View Full Version : Recipe for Disaster! - Ends 10th August

03-08-2010, 03:59 AM
I'm such a good cook. When I make food, even the smoke alarm cheers me on! Only kidding, I'm actually a horrible chef. But now I want to hear recipies that would make a person cringe.

http://www.habbox.com/scripts/fontgen2/index.php?text=Recipe for Disaster!&style=Keyboard

Try to come up with a recipe that is truly, absolutely, and horribly dreadful. Be creative, and don't burn the house down trying to cook them! Good luck!

Prize: 1 HC Sofa + 15 rep

05-08-2010, 01:04 PM
Bacon Cheese Mayonaise Tomatoes Baked Beans Mushrooms cucumber courgettes butter and chicken testicles!

05-08-2010, 01:09 PM
uncooked rice with mayonnaise

05-08-2010, 01:55 PM
hmm imma add texture to this for the full on effect ;]

A courgette flavoured jelly (crushed for consistancy ;P)
mixed with mayonnaise soaked pickles (sliced julian)
all coated with a vinager/ketchup/brown sauce dressing
season with garlic powder
and top it off with a cherry (tomato xP)

P.s. dunno what was goin through my mind xD

05-08-2010, 01:55 PM
Recipe For Diaster:
Mouldy Cheese
Half Eaten Apple
Rotted Shoe
Cat's furball
Sour Milk
Baked Beans

1. Go into the garden and get your hands nice and muddy. When you come back in your house don't wash your hands.
2. Handle all the food so that it is covered in Mud.
3. Roll the Mouldy cheese into a squidgy lump. Put it in the microwave and wait until it is really burnt and melted.
3. Dump the cheese into a dirty used mixing bowl.
4. Make sure the half eaten apple is covered in maggots and chop it up with a dirty knife. Then put it in the mixing bowl.
5. Make sure your rotten shoe is really smelly. Get your cat to pee in it or your dog to pee on it.
6. Rip the shoe up so it is in a few large pieces , then grate all the pieces.
7. Then add some mayo into the mixture so it looks gooey and brown and horrible.
8. Make your cat feel really sick, by feeding it grass. Make sure it makes a furball in your mixing bowl.
9. Get your sour milk and taste it, if it doensn't make you squint , its not sour enough.
10. If it is very sour add it into your mixture.
11. If you want to fart a lot add plenty of baked beans and an uncooked egg and the shell.
12. Mix it all up with a distgusting dirty spoon.
13. Snap the spoon and put the mixture.
14. put it in the oven at the highest temperature for 4 hours.
15. If it starts to set on fire, it is good.
16. Your recipe for diaster will be ready when your whole house has turned into ashes.

05-08-2010, 06:03 PM
Tuna,Maoyinse,Jam,Mud,Dog fur,Needles,Nose Hair,Bogey,Shampoo and Cheese.

P.S: Habbo name: Sora-Loras (Just to let you know)

05-08-2010, 06:06 PM
Rotten Milk
Mouldy cheese
Rotten eggs
Rotten fish
Recipe:Cut up rotten fish.Pour Rotten Milk in fish.Pour Jam in with Mouldy cheese and mix all together.Put in oven and cook till u throw up

05-08-2010, 08:01 PM
ok so we start of adding...

old warm tuna with a hint of spit - stir it in a dirty bowl of blue cheese (blue for not the right reasons!)
add some toilet water and add a few hairs into it
put in the microwave for 30mins then take it out and set it in some bogey jelly ( get normal jelly n then wipe snotty tissues on it :) )
wait a day or so n there u have it ur own... CHEESEY TUNA JELLY!

05-08-2010, 08:36 PM
Fishy fungus flan - YUM!

1 flan base
1 jar of jellied eels
60g Dried crusty fish guts
200g Green moss
100g freshly picked athletes foot fungi, with added flaky skin (TIP: Why not grow your own, it will be fresher and tastier, and alot cheaper!)
1 cup of freshly squeezed wart juice OR spot puss
50g rabbit/guinea pig/hamster droppings
2 gone off, mouldy strawberries.

1) Start by taking your lovely fresh flan base, and putting it in the oven. You will know when its done when the smoke alarm goes off, however double check its black all over.
2) While your flan base is cooking, start by putting your jellied eels into a large bowl.
3) Take about 3 quaters of your dried, crusty fish guts and mix them in with the jellied eels. Use a spoon or your hands, whichever you find easier.
4) Take your athletes foot fungi, and break it up into small pieces. DON'T pick out the dried skin. Add into the bowl, mixing as you go.
5) Now, get an electric whisk (manual will work but electric is much quicker), and whisk it all together untill its all one big jelly substance. Make sure it keeps it's jelly form! The crusty guts should break into smaller pieces, giving you more added crunch!
6) Put your wart juice/spot puss into a jug, add in your choice of animal droppings. Mix these around with a spoon. Pour into your bowl of jelly.
7) Now take your flan out of the oven, it should hopefully be cooked by now. It should be extremly hard, and black all over, and producing lots of smoke. This is how it is meant to be.
8) Pour your jelly substance into the flan, and smooth it all over.
9) Take the remainder of your crusty fish guts, and place on the top of your flan.
10) Add the two gone off, moudly strawberries.
11) This is the important bit! Leave to mature in a dark, dirty cuboard for 3 weeks - 3 months, depending on your personal taste.

TIP: If you vomit while making this, don't clean it up! Simply add it into the flan!

08-08-2010, 12:49 PM
Recipe for disaster.

240g of flour
300g of baking soda
5 chicken eggs
100ml of water (to make that flour nice and tough)
a tub of jelly'd eals
rasberry jam
31/4 ounce of butter
3 slices of chewy turkey from las years christmas dinner ar school

How to:

pour both the flour and the baking soda into a bowl, stir well.
add the 100ml of water to the batch and still well.
break open the eggs and add them along with the butter.
stir well and add to a bowl or dish and put in the oven for around 30-40 minuits.

once it is nice and crisp you shoul have a pie shape pastry base, add the jelly'd eals to that.
next up add the rasberry jam to the eals for maximum tatse.
put it back in the oven for around 15 minuits, top with turkey slices and serve freezing cold.

08-08-2010, 06:38 PM
2 fish eyes
bird feathers
maggots blood
and of course some toads tongue

chop up the fish eyes and put in a bowl with the maggots blood and then stir rapidly and then put in the bird feathers then stir again then let the maggots eat the cheese so they stink and are fat kill them and put them in the bowl and stir and then cook in a cake tin that is round and after cooked put the tongue and make into a bow to put on top :O

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