the happiest guy in the planet, tasting an emerging feeling of freedom and independence, pretty much finding myself in the world, really. I still remember one day when I was coming home, 11nd of May of 2012, on a rainy evening, with a newcomer boy which was prolly just a little bit older than me. I think that was the very first time I fell for somebody in my entire life, even though everything's happened so quickly. Something about the way he would talk about his life and would ask me questions with REAL interest on the whole thing (a rare thing back then) made me think about him for a long time. He's felt the same thing because it didn't take too long and we started to play games together and just help ourselves with our teen struggles, etc. One of these days, he asked me if I was bi/homosexual because of the group of people I'd hang out with and go to the cons and I just answered him with a "no" because I didn't have a certain answer for it at the time, or I didn't want to share it with everyone for one reason or another. I regret it so much ahhaha I don't know... what if we happened to get together or something? If I had a time machine, obviously I'd try to make it work but, come on, this is a giant world.

    I seriously believe the best life's got to offer for me is sooner or later coming, whatever are the causes. I'm regularly called up to work on a pharmacy my dad used to be a staffer of years ago, and with it I win enough cash to pay my part of the bills and part of it I can buy for my own amusement. But, still, I also seriously think I am pretty much living the worst times of my life... so far. It's been YEARS since I kept in touch with my high school friends (even Patrick) and I've been letting myself down because I did cast reading and some other healthy hobbies aside to give place to some mundane things, but it's changing. Also, a terrible thing has happened quite recently, like 24 hours ago: I've had to say goodbye to a good online friendship that I cultivated for almost, ALMOST one year. One of the best friends I've ever had, my brother (not by blood) and the responsible for my fulfillment over the last months so now I just feel empty and a bit hopeless. I wonder if it wouldn't be better to have him by my side (even in the condition I was) rather than losing him forever. I'm not sure of anything now and it's still hard to know if I made the right decision. That person was my salvation but, in the end, demanded so much of my emotional energies that it sucked me dry instead and made me to lose a bit of my capacity of FEELING some stuff, you know? Hoping it's just temporary because I know that, in the past, I was just happy and independent and productive in a moment when he was just a stranger and now a recovery is necessary. I have absolutely nothing and the only thing that can give me hope again is the perspective of having a place to learn and meet some new people. Well, like a college. I've been feeling very lonesome, not as in "solitude", but just empty, clueless about what to do next. Art helps a little but, now, it's hard not to associate my production with my former friend because EVERYTHING I've done since last year had him as an inspiration, even if unconsciously. Got no courage of just calling my old friends out of the blue so, instead, I'll just strive for a new life, because I scarcely think it's even commenced.

  5. #5
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    10 years ago I had no aspirations and had recently left school. Relationship was shaky. Started College, starting to drive.

    5 years ago. Got a degree, became a teacher, secured full-time employment, new partner, first holiday in nearly 10 years, can drive.

    Today. New job, buying a house, visited 20+ countries.

  6. #6
    Ekelektra's Avatar
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    I’m always thinking about the past me, sometimes I get so nostalgic and think about how I miss the past me because somethings were way better, but of course some things now are better too.

    10 years ago I was 12 in my first year of high school and had a group of friends of about three sometimes four or five. But there were three of us who were tight although the other two were always fighting and I would be in the middle of things. I was (still am) pretty awkward and quiet and my friends were very outgoing which is why I was in the middle of their fights. My best friend got a boyfriend at one stage and suddenly completely shut us all out to spend time with him and I remember being so upset. I always hated PE because I would make a fool of myself and I would feel so sick about going to school on those days.

    5 years ago was my last year of high school. My friendship group had changed completely. One of my friends and also my best friend from before had shut me out and I had no idea why. One of her friends told me he knew why and he understood why she did it but I had no clue so I was so confused and hurt. Somewhere in between I had moved up to a gifted program so maybe she was upset because we weren’t in classes together but I’ll never know. I had a new friendship group though which was fine and also year 12 was awesome because we were the oldest and we had a common room with microwaves and kettles lol so cool.

    Later that year and early the next year so like 4 and a half years ago I was really lonely. I was already insecure about friendships because I never had much luck with them and after high school, I never talked to anyone again. I got probably what was social anxiety after reaching out but not getting much in return so I kind of just went into a shell and was so so lonely especially since I had quit here at the same time as finishing school. Looking back now my emotions back then were a little out of wack and I wonder if it was the start of my body trying to say ‘something’s not right’ haha because a few months later, this time 4 years ago I found out I actually have a heart condition.

    Now that’s the biggest thing in my life and takes up my time. Definitely not something I would see myself doing at 22. It kind of secretly stresses me out although everyone thinks I’m so chill. But since finding that out I’m a lot more relaxed. Still quiet and shy and awkward but not depressed about my lack of friends and since then I got a retail job which has made me so much more confident. I completed university although I didnt know and still dont know what I want to do with my degree. I still don’t have any friends lol but because I’m working I’m socialising so it’s kinda ok.

    So yeah the biggest changes have been my health and relationships. And that’s enough sharing haha.

  7. #7
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    well i've had bigger changes in my life the past year than the past 5-10 years

    10 years ago I was battling everyday with different mental illnesses and family problems

    same concept 5 years before. easier in some ways harder in others.

    it's only the past year ive improved my life and people have said ive really come out of my shell. ive battled anxiety (and social anxiety) for over 10 years now and I finally have accepted I am who I am and I may not fit in in some ways but i'm fine just as I am. I have lots of good qualities and can't compare myself to other people. I've chilled about my life and where it's going, just taking it how it comes. i'm in a new job with better opportunities that gives me more free time. before i'd just sleep and work, sleep and work, now I have better routines, eat better, have the motivation to clean up after myself.

    my self esteem is really good now too, I had problems with body dysmorphia in the past and just general low self esteem. I have someone wonderful who compliments me every day, not just on my looks/body but me as a person and he motivates and encourages me every day.

    @Neversoft; I hope things get better for you! Last year I felt the same, that there was no purpose in my life and I was going nowhere but I've made changes to my life and i'm feeling a lot happier. if you ever wanna talk feel free to hit me up.
    Last edited by buttons; 24-07-2018 at 06:46 PM.

    pigged 25/08/2019

  8. #8
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    Hands down the most interesting thread of this subforum in years - And what a good timing! Considering the stuff I'm struggling with. So cliche, saying that I'm relieved seeing other people've been there, even when we are not necessarily talking about ROMANTIC issues.
    Last edited by LUCPIX; 24-07-2018 at 07:12 PM.

  9. #9
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    Ok cool yeah you've all really faced up to my challenge so I'm prepared to share a bit more now as well.

    Right 10 years ago I was boringly young so let's not even bother talking about that.

    Five years ago like I said I was pretty much living on Habbox. Like 2013 was a shit year for me (most years were up until the end of 2016 onwards really) as I had very few friends. That was around a time where I'd managed to make myself 3 really great friends and we were like a fierce group of 4 until one of them did some really horrible shit to me that I still struggle to talk about today and then dumped me and turned the other two against me now. Like I still think about what happened back then sometimes and have to physically cringe away from my own thoughts, it's horrible.

    But anyway yeah because I suddenly had 0 real life friends I turned completely to Habbo and Habbox, spent all the time I possibly could online, wouldn't talk to anyone outside of the house and basically never left my room except to go to school when I was forced to. My attendance was at something like 65% because I'd skive so much to come home and piss about on Habbo all day. I remember a few times Cerys and I actually made pacts to skip school the next day together. Also Intersocial and I used to stay up until literally 4 or 5 in the morning most nights (sometimes he wasn't around but I would still stay up) and I'd then get up at 6:45am for school the next day and be a total zombie... was such a dark time in hindsight but at the time I thought staying up that late was the coolest lol.

    So spent all my time online and totally used Habbo/x as a social crutch to compensate for my lack of social interaction elsewhere. In one sense I'm so glad I had Habbo because it's better than being completely alone but I wonder if I would've gotten to a point where I'd forced myself back into the real world if I hadn't had the Hotel to hide behind... Also because I used the internet as my only means of talking to people it meant I experienced literally EVERYTHING online so I was actually really nasty sometimes just because I needed an outlet. But obviously that wasn't fair of me and I treated some people, even if they were only in passing and I was mean to them out of the blue for an hour, really badly and I wish I hadn't.

    Oh well, anyway onto 2018:
    Like I said I'm working and I'm actually happy now. 2017 was a really rocky year for me in terms of family members like dying and I started uni, had a smallish breakdown and then subsequently dropped out of uni. But also it's hands down the happiest year (other than 2018 which has been a million times better and I'm super psyched for 2019) despite all that so that's really nice.

    I think for the first time in my life I've gotten to a place where I've realised that I'm way far from perfect but I actually love that about myself. I certainly still have ups and downs but I don't have to hide behind anything (e.g. the internet) anymore, I'm happy just being myself and working to make myself laugh. I wonder if sooner or later I'm gonna have to start pushing myself in terms of career and stuff but for now I know I need to enjoy myself for a while and not worry.

    In short, life is way better now than it was five years ago. But regardless I wouldn't change all those years I wasted on Habbo/x for the world - I definitely wouldn't be who I am now if I hadn't had to grow out of being that socially anxious overweight awkward young teenager with no friends.

    OH ALSO quick addition I love all your stories, thanks so much for taking this so seriously wtf everyone!!!
    And @Neversoft; I know you don't know me at all but that royally sucks for you and it's always awful to see a fellow HxFer who's sad. Same as Jen, if you ever wanna scream at someone who's far removed from your situation and won't judge, I'm pretty good at stuff like that. No pressure though.

  10. #10
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    Okay this is a wonderful thread full of ups and downs and I hope everyone who’s currently down that things get better for you soon x

    10 years ago I was 14 and hadn’t discovered Habbox yet. I’d only just moved over to New Zealand from the UK so I was mainly adjusting to my new life and all the different culture/slang/schedules etc. I had a few friends I’d clutched onto for support but most of those I wasn’t friends with the year after. I’d always been a quiet person but moving to NZ and getting used to a new culture was definitely the catalyst for me and my social anxiety. It was a weird year of my life and not one I really like to look back on.

    5 years ago I was 19 and in my first year of University. Another weird year but not in a bad way, just more and more adjusting to new things. I had one best friend from high school and several other acquaintances like my flat mates, best friends flat mates, people in my classes etc. I also met my current boyfriend and we started dating in December that year.

    The year after my best friend flipped out and turned all my other friends against me and screwed me over for my flat bond etc so my social anxiety got the worst it’s ever been.

    Now I’m still struggling with my social anxiety so don’t have a huge amount of friends but I’m actually the happiest I’ve been in a long long while. My boyfriend and family are awesome and lovely, I finished Uni a while ago with a first, and landed myself a great job in my field which I’ve been doing for well over a year now.

    Basically Habbox has been a great distraction throughout the years for some of my struggles, providing some sort of normality and friendship, so thanks for being there guys!

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