View Full Version : Should old people be helped to die, if that is what they wish? [ENDS 13/06/2010]

30-05-2010, 05:11 PM
Should old people be helped to die, if that is what they wish?

ENDS: 13/06/2010

Old age can bring a lot of problems and complications for old folks such as numerous diseases ranging in severity. Some more severe ones include Alzheimer's disease and the list can go on and on. Such diseases can often bring the patient or person intolerable pain, leave them as both mental and physical invalids and often spending the majority of their days in a hospital ward. Countries such as the Netherlands have specialized hospitals to allow the person to die at their will, whilst the UK introduced a 'Mental Capacity Act' that gives legal force to "living wills" so patients can appoint an attorney to inform doctors when their food and water should be removed, in effect leaving them to die. Also, some wish to do this as they view their condition a burden on their family and don't want to see anymore suffering.

Others completely dismiss this saying no matter in what state or condition a person may be in, it is still a living organism and is immoral to let them die. Some say that with the right care people can lead quite a good quality life late into diseases such as dementia etc. and killing ones self will send out a bad message to others who might not want to fight on anymore. Anyone's life is precious and should be saves to the last moment, it is more from the moral standpoint, with some viewing the act of killing people off in such a way as being "barbaric".

Anyway, this leads on to the question of this week's debate that is should old people be helped to die, if that is what they wish? You can take any stance and provide various views and pieces of evidence.

30-05-2010, 06:09 PM
If they'd like to finish their time as human etc, and they might have got some problems as in not being able to look after their self on their own then if they really want to die, then I think we should help them. Give them an injection or something a calm death. They shouldn't have to make themselves commit suicide or anything.

30-05-2010, 07:03 PM
If they are in pain then yes. They shouldn't suffer.

30-05-2010, 07:28 PM
If they're in pain, yes. I've never understood the argument against it.

30-05-2010, 07:36 PM
If they're in pain, yes. I've never understood the argument against it.

Agreed. Their last moments on Earth should be happy ones. I will continue but on iPod :P.

30-05-2010, 08:17 PM
On the one hand, I think they should. If they're elderly they have no future ahead of them really, and not much of a life to live for - so if they choose to end their life then that's up to them. I agree with Wiki, they should always be given some sort of injection or another calm and painless death.

On the other hand, if they have some sort of disease or a mental illness, they shouldn't be allowed to die, because they're probably going through a stage of being distraught and angry, and they probably haven't thought it through and about the consequences that their death will have on them, their family, etc.

Overall, yes I do think they should be allowed to be helped to die. If that's their choice then people should respect that and give them their wishes. However, if they aren't completely sure or their family and loved ones don't agree with their choices, I don't think they should be killed because as I said, they probably haven't thought the whole situation through.

31-05-2010, 02:40 AM
When you think about it, how inconsiderate is it to deny a person the right to end their own life? Seems like a no brainer if it's what they really want.

31-05-2010, 08:25 PM
If they go through a series of interviews depicting very valid reasons. Then i should think why not.

31-05-2010, 08:30 PM
well if u get caught its counted as attemped suicide and you can get arrested

31-05-2010, 08:42 PM
if it's very serious, if they're in pain

31-05-2010, 10:32 PM
If they are in pain then yes they should because the worst thing is living for ages in pain with a bad illness.

31-05-2010, 10:38 PM
no because what'll happen is that people will drive their vulnerable parents to their deaths when they run out of money. there are some mentally unstable people who will do that. but then again some people are in constant pain. im stuck in the middle.

31-05-2010, 10:41 PM
If somebody wants to die then that is their choice, not my choice or the choice of the state/government. This would have to be heavily regulated of course to make sure the practise is carried out properly and ethically but I see no reason why not to allow it. I support it fully for people in pain and would support it fully for people who wished to die for other reasons also.

Jordy brought up the example of abortions being allowed and death penalty not being allowed - well this is the same really, you either have all three banned or all three allowed otherwise it doesnt make sense (the morals argument).

31-05-2010, 10:49 PM
If somebody wants to die then that is their choice, not my choice or the choice of the state/government. This would have to be heavily regulated of course to make sure the practise is carried out properly and ethically but I see no reason why not to allow it. I support it fully for people in pain and would support it fully for people who wished to die for other reasons also.

Jordy brought up the example of abortions being allowed and death penalty not being allowed - well this is the same really, you either have all three banned or all three allowed otherwise it doesnt make sense (the morals argument).

yeah i agree. i do think abortions, the DP and euthanasia shouldn't be allowed in most situations imo.

01-06-2010, 09:00 AM
If they are suffering or can't look after themselves then yes, but if they just want to die because they just can't be bothered anymore or whatever, then no.

01-06-2010, 10:03 AM
If they want to die, I don't see why they shouldn't. It's their life, they should be the only one who can make the decision. Personally, I feel that if someone is in so much pain they should be allowed to die and I believe that the UK government should bring in euthanasia.

01-06-2010, 12:43 PM
If they go through a series of interviews depicting very valid reasons. Then i should think why not.
I agree. The decision shouldn't be made straight away, but it should be thought about first and should be justified.
I think priority should be given to those suffering from severe pain.

01-06-2010, 07:47 PM
well if someone really wants to die, they will most likely kill themselves whether or not its for a legitimate reason or if its legal or illegal. so might as well make euthanasia legal so that 1) we can control the executions as to not have people jumping off buildings or shooting themselves or other horrible/dangerous incidents, and 2) so that professionals can talk them through their decision and perhaps convince them otherwise (if appropriate).

01-06-2010, 09:51 PM
Personally? No life is a gift from God and you should die naturally, when its your time.

If they ask to be "put too sleep" then this effectively suicide. 10 commandments state "thou shalt not kill" killing yourself is still murder. Therefore breaking a 10 commandment, and as you are dead... you cannot ask God for forgiveness.

01-06-2010, 10:12 PM
Personally? No life is a gift from God and you should die naturally, when its your time.

If they ask to be "put too sleep" then this effectively suicide. 10 commandments state "thou shalt not kill" killing yourself is still murder. Therefore breaking a 10 commandment, and as you are dead... you cannot ask God for forgiveness.

So if you had a relative or friend that had a disease, couldn't do the things they were used to, was going through an undignifying process of dying slowly and painfully, you wouldn't want them to have the choice? Not everyone's religious.

01-06-2010, 11:42 PM
Personally? No life is a gift from God and you should die naturally, when its your time.

If they ask to be "put too sleep" then this effectively suicide. 10 commandments state "thou shalt not kill" killing yourself is still murder. Therefore breaking a 10 commandment, and as you are dead... you cannot ask God for forgiveness.

ill ignore your ignorant assumption that everyone is christian and just go with it, since that would be a waste of time to argue about. so first off, according to christianity you can always ask god for forgiveness, even after the most horrible crimes. the bible doesnt necessarily dictate breaking any of the commandments is worse than any of the others, so you can go to hell just because you dont get along with your neighbor and you didnt ask for forgiveness, and someone who killed 3 people is really sorry and gets to go to heaven.

second, how long humans live in this day and age is completely unnatural altogether, so the "die naturally" argument is completely irrelevant. people say that taking someone off life support is "playing god," when the fact of the matter is that putting someone on life support in the first place is "playing god," as they would die naturally without it. there would be millions of people dying "naturally" of diseases we get vaccines for when we're young, this is unnatural too. humans are supposed to live to 40 years old, tops, and we've doubled that time through unnatural processes, so the "natural death" argument makes very little sense.

02-06-2010, 10:00 AM
So if you had a relative or friend that had a disease, couldn't do the things they were used to, was going through an undignifying process of dying slowly and painfully, you wouldn't want them to have the choice? Not everyone's religious.
ironicly i do and i agree not everyone is but i am, so is my family so in that concept i wouldnt.

ill ignore your ignorant assumption that everyone is christian and just go with it, since that would be a waste of time to argue about. so first off, according to christianity you can always ask god for forgiveness, even after the most horrible crimes. the bible doesnt necessarily dictate breaking any of the commandments is worse than any of the others, so you can go to hell just because you dont get along with your neighbor and you didnt ask for forgiveness, and someone who killed 3 people is really sorry and gets to go to heaven.

second, how long humans live in this day and age is completely unnatural altogether, so the "die naturally" argument is completely irrelevant. people say that taking someone off life support is "playing god," when the fact of the matter is that putting someone on life support in the first place is "playing god," as they would die naturally without it. there would be millions of people dying "naturally" of diseases we get vaccines for when we're young, this is unnatural too. humans are supposed to live to 40 years old, tops, and we've doubled that time through unnatural processes, so the "natural death" argument makes very little sense.
my ignorant? coming from the poster who says "since that would be a waste of time to argue about" refering to christianity. but the debate is not about that so ill move on. thats right, you can ask for forgiveness and your sins will be forgiven. When you ask your sins to be forgived it has to be genuine obviously or God will know that you dont mean it. so if someone killed 3 people i highly doubt they didnt mean it.

fair point about the life machine thing but you misunderstood me, i didnt say "natual life" because thats what you post pretty much says, i said about natural death ie; dying when its your time. i have nothing against vaccines, they help people fulfil their life and the bit about humans living to only 40 is complete rubbish, in the bible many people died in their hundreds.

02-06-2010, 05:43 PM
Everyone should have the option of dying whenever they want, after all it is their life, their wishes.

03-06-2010, 10:28 AM
Dying is their own choice they should be allowed to make that decision for themselves. Espically if they are in pain.

03-06-2010, 10:34 AM
If they are suffering with no way of recovering then I believe they should be helped. It also allows them to pass away happy, especially if their loved ones are there to comfort them too.

03-06-2010, 12:04 PM
Yeah, end their pain :( The argument against is so stupid, how would they like to be in pain for the rest of their lives :(

03-06-2010, 06:26 PM
Personally? No life is a gift from God and you should die naturally, when its your time.

If they ask to be "put too sleep" then this effectively suicide. 10 commandments state "thou shalt not kill" killing yourself is still murder. Therefore breaking a 10 commandment, and as you are dead... you cannot ask God for forgiveness.

A bit like how christianity would have everyone in Africa die rather than use condoms (which don't work btw!!!!!!!!).

03-06-2010, 08:05 PM
Yes and not only old people.. everyone should. If your in pain and this so called "life" only brings you pain and anger and the rest of it, why should you carry on? Its your choice tbh but then again, its against some doctors religions to do so, so they would have to get another doctor to perform it.

03-06-2010, 09:00 PM
If they are in pain yes, but otherwise it may not be the best option.

04-06-2010, 01:26 PM
They should have the right to die if that is what they wish. The state should have no role in interfering with completely personal sensitive issues such as these. Although the law is against them, I do believe that it is fine to do this at the moment, people generally haven't been prosecuted for it in recent years and I think the general population are beginning to accept that sometimes assisted suicide is the only option. This however is not the problem, we all accept assisted suicide if it's what the people want and if they are clinically ill right? Well what if they are so ill that they are unable to communicate with the outside world? What if they are in a completely vegetative state? When is it assisted suicide and when is it just plain murder?

This is the real problem.

04-06-2010, 11:39 PM
ironicly i do and i agree not everyone is but i am, so is my family so in that concept i wouldnt.

my ignorant? coming from the poster who says "since that would be a waste of time to argue about" refering to christianity. but the debate is not about that so ill move on. thats right, you can ask for forgiveness and your sins will be forgiven. When you ask your sins to be forgived it has to be genuine obviously or God will know that you dont mean it. so if someone killed 3 people i highly doubt they didnt mean it.

fair point about the life machine thing but you misunderstood me, i didnt say "natual life" because thats what you post pretty much says, i said about natural death ie; dying when its your time. i have nothing against vaccines, they help people fulfil their life and the bit about humans living to only 40 is complete rubbish, in the bible many people died in their hundreds.

it would be a waste of time to argue about because, exactly as you said, that is not what this debate is about. that was my only point.

natural life and natural death are one in the same, the ideas intertwine. if god meant for you to die of black plague then we are essentially "playing god" by finding cures. the bible is hardly a history book, and you shouldnt base your facts on them; in reality, it hasnt been until the last hundred years or so that the average life expectancy has been past 40 (proof (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_expectancy#Life_expectancy_variation_over_tim e)).

05-06-2010, 03:02 PM
The thing is it varies on a person by person basis based on their perception of morality, a blanket rule is never right, especially on sensitive issues such as these however in this case I believe that it would be perhaps the best course of action. Keeping someone in pain is never right, especially if they have clearly indicated that they don't wish to stay like it.

06-06-2010, 06:41 PM
i think that if they really really want to then we should.

its their choice like and no1 should be aloud to make that apart from themselves.

I mean how would u like it if u wer forced to do something which u really never wanted.

Altho i can see the other point of view that it is still killing someone which is a crime. But the answer to this is maybe the old person couldnt do it as they were to weak and sick.

what we should do is respect their wishes as that is were the saying "RESPECT YOUR ELDERS" comes from. It is their choice how they live and if they want to die then we should help them

06-06-2010, 07:02 PM
what we should do is respect their wishes as that is were the saying "RESPECT YOUR ELDERS" comes from. It is their choice how they live and if they want to die then we should help them

I agree and I think you make a valid of point. If anyone knows about the value of life it is the oldest generation having lived the longest, they are in the best place to make the judgement and it should be their judgement alone. You never know when you are old you may decide that you have had your life and now it is time to let others lead theirs, it truly would be horrible to have someone deny you what you truly want. Perhaps its best for us to accept that sometimes old people do wish to end it and so we should make it as painless and stress free as possible?

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