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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

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    nice find looks good.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Immenseman View Post
    People aren't complaining that he is interacting, that point from what I can see hasn't been raised so where you got that point from only God knows. You quoted my post thus I guess it was in response to my post although it hardly relates. When I use the term immature I don't use it in the sense that he's immature because he plays Habbo.

    I use it in the sense he bans people for grudges he holds leaving other staff having to clean up his errors and banning him from dealing with certain individuals. That wouldn't happen with any one else because they can implement maturity and common sense into each case, rather than brandishing people all the same.

    He doesn't look into things before he bans. Although my ban is now fair, he permed me three time and then didn't remove them. Each time 0rca had to. I don't have the time of day for her either because she has since accused me of being racist and threatened to contact my family :rolleyes: of which I have email proof.

    I don't interact on the client all that much any more. I still visit but don't really get involved in competitions, I found that fun in around 2007. Each to their own mind you. Like my post said he's an active staff member and I think he'd suit the role of Assistant Hotel Manager if he acted a bit more like a staff member i.e not giving his msn/facebook out and getting half-naked photos of himself leaked. You wouldn't find a topless pic of 0rca now would you :rolleyes:

    Anyway, should it be ludus I wish him the best of luck because when you talk to him as a person rather than a staff member he's actually a nice enough guy.
    Ok i'm going to go through these one by one..

    Last time I checked, if i'm right what you're talking about the ban was correct, the person even said it himself.. If anything the other staff were the ones who were unbanning due to personal behaviour / friendships.

    The whole msn/facebook ; he's what? 20? 21? I'll be damned if there's someone out there who uses a computer and doesn't have a BEBO / FACEBOOK / MYSPACE / MSN atleast one of them, it's happened to every staff member.. ie; Lost_witness, Becs, Callie, GlitterKat...bucho6 who's now what? higher than 0rca.. even 0rcas personal address got out i'm sure of it, which she registered her site with and someone seen it on WHOIS? .. so yes 0rca does make mistakes, i think i'd rather have pictures of me with my top off than most of the people on habbo who are completely bonkers knowing my address..

    i quoted your post due to the immaturity comment that's it.

    As for the people complaining.. I'm not talking about this thread, i mean in general people complain when a staff member is too outgoing.. then they complain if they don't talk it's a lose lose sitch!!

  3. #43
    Join Date
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    South Wales

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    I think it's ludus
    "There are only two important days in your life: the day you are born, and the day you find out why."
    Mark Twain

  4. #44
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    it's kaotix12/beat

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    well tbh i hope its ludus, so then atleast maybe, ill get unpermed .... with him not being part of PS

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