View Full Version : Is it ever right to kill animals? [ENDS 12/12/12]

28-11-2012, 11:23 AM
Is it ever right to kill animals?
Ends: 12/12/12

Very quickly, this time I won't go into the intricate details of both sides of the debate and will let you decide.

This debate also links to the question that many are against domestic animal abuse. Yet, what is the difference between killing a dog and killing let's say a pig?

Why do we want to protect dogs, when we then go on to eat meat? It seems a Hypocritical.

However, we could also argue that it's a person's right whether or not to do so and that animals themselves do not have any duties towards our society. Vegans technically also kill animals, for when farmland is created, it quite often displaces the natural habitat.

Of course, there are so many other reasons, but I wanted to be as brief as possible, so that I could turn it over to you to give your views.

28-11-2012, 11:52 AM
Yet, what is the difference between killing a dog and killing let's say a pig?

Well firstly, a pig isn't a bloody house hold pet.

28-11-2012, 11:59 AM
Well firstly, a pig isn't a bloody house hold pet.

A dog and a pig are both mammals... they are classed under the same group. So I would ask you why you say this?

Secondly, dogs never originated as household pets either. So why say can't we kill dogs if we wanted to.

28-11-2012, 12:02 PM
A dog and a pig are both mammals... they are classed under the same group. So I would ask you why you say this?

Secondly, dogs never originated as household pets either. So why say can't we kill dogs if we wanted to.

Urm I know what both a dog and a pig is thank you very much. Go ahead, kill a wild dog for that matter I'm sure nobody would really care. It's a different type of concept all together. People have become used to keeping dogs as house hold pets, it isn't seen as 'normal' for us to go around eating dog, if it were I'm sure it wouldn't be much of an issue but it's just the way it is. *Removed*

Edited by Jordan (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not be rude to other members

28-11-2012, 12:02 PM
Well firstly, a pig isn't a bloody house hold pet.

LOL you'll be surprised. pretty sure lots of people keep those micro-pig thingys then they complain and end up in the newspaper when they realise the nice man who said it was a micro-pig was lying, it's a normal pig and grown to full size!

I think as there are animals that would happily tear us to shreds for a bit of food, it's the natural order of things. I am however against doing it in an inhumane way. There are reports of us ripping off shark fins and things like that for delicacies around the world where the animals are then dumped back into the water, too weak to survive so just becomes one big christmas hamper for all the other fishes.

28-11-2012, 12:05 PM
LOL you'll be surprised. pretty sure lots of people keep those micro-pig thingys then they complain and end up in the newspaper when they realise the nice man who said it was a micro-pig was lying, it's a normal pig and grown to full size!

I think as there are animals that would happily tear us to shreds for a bit of food, it's the natural order of things. I am however against doing it in an inhumane way. There are reports of us ripping off shark fins and things like that for delicacies around the world where the animals are then dumped back into the water, too weak to survive so just becomes one big christmas hamper for all the other fishes.

LMFAO gutted for them and oh my god that is disgusting, stop I am eating! Shark is nice though ngl.

Edited by Jordan (Forum Super Moderator): Please stick to the Debate Rules

28-11-2012, 12:07 PM
Urm I know what both a dog and a pig is thank you very much. Go ahead, kill a wild dog for that matter I'm sure nobody would really care. It's a different type of concept all together. People have become used to keeping dogs as house hold pets, it isn't seen as 'normal' for us to go around eating dog, if it were I'm sure it wouldn't be much of an issue but it's just the way it is. Anyways no offense but these debates get worse by the day.

No-one asks you to participate in them. It's an interesting concept, because so many people are for protecting animals. We can talk about animal abuse as well under a wider umbrella.

I'm sure people would care if I go and kill a lion or an elephant, and there has been a lot of activism. What then is considered normal? Your view is extremely narrow.

28-11-2012, 12:12 PM
No-one asks you to participate in them. It's an interesting concept, because so many people are for protecting animals. We can talk about animal abuse as well under a wider umbrella.

I'm sure people would care if I go and kill a lion or an elephant, and there has been a lot of activism. What then is considered normal? Your view is extremely narrow.

Well my view is I really don't care, soz if that makes me a bad person but I really don't... It doesn't make a difference to my everyday life what animals are killed/abused, as sad as it does sound that's the reality of it.

28-11-2012, 12:16 PM
The only animals that we should purposely kill are ones that are purely created for food.

28-11-2012, 12:17 PM
The only animals that we should purposely kill are ones that are purely created for food.

but tbh you could eat any animal? :s

28-11-2012, 12:51 PM
but tbh you could eat any animal? :s

If someone wants to breed dogs purely for dog meat, then so be it. I'm saying that we shouldn't go round eating dogs in animal homes for example.

28-11-2012, 01:19 PM
The short answer:

Yes, of course it's right to kill animals under certain circumstances. It's natural to kill for food or to protect yourself and your livelihood. If a vicious bear attacked me, I would kill it; if I was a hungry omnivore - as humans are - I would eat the meat of that bear. Sometimes killing is needed to restore natural balance, such as the case of seal clubbing, which seems horrible but is necessary to avoid a collapse in the ecosystem and ultimately the extinction of the seals themselves.

What about killing for fun?

Hunting for fun is a barbaric and outdated practice - we can shoot people on COD if we desire.

Why can't I kill a dog?

Go to China and you will be more than welcome to do so. In Western culture, it is frowned upon because many people keep dogs as pets and have shared affection with their canine friends. It would be taboo to kill a dog as it may upset a lot of people, just like any other taboo topic.

Why can I eat a pig but not a dog?

Again, it's to do with Western culture. We don't mass produce dogs for consumption. If you wanted to kill a dog just for fun, without any other purpose, seek medical analysis.

Killing spiders and other insects:

Killing in fear is completely understandable and forgiveable. Even if you know a spider won't hurt you, if it creeps you out and has invaded your space, the quickest way to solve the problem is by killing it. Throughout history, killing in fear has happened frequently, it's a natural reaction. Sometimes it turns out to be unjust and upsetting, but "better safe than sorry" would apply here. There have been cases where two tribes of people meet, one accepts the other tribe with open arms, but the other tribe is hostile and slaughters the 'nice' guys. Of course, this tribe scenario can be applied to humans and animals, and even though you know a spider won't kill you, it still scares you (if it were to crawl on you) and you know it has no impact on the environment if it were to die.

Killing endangered or large animals:

Obviously, we want to maintain the natural order. Killing endangered animals is wrong unless to protect yourself or in extreme food cases - if you were starving and couldn't find any other food, an elephant would make a lovely meal. Large animals such as whales can feed a coastal family of starving children for weeks, I agree with the killing of whales in that case. When killing large animals for personal taste, ("ew, I don't like chicken I only like whale meat"), I think it's unnecessary and altruistic. Large animals like whales are believed to be sentient and intelligent, it wouldn't be just to kill one just for personal taste.

Killing for ivory and other saleable materials:

This is the most tricky to answer. I think if a man is desperate and has no food, money and can barely survive, he can be forgiven for killing even the most endangered animals. Respect to any poor man that respects nature enough to continue struggling through life instead of killing an endangered animal.

To summarise:

Without a doubt, it is right to kill animals under circumstances.

Killing for fun is not right; it is not necessary or appropriate, regardless of the culture you come from.

28-11-2012, 02:14 PM
Well it depends what animal, pigs, cow and lambs u can eat!. However Dogs and cats arnt really eatable animals. So it really depends what u count as a animal or a pet.

28-11-2012, 02:19 PM
Well it depends what animal, pigs, cow and lambs u can eat!. However Dogs and cats arnt really eatable animals. So it really depends what u count as a animal or a pet.

Although you could argue that in is in relation with your culture. For example in Hindi culture, beef is a sacred animal and not generally eaten; whilst in China it is perfectly 'normal' to eat dog etc.

28-11-2012, 02:55 PM
Personally, being a veggie myself, I see it as because we are able to survive without eating meat and killing stuff for food, I would say I only ever see it just to kill when nothing is available to eat. As grig said what is honestly the difference between say killing a pig and a dog, both is completely unnecessary in most cases. It is quite obvious most people eat meat for the taste, which shows a rather barbaric nature tbh, we would hardly see it in a different light if another species started hunting us down and eating us because "we taste good". Also money is no good reason as vegetarianism is cheaper tbh.

28-11-2012, 04:12 PM
Tbh I can see why it's wrong to most people to eat a dog but I've actually tried it in a curry and it tastes sooo good, if I could I probably would buy it and make my own curry.

the way I see it is an animal is just that an animal, all animals are food apart from the poisonous ones lol.

the only thing I disagree with is having to torture and animal, if you can't kill it fast then don't kill it at all, animals do have feelings but not souls, it's still cruel to let something go through pain, that's why most people that run over an animal go back ad check it if it's not dead most people will put it out of it's misery,

people need to realise there's more to life than looking after animals such as other people, people would treat animals more better than they treat others which is a disgrace, after reading about dog meat people do eat it in not just china or Korea but in Rome and Switzerland aswell. Found this quite interesting,

28-11-2012, 04:46 PM
Personally, i think it's what society thinks is right. Over time some people have accepted certain animals into society and others have not. For example like a previous comment, a dog, or a pig. Over a period of time dogs and humans have become closer, unlike maybe pigs and humans and in today's eyes it's wrong to kill something that is so close to us. Yet because pigs aren't as close to humans as our fellow dogs people think it's a little more acceptable to kill them. Also, in my eyes it is right to kill some animals for food. Most animals for food have been specially bred to do their job. Like chickens bred to lay eggs. All they know is how to lay eggs, and after they've stopped laying eggs they get killed. If they knew what the outside world is or maybe something different to a factory is they would develop emotions ect. Most animals are bred for breeding, and it's their fate until we come up with some super idea to cure world hunger or something.

28-11-2012, 06:06 PM
Well my view is I really don't care, soz if that makes me a bad person but I really don't... It doesn't make a difference to my everyday life what animals are killed/abused, as sad as it does sound that's the reality of it.

Thousands of innocent civilians getting bombed by American drone attacks doesn't make a difference to your everyday life, but I'm pretty sure you'd agree that that isn't right :P I don't have an issue with killing animals tbh if it's for food or some other human necessity (preservation of life etc) but "it doesn't affect me" is a really weak argument lol

Well it depends what animal, pigs, cow and lambs u can eat!. However Dogs and cats arnt really eatable animals. So it really depends what u count as a animal or a pet.

Dogs and cats are most definitely edible, although the muscle and fat contents of cats aren't really right for what we'd perceive as particularly tasty

28-11-2012, 06:14 PM
Thousands of innocent civilians getting bombed by American drone attacks doesn't make a difference to your everyday life, but I'm pretty sure you'd agree that that isn't right :P I don't have an issue with killing animals tbh if it's for food or some other human necessity (preservation of life etc) but "it doesn't affect me" is a really weak argument lol

Dogs and cats are most definitely edible, although the muscle and fat contents of cats aren't really right for what we'd perceive as particularly tasty

u always make stupid comparisons lol

Edited by Jordan (Forum Super Moderator): Please stick to the Debate Rules

28-11-2012, 06:22 PM
How is that a stupid comparison? You said that it wasn't an issue because it doesn't affect you, I was just showing how that's a ridiculous argument

28-11-2012, 09:06 PM
Killing animals for food doesn't really stir the same emotion as innocent people dying though Tom :S He didn't say it wasn't right anyway, he just doesn't care. Anyway I think its just our culture. If cats and dogs weren't kept as domestic pets, I'm sure we would be fine eating them as other cultures are.

29-11-2012, 12:08 AM
My brother goes out hunting. Personally it's not for me but if other people want to do it then it's acceptable - provided they're actually wild/bred for food and not someone's pet(s).

Also, surely it's acceptable to kill an animal that is suffering? A rabbit with myxomatosis, a badly injured roe deer or even a dog suffering with cancer?

29-11-2012, 02:34 AM
Killing animals for food doesn't really stir the same emotion as innocent people dying though Tom :S He didn't say it wasn't right anyway, he just doesn't care. Anyway I think its just our culture. If cats and dogs weren't kept as domestic pets, I'm sure we would be fine eating them as other cultures are.

omf how is it even possible to miss the point? I'm not saying that the two situations are the same, I'm saying that the thought process behind his reasoning is off because it can't be applied universally and therefore is either baseless or hypocritical

29-11-2012, 11:27 AM
There are very few ethical dilemmas that can be applied universally imo. Doesn't make it baseless! Even the obvious one 'do not kill', self defence and I'm sure it'd become morally acceptable to kill.

29-11-2012, 12:11 PM
pigs have a higher intelligence than dogs, and I certainly prefer a pet pig (But it wouldn't stop me eating it if I got hungry).

So I have only one thing to say, circle of life, ok, not all animals eat other meat, which is why I have absolutely nothing against vegetarians, but personally I'd eat any meat once.

I don't really give that much of a crap about social norms so any animal can be food or a pet (though some won't always taste nice and some won't always stay tame). Though all animals should be given the proper respect whilst they are alive.

29-11-2012, 04:13 PM
if anyone has an emotional attachment to the animal aka if its a pet then no

if its for food then yh

29-11-2012, 04:34 PM
HAHA right above this post was a post named "how do you like your steak?"

---------- Post added 29-11-2012 at 04:36 PM ----------

@ everyone arguing about killing dogs you do know places in asia eat dog.

29-11-2012, 05:19 PM
honey boo boo child has a pet pig

Edited by Matts (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't post pointlessly!

29-11-2012, 07:17 PM
I eat meat, but I wouldn't say I'm proud of an animal dieing for it :(

But, in some situations where an animal may be ill and suffering I would say yes as hard as it can be.

01-12-2012, 11:24 AM
I'd happy kill pretty much any animal to be honest. If it must be done, it must be done!

In short .. Yes I do think it's right for us to kill animals. Some are farmed for the very purpose to be eaten, so why not eat them? They could have started farming cats and dogs for that purpose but they didn't.. If they had though guaranteed people would eat them.

When I see a cow in a field I think... I bet, given the chance, they'd eat us :P Just so happens we became the dominant species and we control what we eat (sort of).

01-12-2012, 03:55 PM
Uh I go beating most weekends which is essentially rounding up pheasants and getting them to fly over people so they can be shot, I've had to snap a few birds necks before... mmh juicy I know. It doesn't bother me because I know they gunna get eat enit.

01-12-2012, 04:15 PM
I'd happy kill pretty much any animal to be honest. If it must be done, it must be done!

In short .. Yes I do think it's right for us to kill animals. Some are farmed for the very purpose to be eaten, so why not eat them? They could have started farming cats and dogs for that purpose but they didn't.. If they had though guaranteed people would eat them.

When I see a cow in a field I think... I bet, given the chance, they'd eat us :P Just so happens we became the dominant species and we control what we eat (sort of).

Pretty sure cows are herbivores :P but yeah what you said about them being bred specifically to eat is very important - there are entire species that would now be extinct if it weren't for the fact that humans farmed and regulated them

Uh I go beating most weekends which is essentially rounding up pheasants and getting them to fly over people so they can be shot, I've had to snap a few birds necks before... mmh juicy I know. It doesn't bother me because I know they gunna get eat enit.

omf my stepbrother goes beating it sounds like fun but SO COLD

01-12-2012, 04:27 PM
omf my stepbrother goes beating it sounds like fun but SO COLD

Last week my nips were like rock hard all day I was so cold not even lieing ROFL. Its good fun but a lot of effort if ya get meh

02-12-2012, 12:00 AM
Pretty sure cows are herbivores :P but yeah what you said about them being bred specifically to eat is very important - there are entire species that would now be extinct if it weren't for the fact that humans farmed and regulated them

Herbivores? nahhh! :P If they ever became the dominant species you watch them turn into vicious omnivores :P haha

02-12-2012, 08:52 AM
Herbivores? nahhh! :P If they ever became the dominant species you watch them turn into vicious omnivores :P haha

except the fact that they are built as herbivores, with digestive systems designed for things such as grass and not meat :P

Anyway to look at it from a different side of view, farming cows for food really isn't a great idea anyway cause of the large methane levels that are produced because of their very long digestive track!

02-12-2012, 11:19 PM
except the fact that they are built as herbivores, with digestive systems designed for things such as grass and not meat :P

Anyway to look at it from a different side of view, farming cows for food really isn't a great idea anyway cause of the large methane levels that are produced because of their very long digestive track!

Their stomaches will have to get used to the meat they're going to eat ;) evolution will hopefully take care of it :P They'll just have to start off gradually ... :¬:

03-12-2012, 12:01 AM
If lovely food like Bacon comes out of them then why not! :D

(Think this is my first post in this section ever)

03-12-2012, 04:34 PM
Animals do not have rights such as the right to life and liberty because they are not of the same intelligence or species.

I heard one comparison say that animals are simply robots but in flesh form.

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