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Thread: Apple iPhones

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

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    Adoring the plurality of takes around here! Things started to get a bit weird ever since Jobs died. You condensate his entire biography in 3 words, you get "less is more", take it entirely out context and see ourselves on this -hopefully- phase of web-infertility. In my head the absolute amount of habboxers were Apple stans! The only times I ever played with iPhones (and all around Apple products) was in those situations people needed technical support and, surprisingly, with some jazzy assumptions, their issues were solved if not just relieved. The only plausible reason a person would consciously buy an iPhone would be by the imaginary social value it inserts on whoever owns one of them, although it is progressively becoming less consistent as time walks. They're maybe too lazy to give technology a major new upgrade, then they're just on this current wacky phase of obsoleting-down everything we're used to use for the sole purpose of giving the whole scene a fake sense of progress! It's about time they should lose their condition of being the prime unity of reference when it comes to deciding what the other companies' devices should look like; Looking at my programs list at the start menu, more than 60% of them were wired by independent programmers at their bedrooms so I definitely would feel like a bird in a cage with the tight app compatibility. Ironically this post is being written as its writer is eating an apple. bye
    Last edited by LUCPIX; 02-10-2020 at 08:25 PM.

    Like FlyingJesus Liked

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

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    I currently have a SE [1st Gen]. I prefer my Apple IOS compared to Android. I used to have an Samsung S5 then a cheap LG phone. Both took over 9 months to receive any sort of update from Google>Manufacture>Phone Company> Sister phone company. The cameras on both were terrible quality, the software would freeze my phone completely (due to never receiving important security updates in months), and the storage was so small that only the bugware would allow 1 app from google play. The fact that I couldn't put "Don't allow location" on any of my android apps was not acceptable for me or certain apps would require access to "files and contacts" to be able to function properly. If I were to upgrade a phone it would be the second generation SE or a phone directly from Google [Last I checked a Pixel].

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