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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

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    Default Share your Habbox History!

    Habbox History!

    Since we are celebrating diversity and all that we have achieved, what better way then to celebrate our Habbox History, our individual achievements, thoughts and feelings!

    Please comment below with your Habbox History!

    How long have you been at Habbox?
    What is your greatest Habbox achievement?
    How long have you been staff for?

    Please refrain from posting any nasty comments, this is after all a celebration!

    Like tbl Liked

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

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    How long have you been at Habbox? - Been on and off for a good few years.
    What is your greatest Habbox achievement? - Finding and befriending some amazing people.
    How long have you been staff for? - Again, on and off for a good few years.

    Love Ozad, tbl, jamiexo Loved

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Latest Awards:


    I have worked at Habbox since 27 March 2018, which is just over 3 years now!

    I began my adventure here as an Event Organise, having been convinced to join by Despect, YellowBelli and Ekelektra. I was very nervous and shy when I first started here, however after a few short months I fell right in and ended up joining a couple of other departments and making my way up the ladder to eventually assist in managing two departments!

    The thing I love most about Habbox is the people, they never fail to put a smile on your face when you need it and are always there for you! Habbox has been more like a family to me then a fansite, and I don't know who I would be today without meeting every single one of you.


    Love tbl, jamiexo Loved

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    United States of America

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    I officially joined Habbox in January 2019 after lurking for a couple of months. Kudos to Emily for being a complete stalker and convincing me to join, lol.

    I've learned a lot and met some great people while at Habbox. Some of my favorite memories are with people from Habbox!
    Love Ozad, jamiexo Loved

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

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    Quote Originally Posted by tbl View Post
    I officially joined Habbox in January 2019 after lurking for a couple of months. Kudos to Emily for being a complete stalker and convincing me to join, lol.

    I've learned a lot and met some great people while at Habbox. Some of my favorite memories are with people from Habbox!
    I love this! @sexpot; the lil stalker, she has been a great addition to Habbox over the years! as have you!!

    Love tbl Loved

  6. #6
    Ekelektra's Avatar
    Ekelektra is offline Content Design Manager
    HabboxLive Senior DJ (Erin)

    Join Date
    Jun 2011

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    I joined HabboxForum in June 2011 and I just looked up the date and it was... 10 years ago today! I remember it was around the birthday time because I signed up and entered a birthday comp and won some forum VIP which definitely made me feel welcome

    I hung around in the Help Desk a lot and applied to be staff and was accepted in September 2011. Then I was staff there for two years!! Becoming a senior after one year and assistant manager and then manager. I left in October 2013 and didn't really come on much until actually being asked to come back to HxHD in June 2017. In September that year I joined Content Design and then became the manager a monthish later.
    And then May 2020 I joined HabboxLive which I had been thinking about doing for yeaaars and finally did which has been great. I was also an events organiser for a little bit in 2011.

    So I've been here for 10 years and staff for 6 years all up.

    My greatest achievement as I said in the recent habbox.com interview lol has been HabboxWiki of course which for the past 3 years has just been growing in popularity SO MUCH and sometimes I cannot keep up. But it warms my heart when I see it referenced on Twitter or YouTube or people contact me to add something or I get to teach people how to do it. And of course that is not just my achievement because so many people contribute to it.

    Check out our fabulous wiki!!!
    Love tbl, Ozad, Shannon, jamiexo Loved

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Latest Awards:


    I've been at Habbox since I think April-ish 2018. I was off and on joining events throughout that time, but I was Competitions staff since then. Since then, I've been in multiple different departments, and I've enjoyed every single one I've been in. I don't even remember to this day how I came across Habbox, but I'm glad I did!

    I agree with everyone above in that, my greatest achievement definitely has to be getting myself out there and meeting a bunch of new people. When I joined 3 years ago, never did I imagine that I would meet and become friends with people that would later become some of the most important people in my life. So thankful for everything working out the way it did
    Love tbl, Jarkie, Ozad Loved

  8. #8
    MadameJaquack's Avatar
    MadameJaquack is offline Assistant Events Manager
    HabboxWiki Staff
    Articles Writer

    Join Date
    Oct 2020

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    I remember I stumbled my way into a couple events and clearly had SUCH FUN that I applied to be an events organiser back in October, and (still) pretty proud that I was promoted to senior within a month of joining Then ended up joining content which has been better for me than I ever knew it was lol, guess some part of me has missed the mental research phase of uni so researching for the wiki (and articles!) keeps my brain happy lol.

    BUT just like I think everyone has said, I've been so unbelievably lucky to meet the most amazing people who, despite having never met any of them irl (YET), have made the most incredible changes to my world already. I joined Habbox thinking it would just be a way to fill my time while there was a pandemic and I was between jobs but instead found something so much more special

    just wanted to add a note that while I was writing this Jarkie was watching my dominoes pizza tracker and sending me live updates and tbh I think that's the friendship we all deserve
    Last edited by katejw62; 28-06-2021 at 06:18 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Leeds, England UK

    Latest Awards:

    Red face

    I think I've been a member since about 2011 (that's what my forum account says anyway, not sure about the actual site as I just locked myself out by using the wrong password too many times... LOL)
    Initially I just used it for the rare values, radio and possibly a few competitions I'm not sure. But I always loved it!
    I don't think I used the forum very much at all.

    My greatest Habbox achievement was any awards I've won so far! Such as nicest member/staff and Comps writer hehe. (Not sure if I won an events one I can't remember off the top of my head)

    I have been staff since HxSS 2019 (Pretty much same time as Dyl [Ducklopholiac])about 2 days after I returned to Habbo after a LONG hiatus. (Only came back to give my stuff away then got re-addicted!)
    I initially went to HFFM but soon realised it... wasn't for me shall we say... lol. So came straight to Habbox when I realised they were still a thing! (Which I was VERY happy about hehe)


    Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
    Be kind, always!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

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    So I actually came across Habbox, way way back in the dawn of fansites (dun dun dun) where i was working at other fansites and was actually snooping. (I mean who didn't snoop). I eventually retired in 2012 (yup retirement) and joined habbox as a mini stop shall we say, and ended up joining as DJ and lasted a few weeks before i was getting harassed to re-join said site. I actually met a lot of you back then, but had never connected the dots until recently.

    After another fansite retirement and being harassed again, i decided to rejoin habbox last march . To actually be an unknown, no stigma, no preconceptions and no drama and i actually used an Alias! Its actually a known fact i make alot of choices based on drunk and spontanous or joke like impulses, and this was one of them. But its hilarious looking back to actually see im still here.

    So honestly I have so many personal accomplishments here at habbox. So firstly the radio revival, I mean wow! Its been such a pleasure to be able to have gotton HxL to where it is now, and I am so proud of everyone who has been apart of that journey, weather its suggestion idea's or just booking the odd slot, its just phenomenal to see that we are the most active, and legitimately one of the most popular radios in terms of habbo. Through this i have had the pleasure to teach a wide range of staff different skills and i have found it so rewarding to see them progress and grow both online and off. Mega soppy but #truth . Im just super excited to see what the coming years have in store for hxl.

    I think Last Man Standing was a huge turning point and achievement for me, it shocked lots of people, alot of people in the past have always confided me to this radio manager sterotype box. I can host events, and do lots of other stuff (some skills you have yet to see - MWAHAHAA), alot of friends were actually shocked at the impressiveness and smoothness during the event. It was just super amazing to see everyone come together and create something fun, different and exciting on the client. I can't wait to beat this again next year and up the anti even more - Just watch this space.


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