View Full Version : School Rewards & Sanctions

11-01-2014, 01:15 PM
What rewards and sanctions do you have?

In my last two schools I've had

-5 and +5


Debits and Credits

and in primary I had like stars

11-01-2014, 01:41 PM
Primary school was stickers, as was Years 7-9. Years 10 and 11 had reward cards, but by sixth form they changed that to achievement points and behaviour points.

11-01-2014, 01:48 PM
I used to get into trouble all the time in primary school but in secondary school I mostly got rewards (merits etc) and I didn't get a single warning/detention.

11-01-2014, 01:53 PM
in my primary school i had no rewards but we had like detentions and stuff, in secondary school from year 7 to 9 we had merits for rewards and then like demerits for sanctions where 3 = friday detention after school 9 = saturday detention, in year 10 it basically changed to like a sanction card thing where 3 = friday 6 = saturday and no longer had merits and then in sixth form we can get detentions but they really aren't handed out much

12-01-2014, 12:03 AM
in my primary school i had no rewards but we had like detentions and stuff, in secondary school from year 7 to 9 we had merits for rewards

Yeah same here at my School. Though everyone knows (sadly) or (not), that mis-behaving pays better rewards than behaving as sadly the Teachers "reward" this more. Though I am not a bad lad I hasten to add and don't follow the crowd Lol

12-01-2014, 12:11 AM
Green slips in secondary school for all 5 yrssssssss if u did something good
if u were bad idk u got a report card eventually and there were 3 diff colours... i cant remember the diff but hey i had a blue one because my attendance was bad (A)

12-01-2014, 12:14 AM
in primary it was like stickers

in secondary they had some **** lettering system that nobody understood even the teachers, they were just written on slips tho

then it changed again when i was in like year 10 so even more people didnt know how it worked this time
teachers would just hand out detentions for jokes, there was no warning system in place lmao

12-01-2014, 12:35 AM
Lmao, punishments we had extra parade, working party and college punishment. Rewards we had er, commendations.

12-01-2014, 08:55 AM
High School punishment was just detentions, rewards I don't think there was really anything except the bad kids some had a thing where you got a signature every period you were good, and if you filled like a whole day you got something. I didn't get any detentions.

Primary school we had different things like every year. We had a raffle system where you got a ticket for being good or whatever and someone would win at the end of the week.

12-01-2014, 10:22 AM
No reward system but if you were bad you were put on a carded level.

Every time you did something worse you were bumped up to a higher level card and if you reached level 5 you would get excluded from the school. And each card had a number of things to be done ie. level one just required a teacher to sign every class you attend ensuring you turned up and did work where something like level 4 had additional assignments to be completed before specific deadlines on top of the constant teacher signatures or you would be bumped up a level

12-01-2014, 12:10 PM
Urmm I don't get the question but yeah ;)

We get praises where the teachers write something good on eportal, but noone ever looks at that.

Then a warning system thing of 1st warning = C1, 2nd warning = C2, 3rd warning = C3 *which gets noted down on the system* then C4 = Hour after school detention, C5 = After school detention and a whole day in isolation, C6 = fixed term exclusion and C7 = Permanent exclusion

it confuses me (y)

12-01-2014, 01:39 PM
primary was gold stars

middle school was merits and demerits

high school was credits

12-01-2014, 05:19 PM
High school we got punishment exercises was basically a sheet of paper saying what you did wrong and your parents had to sign it and on the other side it was a paragraph that you had to fill in a certain amount of times (depended on the teacher how many times). You either got a yellow or blue one, yellow got marked in the book and put on your record for the year and blues were ripped up and put in the bin when you brought it in. We also got lunchtime detention for being late. Most serious punishment was a temporary exclusion, where you were told to get a letter at the end of the day and not come back for a week and when you came back a meeting was held with you, your parents and year head.

Rewards we got at high school were school trips, one small trip to local theme park and the big trip was to either Paris, London or Alton Towers depending on behavior, attitude etc. Also we got commendations which were stamps in your homework diary and you got either a bronze, silver or gold award at the end of year assembly depending how many you got.

Primary school we had a tree on the wall with monkeys on it, everyone in the class was a monkey and at the start of the week everyone was at the top of the tree if you did something bad or whatever you were moved down the tree and if you weren't at the top of the tree by the end of the week you got 15 minutes of your 'Golden Time' (basically whatever you wanted to do, games, go outside, watch a film etc.) taken off on a Friday afternoon.


13-01-2014, 06:54 AM
Both of the secondary schools I've been to are a part of the same group and both are academies so have similar rules.

I will post the full system for my current chool and other one when I get home:

First Warning - Verbal
Second Warning - -5
Third Warning - Detention
Fourth Warning - Faculty Isolation
Fifth - Internal Exclusion
Sixth - Exclusion

Then you can get perm, get sent to a anger management course, sent to another school for up to 3 months and other stuff...


Allowed phones at break
Teachers can be *****s :)

13-01-2014, 03:12 PM
Primary we had stamp charts and warnings. High school was commendations and sanctions (the colours varied on the misbehaviour) and in community college it was praise cards and probably just detentions but then they introduced achievement points and behaviour points later on :P

11-03-2017, 12:29 PM
Refer to other thread for rewards :P

In grade 8 and 9 I had this system and a nice subway voucher for each time we got the certificate :8

In Grade 4 I had the star system, the more stars you have, the more prizes you can win like free pencils, erasers. Pretty sure there were prizes for higher stars but I never got that far. :'(

In Grade 5 we had two buckets at the front of the class, one labeled out, the other labeled in. The bucket would be filled with marbles.
Whenever the class as a whole did something good, someone would dip their hand in the out bucket and put the marbles in the "in" bucket. When the "in" bucket was full, we would usually get a field trip somewhere or a free dress day. In hindsight, it was a bobba system since it relied on the teachers so heavily and we only got the bucket filled like twice in the whole year. Pointless!

Sanctions was after school detention, then to picking up rubbish in your lunch break with a teacher, then to sitting in a classroom writing down the things you can do to avoid doing what you did wrong. They called it "Reflection Time" (RT)... Detention!

14-03-2017, 12:24 AM
In high school we had an "on call" room where youd get sent to and you basically get given these work sheets to do and thats all you did for the whole hour of lesson. Most people were bad just to go there and get time off the lesson. I was never sent there though.

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