View Full Version : My 3rd Rare Values Report (Original account Nia12)

14-10-2007, 10:13 AM
Stopped going on Nia12 when I lost the password.

Here are the values I have seen.

Petal Patcheshttp://www.habbox.com/images/Furni/Rares/PetalPatchST.gif (3.5 Hc's) [Seen 5 times] Looks like I stand corrected from my first post, Petal patches are going up.

Throneshttp://www.habbox.com/images/Furni/Rares/ThroneST.gif (46 Hc's) [Seen 6 times] Although thrones are at there highest price ever people are still buying, mostly seen in casinos, were once at 17.5 hcs.

Dj Deckshttp://www.habbox.com/images/Furni/Rares/DJDecksSTtemp.png(2.5 Hc's) [Seen 3 times] Were once at 40T before put in catologue.

Holoboy http://www.habbox.com/images/Furni/Rares/HolopodST.gif(2 Hc's) [Seen 3 times] This is another one of the few rares that havn't been put back into catologue. Usually found in casinos

Thankyou for taking notice of my input


14-10-2007, 10:14 AM
A Very Nice Report, Good Layout and Values seem to be pretty much correct


14-10-2007, 10:51 AM
Good Report.

You know your past well but the holopods were never in the catalogue before xD

14-10-2007, 12:14 PM
yh they were a present i ment they weren't put in catologue should of made it more obvious what i was saying sorry.

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