ManySEOTools is an internet-based company focused on helping individual blog owners and webmasters to be successful in their businesses. The company was launched in 2015 in the hopes that we will be able to build a successful relationship with bloggers and website owners by making them successful. We offer tools like:

1) Plagiarism Checker: The plagiarism checker tool we created is mainly for students, teachers and blog owners to check for any duplicate content online which can either hurt their school grades or search engine rankings. Our tool will compare the results and find similarities to existing content online by using google search engine and other complex algorithm.

2) Backlinks Maker: Our backlinks maker tool creates high-quality links to any website that will boost their ranking up in search engines.

3) XML SiteMap Generator: Sitemap generator will create a sitemap for your website that will allow robots.txt to browse through your website easily. It creates a relationship between pages and other components on your website.

4) Article Rewriter: Our intelligent tool will scan through your content looking for replaceable synonyms and it will rewrite your content in an intelligent manner using millions of synonyms and making it human readable.

For more tools, please visit us at