View Full Version : Rare Value Report [Shalx]

10-07-2007, 10:53 AM
Hello. I am writting a report of the Super Rare values.

Blue - Same as habbox value
Green - Above habbox value
Red - Below habbox value

Sold for 2ts and 30hcs (Seen once)
Sold for 3ts (Seen 4 times.

http://www.habbox.com/images/Furni/Rares/TypewriterST.gif Typo
18hc - seen twice.
19hc - seen once.
20hc - seen three times.
16hc - seen once.

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y21/kookeh/laserGIF.gif10hc Pure - once
15 hcs (once) Pure

Purple Dragon lamp

20Ts (once)
25Ts (Twice)

My next rare Report Will have more supers In. Thankyou
Shalx :)

Edited by Elkaa (Forum Moderator): Fake values, thread closed - See my comment.

10-07-2007, 10:57 AM
Good report keep it up
i thourght p dragons were on an account that got permed

10-07-2007, 11:24 AM
Good report. But as ive said before try adding comments.
They help LOTS espcially as Elkaa said were looking for trialists.
And also use the same colour text or the rare names. And also as Jordie pointed out. This to me looks like it has been fixed. Maybe, maybe not.

10-07-2007, 11:27 AM
If you're going to post fake values, at least make them believeable.

There are NO Purple Dragons for trade at the moment. XHC got banned, and he had all 4 that were on the trading market. Hippy owns the other one, and he wouldn't trade it for less than 50 Thrones.

If the values of the dragons are real, PM me with proof along with names of who traded.

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