View Full Version : How Habbox Has Effected Habbo

10-07-2004, 12:52 PM
I've made this thread in the Rare Trading section of habbox, but that was before I noticed this one so im going to start it here also. It would fit with Comments/remarks about Habbox alot better.

I have been on habbo many years, and when I first began rare trading was much simpler.

- Throne = Slowly and Stedily going up

- All 25 Cred Rares = A little less then a Hc sofa

Back then, Most rares that had been in the catalog were all about the same price, a little less then a hc sofa.

I, personally, found rare trading a lot more enjoyable when it was only people who had been on habbo a while who were rare trading.

With Habbox, new, unexpierianced habbos make rare trading annoying. You used to have to learn from trading mistakes to get better at it, but now all you have to do is look at Habbox.

I appreciate Habbox being here because I do not come on habbo as much nowadays and it gives me an idea of what things are worth, but for habbox to say they are not controlling rare values is kind of rediculas. Most rare traders are new habbos, so they refer to Habbox regularly. I know you dont have to go off the prices they list, but what they dont relize is that as soon as they say a rare is going up, most people will follow that pattern. Habbox creats the trend that decides whats going up and whats going down. It may not seem like it controlls rare values, but indirectly it dose.

I'd bet you anything that if Habbox had never started listing Rare Values habbo would be the same it used to be. Thrones slowly and stedilly going up, and most 25 cred rares a little less then a hc, the way it was when I found habbo a little bit more enjoyable and definantly less stressful.

Im not trying to say you should close the Rare Values section of Habbox, but I think you should relize that you have total controll over the rare prices in habbo. I do see how you would belive it is being helpful to less expierianced rare traders, but I belive making bad trades is part of becoming a better rare trader.

Please dont take this as me trying to get you to close the Rare Values page. Im just trying to make a point. :)

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