View Full Version : What Would You Do? Ends 27th June

13-06-2018, 11:48 PM

One of the shows that I love so much is "What Would You Do?" hosted by John QuiƱones. I love the concept of the series. It shows what people are truly like in the real world. Sometimes what they show gives us hope on humanity, but at times, they also break our heart.

Anyway, mostly what they show is about our moral and compassionate side. But this will not be asked for this competition since I can just watch those videos on Youtube. So, I basically want to know what would you do in someone else's shoes?
And 'someone' is the Habbo Hotel Manager' (sunglasses)
https://www.habboxforum.com/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAPUAAAC0CAMAAAB 7a5qeAAAAY1BMVEX///8AAABLEBC2traWHx97Ghp0GBj/y5jjkRy9vb3/zGbt7f9GQ0CaiHZ7e3tmZmbv7wr6/19fVlFRUzMzPMonnDmGp3AABmAABYEhJfFBTWODilpdSHYzqjI iLMmTPn5//gpU4eAAAFj0lEQVR4nO3dD1faShAF8C59FNRK7VPwDw/s9/ UZXq9Z2aXBAR8XWdn7zkqIaEnv55xNtlE PKl5y8kjaT2fv2/iacW3bdv/wykZXk8NcSSITXWtCePqKb4sBry2vv6cYmoTmkyea96MmnFHVE t5lPUbbi7uqtbVsN8mtq/u6uZ8izTrutqv6GablFeF1E5t 1qn7FuiMsKx3MtmbtafKL8UQRyu13tfb48sdWQlWKVq7ur/UY0Kc3nKT08UPnzLVx eMAWrZjjqmmWQMxRC3KswVZd7TnWTPHsLZRbd 39/ZhEVEPC7mXFpRzr23BHVKNnff/O7lWKrTzfsvaeX5KI6pRud4FGfo6Z4b69pVm2rb3v5yeqWhwQ0 QzXaiWPVytb99wKr6q97 cnphrdbLlUdUr/7iJaLK1Wsswl2Uq29m2OqpawT81mm40IRc4exuXNBpXtu4/ZRFSjbqFWZalGhctWGOlq7/WliahmdbPGx9Ws7xaqPKpajzGPHZFyqxYqPKIa0QpXo37nMy3U tk1UtY5dtpZt3XNGofa flxiqiV6HnlbRM9FWzPHUycTzhRpqPY/l5Anolqux8930bkknf2FVd2a2nt9aSKqeQcOrtFyfNpslm/ZbHRG0d5/51seVZ2S3Aut9SzG5ZLHoTI3iOdglt8Fldfe 3MTVY373lHjGLOG1fgdEDPk8uXV3dU6LuVqZP4nKvc8gnV1Sjc 3IlYpcnMjz9OZ/6y9/ clrnq6i6rLGUI1485ZecSvrvYUUU8mqlY3xdbM 6ll2fNRaVx1SlYtShWrWX4P4Ka4q32lVItkux02Qw25fPd7b2V EtZhE/fLCkej5ebtdr5 f7Yg1neZmxuvZR0Q1 pKoefQhzvV6u4V6zMxlnxUeTy3i19fr6 k0V4t1yCxK9DBd9lfhUdR6VEHx4y5Uc wS83o9XN l2kOFR1Xn546Pj7la3JCKOjfzLNNjhUdS27kguKl ehL1/T3UoudZJOYF1Szb 6rwqGqdEcLfNdD9tMv9vVWjn6HWrfm/XeQ5TxUeUa01rnOAw2qec8qXiNjhZGu4PR2RRlXPslg1/j9sN9M5BqjtlSBPNR5TzRpnR6MaR6i/fu13M9S5HrnolT1fNR5TrWNXSosFzLp2vJtxLpj1Xbo/8zuJxFTb41I8zteNd7NyjlDfAwrryn/rcyWm lAOdbPp9OUll9t3/GJfrC04J7HVQ91svMb1qtBi4dEdWz3czcoKh9te/7Od0k/iqu2ddnk327 qxy4GMWYqcFZTW3JKYqt57SfvZvsVLtvgqJZivsNIbckpiatm I6MOquwb0aNy3g1K LJHlutd0KjzsWLeYV9tbxK xjFnnpaRHU Q4R3Thc3Ry3OI1m7XhHmdQW9dljb877EVOuMw3Sqn4dg3eU9dn bWKJfXVJyamGqJHJeIGp9pwp6m98zudzP7Wo9iSWQ1P8FGuhq6 HOTH3F4TVT2fUy0jFT/xhPKubkmtFS5q 8mhc5Ou9p ywu2nkdn5QLW34I6qLit86NPn BdNOBetvc XJ6p6qMJzt8w74D6tNt4nP656rMLVLRUOdSvuqOrxClc1Kxzur vaZUyu8lZErlvrrn5xT4bX3/JLEU381ke70vgrn2FV7789NPHUpvtsF8mMVju3ldbUNpyeiOjd fXd3d8Qvnkocq3L62tuO0RFSXZom6WenjFe7THV1Ns2axkPts8 jrXWcOu9qXO61uqujSj4rXSYZa1pdmPu6t5fFKa884m4dqu9qq 2cmumO6/9rvauVvn OKZeydVVV/tSD7vLzlaa5bFnc1cfk1vxkLmrP3/G3VZ TOzLHFV92E35YbE/c1S15Li8NbEkplpyWN6iWBJTjUTzIjHVTCwtE1Pd0/NX8xtZtd7pTU4WcQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==

https://www.habboxforum.com/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAPUAAAC0CAMAAAB 7a5qeAAAAY1BMVEX///8AAABLEBC2traWHx97Ghp0GBj/y5jjkRy9vb3/zGbt7f9GQ0CaiHZ7e3tmZmbv7wr6/19fVlFRUzMzPMonnDmGp3AABmAABYEhJfFBTWODilpdSHYzqjI iLMmTPn5//gpU4eAAAFj0lEQVR4nO3dD1faShAF8C59FNRK7VPwDw/s9/ UZXq9Z2aXBAR8XWdn7zkqIaEnv55xNtlE PKl5y8kjaT2fv2/iacW3bdv/wykZXk8NcSSITXWtCePqKb4sBry2vv6cYmoTmkyea96MmnFHVE t5lPUbbi7uqtbVsN8mtq/u6uZ8izTrutqv6GablFeF1E5t 1qn7FuiMsKx3MtmbtafKL8UQRyu13tfb48sdWQlWKVq7ur/UY0Kc3nKT08UPnzLVx eMAWrZjjqmmWQMxRC3KswVZd7TnWTPHsLZRbd 39/ZhEVEPC7mXFpRzr23BHVKNnff/O7lWKrTzfsvaeX5KI6pRud4FGfo6Z4b69pVm2rb3v5yeqWhwQ0 QzXaiWPVytb99wKr6q97 cnphrdbLlUdUr/7iJaLK1Wsswl2Uq29m2OqpawT81mm40IRc4exuXNBpXtu4/ZRFSjbqFWZalGhctWGOlq7/WliahmdbPGx9Ws7xaqPKpajzGPHZFyqxYqPKIa0QpXo37nMy3U tk1UtY5dtpZt3XNGofa flxiqiV6HnlbRM9FWzPHUycTzhRpqPY/l5Anolqux8930bkknf2FVd2a2nt9aSKqeQcOrtFyfNpslm/ZbHRG0d5/51seVZ2S3Aut9SzG5ZLHoTI3iOdglt8Fldfe 3MTVY373lHjGLOG1fgdEDPk8uXV3dU6LuVqZP4nKvc8gnV1Sjc 3IlYpcnMjz9OZ/6y9/ clrnq6i6rLGUI1485ZecSvrvYUUU8mqlY3xdbM 6ll2fNRaVx1SlYtShWrWX4P4Ka4q32lVItkux02Qw25fPd7b2V EtZhE/fLCkej5ebtdr5 f7Yg1neZmxuvZR0Q1 pKoefQhzvV6u4V6zMxlnxUeTy3i19fr6 k0V4t1yCxK9DBd9lfhUdR6VEHx4y5Uc wS83o9XN l2kOFR1Xn546Pj7la3JCKOjfzLNNjhUdS27kguKl ehL1/T3UoudZJOYF1Szb 6rwqGqdEcLfNdD9tMv9vVWjn6HWrfm/XeQ5TxUeUa01rnOAw2qec8qXiNjhZGu4PR2RRlXPslg1/j9sN9M5BqjtlSBPNR5TzRpnR6MaR6i/fu13M9S5HrnolT1fNR5TrWNXSosFzLp2vJtxLpj1Xbo/8zuJxFTb41I8zteNd7NyjlDfAwrryn/rcyWm lAOdbPp9OUll9t3/GJfrC04J7HVQ91svMb1qtBi4dEdWz3czcoKh9te/7Od0k/iqu2ddnk327 qxy4GMWYqcFZTW3JKYqt57SfvZvsVLtvgqJZivsNIbckpiatm I6MOquwb0aNy3g1K LJHlutd0KjzsWLeYV9tbxK xjFnnpaRHU Q4R3Thc3Ry3OI1m7XhHmdQW9dljb877EVOuMw3Sqn4dg3eU9dn bWKJfXVJyamGqJHJeIGp9pwp6m98zudzP7Wo9iSWQ1P8FGuhq6 HOTH3F4TVT2fUy0jFT/xhPKubkmtFS5q 8mhc5Ou9p ywu2nkdn5QLW34I6qLit86NPn BdNOBetvc XJ6p6qMJzt8w74D6tNt4nP656rMLVLRUOdSvuqOrxClc1Kxzur vaZUyu8lZErlvrrn5xT4bX3/JLEU381ke70vgrn2FV7789NPHUpvtsF8mMVju3ldbUNpyeiOjd fXd3d8Qvnkocq3L62tuO0RFSXZom6WenjFe7THV1Ns2axkPts8 jrXWcOu9qXO61uqujSj4rXSYZa1pdmPu6t5fFKa884m4dqu9qq 2cmumO6/9rvauVvn OKZeydVVV/tSD7vLzlaa5bFnc1cfk1vxkLmrP3/G3VZ TOzLHFV92E35YbE/c1S15Li8NbEkplpyWN6iWBJTjUTzIjHVTCwtE1Pd0/NX8xtZtd7pTU4WcQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==

What would you do, if you are going to be the Habbo Hotel Manager for one day?

The most creative answer will win 10c or two weeks forum VIP

20-06-2018, 01:24 PM
This competition is now open!

21-06-2018, 04:27 AM
I would mix things up have both the old Habbo and the new Habbo mixed together, so keep some of the new stuff but bring back some old Habbo such as Snowstorm (providing the top 10 badge again), fast food (for its badge too), the old rooftop. I would introduce more moderators and ambassadors that are online each time zone. I would also introduce something like by completing the talent track you get 20-50c free.

21-06-2018, 08:48 AM
Lmao I've seen these videos on YouTube, they're good!

I would release a rare never to be released again, perhaps something true to me so at least I put my stamp on running the hotel for the day. I would also play older games instead of all the automated ones for badges nowadays, I remember winning a Dino off Ludus back in the day for his Habbo Rugby game, so I might bring that back. I would also do a small sale in the Catalogue and allow teleports in the Market Place (they would be different by saying linking, unlinked, single and bundle etc.)

21-06-2018, 12:26 PM
Going along with what Cardigyna said,I would definitely like to bring back some old games. I've had many different accounts on Habbo throughout my life, so I remember how Habbo was 10+ years ago, and I would love to have it back that way.

Another thing I would do is host more staff events to have a sort of "Meet and Greet" of the actual Habbo staff since most people don't even know who the Habbo staff are, yet they are very important part of our experience on the game.

I would also try to change parts of the catalouge so that more items can be purchased with duckets. As someone who has never really had that many coins, I feel as though the game would be more fun if people had enough furniture to make rooms and hangout with their friends.

Finally, I would spread out the good word of Habbox & how their staff are so amazing <3

22-06-2018, 12:55 AM
I would unban iPoluted; so he can return to hosting, funding and building fab rooms for habbox events!

22-06-2018, 12:59 AM
I totally would change all the public rooms around.
So you try to enter one room and end up going into a completely different room.
As for anything else. I’d probably bring him back HungryMonkey back to go steal from the rich and give to the poor.

22-06-2018, 04:40 AM
I'd bring back the old public rooms. They don't have to be the main public rooms but just hidden away somewhere for anyone who wants to go there.

22-06-2018, 09:20 PM
Bring back BB & SS.. Lock All Rooms In The Hotel & To Access Them They Would Have To Sign Up To Hx & HxForum (praise) Then They Can Go In Any Room They Wanted For The Day.. Id do a rare giveaway like back in the day the thrones were given away.. some cool furni that u get for entring a room & not just logging on.. I would also bring back the old public hallways because hide and seek in there was AMAZING!

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