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  1. #11
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    and ive just linked you 3 in how they work lol, 1 of which is relating to an actual study

    "see with my own eyes" it's an online video which can easily be edited - notice how he both doesn't compare to vaping without a mask and also commentates OVER most of the video despite the fact you can clearly see his lips move as if he's commentating "live"

  2. #12
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    Here's the American equivalent to our Chief Medical Officer on the wearing of masks.

    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus View Post
    Your own link there actually concludes that the trials it compares were badly done and that they'd recommend mask usage along with other measures - this is what is happening. So no, it's still not a matter of opinion. I really don't want to bring in disclaimers for all your nonsense posts like they do with Trump but if you're going to carry on being dangerously wrong and giving the community harmful advice then it might just have to happen. I'm sure you'd love that so you can claim censorship and have another tantrum, but if you could please try to avoid that by just not posting lies as facts that would be wonderful.
    You're so sure of your argument you're threatening censorship.

    People are free to make up their own minds on masks *and* whether to wear one whether you and the other mask zealots like it or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus
    Interesting that you use the 22,000 figure that I myself gave you after you tried claiming it was double that (a number out of thin air) and once again we should note that corona is not the same thing as flu. You keep talking about how things other than death matter, and yes other factors do matter, which is why you shouldn't carry on ignoring all of the "long covid" symptoms and everything else it affects for those who do not die of it. Once again I shall say that I have no problem with mask usage in flu season like Asian countries suggest, it really is not that much of an inconvenience.
    So you'll consider wearing a mask for all time then, glad we finally got you to answer. I'm not going to wear one for all time and if that makes me selfish so what.

    Let's extend that logic - would you lock down the economy every winter to save the 10,000, 15,000 or 22,000 who die every year from flu?

    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus
    Nice to see yet another personal anecdote from you in lieu of science and facts. Funny how in your eyes an 80 year old dying of corona is just their time being up oh well ladeedaa, but a 99 year old's death means they have been BRUTALLY MURDERED BY THE GOVERNMENT!!! Behave. You cherry pick even among your own falsities just to come up with whatever result you want to spew, and frankly I'd rather you kept away if you're going to encourage my community to act in harmful ways just because you're sad you can't have a beer
    No, they haven't been murdered and I refuse to use silly languages throughout this like you have been, claiming that not believing in a policy is akin to murder. But they have had their quality of life in their final year removed, which is quite likely to have led to their decline in previous good health meaning your desire to "protect" them has actually led to their death. And this is being repeated right across the country where old people are literally wasting away inside their houses because their social activities and lives have been curtailed to protect them from what's essentially a bad flu.

    Perhaps we should have a rolling ticker next year on the news to show all the people dying from undiagnosed/untreated cancers, or a clock which shows the millions of people who've lost their businesses, or one which shows all the homes being lost because people can't pay their mortgages... I could go on and on listing the damage.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz View Post
    and ive just linked you 3 in how they work lol, 1 of which is relating to an actual study

    "see with my own eyes" it's an online video which can easily be edited - notice how he both doesn't compare to vaping without a mask and also commentates OVER most of the video despite the fact you can clearly see his lips move as if he's commentating "live"
    Now the video is a conspiracy theory.

    I have no problem in you wearing a mask if you really feel it does something - but I won't wear one and I refuse to be forced in much the same way I won't be taking any vaccine they rush through. Let the politicians take it first, and we'll see how they get on after 5 years or so and maybe then consider.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 22-11-2020 at 06:44 PM.

  3. #13
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    It's not censorship to alert people that you're talking nonsense, but I knew you'd like that anything to feel big and important eh Dan. Glad you've finally admitted that you're selfish, now if you'd just stop with the lies and falsehoods with regards to the science behind everything we're all good.

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    Just spoke to a friend then who is totally anti-lockdown who's ailing grandmother died earlier this year from Covid-19. Somebody he knows, their grandparent has just passed away because being stuck in basically turned them into a vegetable. But at least he [the grandparent] is safe from Coronavirus in his coffin 6ft under.

    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus View Post
    It's not censorship to alert people that you're talking nonsense, but I knew you'd like that anything to feel big and important eh Dan. Glad you've finally admitted that you're selfish, now if you'd just stop with the lies and falsehoods with regards to the science behind everything we're all good.

    Here's a handy list below of top scientists who disagree with you and the selfish policies you support that are costing people their lives, happiness and homes.


    It's vital people know that just because the government follows a particular policy doesn't make it right or just and that there is a debate out there on all this.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 22-11-2020 at 06:59 PM.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    Now the video is a conspiracy theory.

    I have no problem in you wearing a mask if you really feel it does something - but I won't wear one and I refuse to be forced in much the same way I won't be taking any vaccine they rush through. Let the politicians take it first, and we'll see how they get on after 5 years or so and maybe then consider.

    it's called looking at something critically - why doesn't he show the comparison between with and without a mask? if he's not showing the case without a mask, how can that prove masks don't work?

    and why do you ignore the videos I've shown to you? what makes the one you posted so special?

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    70 MPs are now threatening to vote against anymore measures unless the government can demonstrate (which it hasn't until now) with evidence that restrictions and lockdowns actually save more lives than they cost. Common sense is starting to spread across the land, just read the comment sections.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz View Post
    it's called looking at something critically - why doesn't he show the comparison between with and without a mask? if he's not showing the case without a mask, how can that prove masks don't work?

    and why do you ignore the videos I've shown to you? what makes the one you posted so special?
    You can see from the video the vape escapes everywhere and does virtually nothing. And, that was just one breath he demonstrated. Think of someone wearing a mask taking multiple breaths, walking around and with currents in the wind (both indoors and outdoors) and you can see it is a complete waste of time. If you go into a supermarket, there's dozens if not hundreds of people walking around wearing masks all with that vape coming out of their mask - the idea it is protecting you from catching this virus is nothing other than a false sense of security.

    And I can't watch videos at the moment due to low data I am afraid.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 22-11-2020 at 07:22 PM.

  7. #17
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    I don't care for the debate on mask wearing, however I will say this...

    To anyone who thinks about faking a disability for an exempt card: you are trash.
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    Quote Originally Posted by YellowBelli View Post
    I don't care for the debate on mask wearing, however I will say this...

    To anyone who thinks about faking a disability for an exempt card: you are trash.
    You don't have to fake anything to get an exemption card.

    Nobody has the right to ask about your reasons for not wearing a mask, government advice even states this.

    But given the amount of mask wearing zealots thinking it is their business to prod into other people's clothing choices, an exemption card may help those who wish to avoid the grief of a deranged maniac shouting and screaming at them for exercising their right to wear what they want. Not everyone wants confrontation.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 22-11-2020 at 07:31 PM.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    You can see from the video the vape escapes everywhere and does virtually nothing. And, that was just one breath he demonstrated. Think of someone wearing a mask taking multiple breaths, walking around and with currents in the wind (both indoors and outdoors) and you can see it is a complete waste of time. If you go into a supermarket, there's dozens if not hundreds of people walking around wearing masks all with that vape coming out of their mask - the idea it is protecting you from catching this virus is nothing other than a false sense of security.

    And I can't watch videos at the moment due to low data I am afraid.
    except it doesn't prove anything because he hasn't shown the test case without the mask, that's the point. if the test case without a mask covers more area (which I can only assume it does) then it proves that the masks do work, but he doesn't show it. it would be like saying the colour blue is more popular by showing the number for how many people prefer red

    and the reality is nobodys said a mask going to contain absolutely everything and will singlehandedly stop all viruses spreading ever.

    i suspect you wont bother watching those videos even when data isnt an issue, that or you will just ignore them anyway as it doesnt conform to your desire to not wear a mask

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daily Mail
    So who is dying from Covid-19?

    To put it simply, the victims are overwhelmingly the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions.

    Of the 37,470 Covid-19 deaths recorded by NHS England up to November 18, 53.7 percent were of people aged over 80.

    In comparison, there have been just 275 deaths (only 0.7 per cent of the total) in people under 40.

    And crucially, those who have died from Covid-19 are overwhelmingly likely to have suffered from a pre-existing condition.

    Of those who have died from coronavirus, 35,806 people (95.6 per cent of the total) had at least one pre-existing serious medical condition.

    In fact, there have been just 42 deaths of people aged under 40 without a pre-existing condition.

    Surely more elderly people are dying than normal?

    It doesn’t look like it. According to the latest Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures – for October 2020 – in spite of all the Covid-19 deaths, the average death rate in the over-75s was significantly lower this year than it was last October – 6,901.7 per 100,000 people, compared with 7141.7 for last year.
    Staggering statistics which demonstrate just how hysterical the reaction to this virus has been.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz View Post
    except it doesn't prove anything because he hasn't shown the test case without the mask, that's the point. if the test case without a mask covers more area (which I can only assume it does) then it proves that the masks do work, but he doesn't show it. it would be like saying the colour blue is more popular by showing the number for how many people prefer red

    and the reality is nobodys said a mask going to contain absolutely everything and will singlehandedly stop all viruses spreading ever.
    It appears to make absolutely no difference though, given the situation in Spain with strict mask enforcement versus the situation in Britain.

    If something doesn't make any difference, why do it?

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz
    i suspect you wont bother watching those videos even when data isnt an issue, that or you will just ignore them anyway as it doesnt conform to your desire to not wear a mask
    Even if masks were proven to work to some extent, I wouldn't wear one that is correct. As Lord Sumption said, we should all be free to take the risks we ourselves deem acceptable. I have no qualms or fears going into a crowded bar or public space with zero social distancing and without a mask.

    I didn't wear a mask for the flu in 2018 that killed 22,000 Britons and I have no guilt whatsoever that I did not do so.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 22-11-2020 at 07:44 PM.

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