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Thread: BNP

  1. #21
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    They would ruin the country, and as you said especially on spending although Labour is already doing that for us. The immigrants taking from the system is not a lie if it was a myth then the government wouldn't keep promising to tighten immigration. In those days and even now, they didn't/do not have the welfare system and therefore immigrants who have no intention of working will not go there, they will come to the United Kingdom as we do have the welfare system. Just take a look at where they come from, many travel across various oceans and landscapes just to get to the United Kingdom - I think that tells us a lot. The welfare state that we have, will not allow people to go on the streets and go hungry - fact.

    It does not make sense economically at all, what does make sense is the type of policy that the United States and the majority of the world have in place, and that is controlled immigration. We do not need more sponges, and especially do not need more criminals in this country. The British Empire didn't have an complete open door policy (and those who travelled here and across the Empire to work had no option but to work - as the welfare state was non-existant), the United States doesn't and any developed country it seems, except ours, has that type of "anyone welcome" policy.

    If you leave all that aside regardless of economics, the fact still remains that people do not want uncontrolled immigration, they want some level of control. A lot of these people do not intergrate with the community, they move to areas where other foreign populations live - that is not multi-cultural, that is apartheid in its early stages.

    The Daily Mail and The Sun and other newspapers such as the Daily Telegraph are conservative leaning newspapers and do appeal to the middle class, hence middle england. Middle England is what decides elections and the fact that the Conservative leaning newspapers are some of the best selling newspapers in the country just goes to prove that people are sick of Labour telling lies, people do not want European Union, people want an end to this PC culture that this government & the EU have inflicted on us. The BNP does not appeal to those papers as it actually appeals to Labour voters more, its policies are more in line with the policies of Labour in the past. BNP are the alternative for Labour voters and UKIP are the alternative for Conservative voters, that is the general picture it seems anyway.

  2. #22
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    the reason why they have to say they are going to be 'stong on immigration' is because of the rubbish that is circulated in the media about immigrants. Asylum seekers get £33.77 a week. That's it. That's all. 30% below the poverty line. No penthouse suit in the city, no mini cooper. Immigrants from non-eu countries get almost nothing. And those from the EU, we get refunded from their government. So really, yes it's a myth.

    i know it's the mirror and it's a rag, but at least it puts things into perspective: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-sto...5875-21060227/


    What's so different about the USA to us? It's hard (but not impossible) to get a visa PLUS they have more immigrants as a percentage of the population than us! You make it sound like that if you turn up at heathrow, we'll give them a passport and some house keys whilst they pick up their luggage!

    A LOT is not ALL. A LOT of british immigrants (oh i mean ex-pats) go and live in spain and just are friends with british people. Yet there are some who live with the spanish and integrate. It's both ways.

    The daily mail is a rag. It often makes up rubbish. It has been sued on many occasions. It never says the two sides to each story.

  3. #23
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    They are getting £33.77 too much then, and when you put into perpective how many of them their must be (the government itself doesn't even know) then its just mind blowing. This doesn't even include the ones who turn to crime, and i'm telling it how it is; a lot of people in prison are not orginally from this country. That is a problem from immigration.

    We may get 'refunded' from their government, but I can gurantee that won't include the costs/damages they have done with drugs, crime and so forth, and it wouldn't matter anyway if we got a small refund from their government - we pay their governments billions in the European Union!

    No of course we don't, we don't have any control of the situation at all. The United States is far bigger and is tackling its immigration whereas we are not, the difference between the ones in the United States and the United Kingdom is that the ones who go to the United States have no option but to work/will not control crime, because the United States do not have a welfare system like we do and the United States will deport anyone who commits crime/won't allow them in in the first place.

    I do not accept that study as it claims racial ghettos are a myth when they are not, a lot of migrants do intergrate and thats fine, they should be allowed to stay as long as they do not commit crime/contribute to this country, however racial ghettos do exist and that is not multi-culturalism.

    We're not claiming that we should ban all immigration, of course not as that isn't fair and would damage our economy. What I, Conservatives, UKIP, Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph and most importantly, the people of this country are asking for is some level of control to stop the criminals/sponges gaining access to the United Kingdom. It isn't rubbish to have control, its common sense.

    I can gurantee if it keeps going the way it is now under Labour, in thirty years we will see racial clashes like France had - and that is the last thing we want.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    They are getting £33.77 too much then, and when you put into perpective how many of them their must be (the government itself doesn't even know) then its just mind blowing. This doesn't even include the ones who turn to crime, and i'm telling it how it is; a lot of people in prison are not orginally from this country. That is a problem from immigration.
    We may get 'refunded' from their government, but I can gurantee that won't include the costs/damages they have done with drugs, crime and so forth, and it wouldn't matter anyway if we got a small refund from their government - we pay their governments billions in the European Union!
    Oh for heaven's sake. The hundreds of thousands of people who go to Ibiza every year take drugs and go clubbing. People get into fights with locals on holiday, they get arrested. When I was on holiday in CROATIA (not even the EU), my aunt needed to go to the hospital for VITAL blood treatment or she would die. Guess what, no charge, no forms. Insurance company didn't pay, neither did our government. It was because of a recripricol agreement. Not everyone in the entire world would be queuing up at callais docks if we allowed them all in.
    No of course we don't, we don't have any control of the situation at all. The United States is far bigger and is tackling its immigration whereas we are not, the difference between the ones in the United States and the United Kingdom is that the ones who go to the United States have no option but to work/will not control crime, because the United States do not have a welfare system like we do and the United States will deport anyone who commits crime/won't allow them in in the first place.
    The USA DOES have a welfare system. They have higher numbers of immigrants, numerically and per capita. They aren't even a member of a free-movemnt of people bloc, so it's not like they even move over the border. They just let them in. People who come here have no option but to work because they can't claim.



  5. #25
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    I am sorry, but quite frankly I do not think this country should be forced to accept asylum seekers who have criminal records, infact I think we should have a limit on them. There are around 150 other countrys in the world they can go to, they do not need to come here. We should not be paying for them, and we shouldn't be paying for illegals either. The illegal situation is out of control, people want control.

    They do indeed, and we don't need problems like that here. Infact the problems brought here are far worse, because they include criminal gangs of asylum seekers selling drugs and so forth, they are far worse than any of the people who go clubbing. Our prisons have a lot of foreigners/people who weren't born here in them - that is telling us something.

    The United States and most countrys have a welfare system, however their systems are nowhere near as extensive as ours, that is why the United Kingdom is known for its welfare system. Why do you honestly think these people travel across the whole of Europe/Africa/Asia, then cross the English Channel to come here? - there is something we have, or haven't that other countrys have, control.

    This is just like the European Union issue, people want control yet it seems you are fine with having uncontrolled immigration like we have now, as usual not taking into account what the people want.

  6. #26
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    I used to like some of their policies but since watching "Wives of the BNP" on Sky 1 I changed my mind...

    These women thought it was ok to set up stalls in the middle of a busy high street and preach against the building of a mosque... thats fair enough I'm all for free speech but when ever they were asked to explain their views they got defensive and would make remarks like 'fine you can marry, **** them, and have little brats with them.. as long as you leave the country'.

    They even had some sort of 'BNP fun fair' which looked like a normal fun fair where families got to go on rides etc however the camera crew were asked to leave by the party leader so members could 'talk without fear of saying the wrong thing'.

    Whilst I wouldn't go as far as saying they are all racists and anyone who votes BNP is racist to I do think its slightly worrying the way some of these people behave..
    I’ll be a story in your head, but that’s okay, because we’re all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh? Because it was, you know. It was the best. A daft old man who stole a magic box and ran away. Did I ever tell you that I stole it? Well, I borrowed it. I always meant to take it back. Oh, that box, Amy, you’ll dream about that box. It’ll never leave you. Big and little at the same time. Brand-new and ancient and the bluest blue ever. And the times we had, eh? Would had…Never had. In your dreams, they’ll still be there. The Doctor and Amy Pond and the days that never came.

  7. #27
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    The British National Party do have shady characters in and indeed many are racist from within it, however I completely oppose banning that party as its democratically elected and why should the BNP be banned when other extreme partys such as the Communist Partys & Socialist Partys are allowed to run, when they are far more dangerous than the BNP.

    That is why i'd always say to people to go for UKIP, then again a lot of BNP supporters tend to be from the old Labour and would never vote for a party which was Thatcherite in idealogy.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    The British National Party do have shady characters in and indeed many are racist from within it, however I completely oppose banning that party as its democratically elected and why should the BNP be banned when other extreme partys such as the Communist Partys & Socialist Partys are allowed to run, when they are far more dangerous than the BNP.

    That is why i'd always say to people to go for UKIP, then again a lot of BNP supporters tend to be from the old Labour and would never vote for a party which was Thatcherite in idealogy.
    Democracy is an ironic system though. Even the BNP themselves admit they will use the democratic laws in place now though they have no intention of carrying them through if they got into power. For example having to complete 2 years of military national service to be officially regarded as a citizen and have access to voting and the NHS. Aside from that it's a party of idiots who idolise Hitler and claim rape against women is a myth, enough said really.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    I am sorry, but quite frankly I do not think this country should be forced to accept asylum seekers who have criminal records, infact I think we should have a limit on them. There are around 150 other countrys in the world they can go to, they do not need to come here. We should not be paying for them, and we shouldn't be paying for illegals either. The illegal situation is out of control, people want control.
    You can't put limits on asylum seekers. Some of these people GENUINELY have reasons to move. Not all of those 150 world countries are safe PLUS not EVERY asylum seeker in whole world comes here. We hold less than 2% of all the asylum seekers in the whole world. TWO PERCENT. TWO. And we hold less than the average european rate per capita.
    They do indeed, and we don't need problems like that here. Infact the problems brought here are far worse, because they include criminal gangs of asylum seekers selling drugs and so forth, they are far worse than any of the people who go clubbing. Our prisons have a lot of foreigners/people who weren't born here in them - that is telling us something.
    You make these sound like they are problems unique to the UK. They aren't. Our criminal gangs (ie, british people) operate abroad all the time. They often run off to mainland europe, inc spain and greece. I can't find numbers of foreigners stuck in jail in other countries, but there are over 2500 british in foreign jails.
    The United States and most countrys have a welfare system, however their systems are nowhere near as extensive as ours, that is why the United Kingdom is known for its welfare system. Why do you honestly think these people travel across the whole of Europe/Africa/Asia, then cross the English Channel to come here? - there is something we have, or haven't that other countrys have, control.
    They don't all cross the english channel. Many stop in mainland europe and many stop in the next safest country.
    This is just like the European Union issue, people want control yet it seems you are fine with having uncontrolled immigration like we have now, as usual not taking into account what the people want.
    As someone has said before, we DO have controlled immigration, we were once at a very different type of immigrantion in the 50s/60s.

    It's sad to see your mind has been taken over by Richard Littlejohn as he preaches over broken britain in his house in Florida. An immigrant himself.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cod View Post
    reading this thread has worried me, the support the BNP is getting is scaringly increasing.
    Me too, most of their votes come from people who probably don't fully understand them though, or they are just 'stuck in their ways' as it were. But they will never be in power so I'm not really worried.

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