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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    It's a load of rubbish.

    The Earth has heated and cooled MANY times before, did you know in the middle ages we could grow Grapes outside?, were there any factorys then? No there weren't.
    What the hell are you talking about? Grapes can still be grown outside. They're grown in factories now because they are grown faster and much better. Business society.

    Scientists overwhelmingly say that global warming is real, and we are causing it. I dont understand how some people can believe the Avian Flu is going to kill us all, but not believe global warming is real.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan2nd View Post
    We didn't cause Global warming its actually been happening for millions of years way before humans even existed. As silly as it sounds dinosaurs even contributed to global warming by farting. As even more rediculas as it sounds there has been proof cows farting actually contributes. I do agree however pollution has made it worse.
    But that is different, all the dinosaurs could do is fart. Dinosaurs didn't build factories or anything, we do. EVERYWHERE. We are adding to Global Warming.

    Quote Originally Posted by -Wolverine View Post
    We're not the only ones contributing to global warming, so are cows and other animals. Methane gas from cows is more toxicating to the world than our factories or something, apperently.
    Yeah, blame it on the cows.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neversoft View Post

    Yeah, blame it on the cows.
    Yeah those damn cows ruining our good earth. ;[

    But what I meant by that was that like if cows let methane gas out as much as factories let smoke and gas out, the cows would have more damage.

  4. #14
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    yeah its definitly happening because of us ;/


  5. #15
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    They have quite abit of evidence that in the creatious period before the dinosaurs were wiped out there was a LOT of global warming going on, there was gasseous vents everywhere, volcanos were spouting out gasses, there were even zones where the air was so thick with gass you'd die fairly quickly if you were a medium sized animal.
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  6. #16
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    They have quite abit of evidence that in the creatious period before the dinosaurs were wiped out there was a LOT of global warming going on, there was gasseous vents everywhere, volcanos were spouting out gasses, there were even zones where the air was so thick with gass you'd die fairly quickly if you were a medium sized animal. So look what happened then? Major whipe-out, started from scratch, if we're not careful the earth will a) not handle all the pressure and everything will collapse, b) the earth will "cleanse" itself by purging everything off the earth and starting anew.
    I Threw My Pitchfork In Your Haystack Last Night
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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedStratocas View Post
    What the hell are you talking about? Grapes can still be grown outside. They're grown in factories now because they are grown faster and much better. Business society.

    Scientists overwhelmingly say that global warming is real, and we are causing it. I dont understand how some people can believe the Avian Flu is going to kill us all, but not believe global warming is real.

    Strange how you don't see grapes growing naturally.., Scientists are talking absolute garbage, what about all the other warm periods and all the other cold periods?

    This Global Warming is natural, the earth changes all the time.

  8. #18
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    Actualy both stances are right.

    Global warming is NOT caused by humans. Global warming is a NATRUAL proccess. All where doing is MASSIVLY speeding it up.

    No, global warming isnt the end of the world, the earth works in cycles. Carbon emssions build up, more and more heat builds up, more and more water evaoprates and is traped in cloud, earth drys out, But eventaly clouds get to hevey from to much water, and plumet back to earth, Rair water picks up the carbon and takes it with it, clearing out the green house gas's.
    Now theres so little of em, the world freezes, we have an ice age. Becuse of lack of rain, carbon emissions start building up again. The cycle begins again.

    Ok, so its natural? no problem, right?

    WRONG. its a big problem, since although it wont destroy the world, its not going to do us any good. We are what is at risk of destrcution, Maybe we cant survive the exstream heats, maybe we can survive another ice age. But it aint gona do are specices alot of good, are population will plumit, humanilty willl likly risk exstinction "/
    So speeding up this process is most definilty not good for us, we want it to be a slow as possible to give us more time to at least exist, if not become techniolgy serfisctated enough to survive the comming changes.

  9. #19
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    The Earth is on a Natural cycle all the time, mass extinctions wipe out the weaker animals so the earth's life can grow stronger, EG When the Dinosaurs went then Mammals appeared.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by welshfirefly View Post
    we have coursed globle warming its pretty clear to see last 1000 years befor the last 150 years rise of 0.5 degrees last 150 years 0.5 degrees we started using coal, electricity was invented,we made cars and planes all in the last 150 years common! unless some1 really old is breeding more cows than they can eat its pretty obvious lol

    and i think we're going to have to live with it untill we have no fossil fules left which isnt long thats unless we get to jupiter then we nackered more oil there to last us 1million years at the rate we're currently using it LOL

    and you cant say its not getting warmer my grandad use to tell us storys of when the themes used to freeze over enuff to skate on thats not even 60 years ago

    good luck great great grand kids me thinks
    The part in bold doesn't make sense, it doesn't matter if we eat the cows, they'll still fart when they're alive. =/

    Yes, when our grandfathers will little there was lots of ice, that doesn't mean global warming started 150 years ago. We've had an ice age, but then the earth warmed up (global warming) and changed, as it has been doing as long as it exists.

    I don't believe in this global warming like most people do, most people take it too seriously.
    I'll take the Netherlands as an example (because I'm Dutch and I don't know anything about the other countries.)
    Last year (2006) we had the hottest July and the wettest August for a long time, this doesn't prove to me that the earth is warming up a lot. Yes, we have had a really hot July, but not the hottest ever messured, the hottest every messured was like 70-80 years ago (can't remember when exactly.) We didn't have many cars back then, so the years after, the earth didn't warm up, it even cooled down, so maybe we're warming up now, to cool down at a later time.

    Secondly, many people think global warming will be the end of the world. WRONG! It'll be the end of the wold as we know it, maybe even the end of humanity, not of the world. All the ice on the world might melt, bad for us, good for the sea creatures, they'll survive or change to survive (evolution), there'll probably still be land, not enough for all the humans and animals alive today, some will die, others will survive or change to survive.
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