View Full Version : [rant] Sky Sports

18-07-2009, 11:03 AM
Something is bugging me, hugely.

Right, we all know that there is about 140 Premier League games being shown live on Sky UK/ESPN and what not next year...

But, did you know, Sky Italia has 7 dedicated channels for when the Italian league starts? they show 7 live games per week on Sky Italia some of what simeltaniously (Calcio package, red button also), and on SportsItalia 1+2 (another channel available on Sky Italia) they show the remaining Italian league games? adding onto this, they also have 3 dedicated channels for 3PM English Premier League kick off games? WHAT?

Also, did you know, Sky Germany, has 6 dedicated channels (red button) for the Bundesliga season? they show 6 live games per week on these channels, also some simultaneously, and the other channel called PREMIERE shows the remaining Bundesliga games? they also have 3 dedicated channels in Germany for 3PM Engllish Premier League games, so Sky Germany and Sky Italia provide almost every league game live from the domestic leagues, as well as 3PM Premier League kick offs that we in the country that provides the football cannot recieve on Sky UK.

Also, in the UAE and Dubai, their are TV stations that broadcast EVERY 3PM Premier League kick off games LIVE, whilst we in the country that they are broadcast from, do not get too see them live... seems as though the English FA/PL are choosing the money over the fans, as always, I don't see why they couldn't broadcast every Premier League game live also in the UK on Sky, it's not like those in the UAE/Dubai are going to be bothered if its shown here.

I know Sky UK has rights to broadcast almost every Champions League game live Via the red button and they also have the "Active" (red button as well) service, which provides stats and different camera angles with a few clicks of your remote, and I know that now Setanta have gone bust that Sky will probably pick up the Bundesliga games and Italian games and put them on the red button, but the ultimate question is...


Seems to me like the people in this country that control broadcasting rights are taking the money over broadcasting in their own country.

Thoughts everyone?

Edited by invincible (Forum Moderator): Please don't create threads with titles irrelevant to the contents of the thread.

18-07-2009, 11:13 AM
It will cost a lot to set up the cameras and crew to record all of the matches. Plus, Sky UK have a lot of other shows to air, and don't have the airtime to show every game.

Also, we have 4 leagues and at least 3 of them have some matches aired on TV. Most these other countrys only have 2 leagues and only show the first division matches.

18-07-2009, 11:16 AM
Fair point, but we are a rich nation, not as rich as Germany I know, but surely Sky would afford to air all Premier League matches, it's not like they're short of money.

Also, their are broadcasting cameras at EVERY Premier League game, because they got shown around the world, just not here, which makes that point invalid as they would just use the cameras that are already at the grounds.

18-07-2009, 11:33 AM
Ah yeah your right about the Cameras, as for MOTD there all shown too. I suppose there is Football First which shows all of the matches, just not live. Most the matches are at 7/8 which is primetime, and I suppose there are other UK events that want airing at that time. I Really cba with ESPN Though, not going to buy it.

18-07-2009, 11:36 AM
I'll get ESPN free on my VM flashed box, but that's not the point, Sky should provide the games live, I forgot about the 'Football First' thing, that just proves that they have cameras at every ground, they just sell the Broadcasting rights abroad for the £££, still what I don't get is, people in Dubai ect aren't going to be bothered if their exclusivity goes to the country in which the league is based in... im baffled, not like it's going to detract from the value of the matches or anything.

Hope sometime in the future that all matches do get shown live in the UK though...

The Americans do it with NFL, the Italians and German do it with their leagues, but not us...

18-07-2009, 12:14 PM
You can get the Premier League games from Dubai and stuff. I've watched them a few times.

18-07-2009, 12:17 PM
Yeah same here, we have a 2 meter dish in out garden, my dads a techie person, and loves his satellite dishes, I was just browsing through the channels and bouquets and came to Sky Italia and Sky Germany and I was amazed at what I found, and don't even get me started on the UAE channels and Dubai channels ect, crazy TBH.

18-07-2009, 03:25 PM
yeah i know. but you can usually watch them with a really large dish pointing at Dubai or you can get them free on the internet. Hook up your computer to your TV. ;) Not technically legal but yeah. I think it is ridiculous. It's the same in France, all Ligue 1 matches are shown live on Canal+

18-07-2009, 03:48 PM
I think Sky's hold on all Prem packages are wrong, football is this country's number 1 most followed sport yet you have to pay extra to watch matches. Even more so with internationals as Sky has rights to away games whereas normal tele cant afford such rights and cant keep them.

Some intervention is needed to keep Sky at bay from taking away popular sports from the ordinary terrestrial television set. They even did it with the Cricket as after the Ashes in 2005 Sky pounced on it and now I cant watch that either as I dont have a little dish on my house.

18-07-2009, 03:50 PM
Why is it that we the English always get the short straw and always get robbed? pfft, I hate it, pathetic.

22-07-2009, 05:19 PM
Instead of a bunch of gardening channels that old saddos are watching on BBC why don't they get some rights and show some Football? There is also alot of this Athletics stuff but no Football.

22-07-2009, 09:34 PM
Instead of a bunch of gardening channels that old saddos are watching on BBC why don't they get some rights and show some Football? There is also alot of this Athletics stuff but no Football.

BBC have the Championship and Carling Cup this year. They've got live games for both aswell and the Carling Cup final is going to be live.

22-07-2009, 09:36 PM
hope the BBC try to snap up the England away games left by Setanta to, probably won't, they'll probably go to Sky, like everything else. :/

Can't beat the good old BBC England commentary, haha, legend! English football should be on BBC1 by law!!

22-07-2009, 09:37 PM
Wales are on BBC sometimes.

22-07-2009, 09:38 PM
Not in England it isn't. :P

Only BBC Wales I think, all the Wales games here are on Sky? :/

22-07-2009, 09:43 PM
You can get BBC Wales in England though.

22-07-2009, 09:48 PM
Don't know, haven't checked? I don't know if you can? unless you have cable/SKY? :P

22-07-2009, 09:58 PM
yeah, sky.

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