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  1. #1
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    Another Habbox Summer Spectacular is now over, we can all go back to our lives (if we had any) and prepare for the next big event we do, or even start preparing for HxSS 2019. This year, we have brought it so much with the most events and on air competitions as well as some genius, bigger events to complete.

    I don't think I'll be the only one saying this, but I have had the absolute best time joining in with this year's Habbox Summer Spectacular, so much so that I've created this thread which I wouldn't normally do. I joined Habbox in 2009, and I have taken part in every tournament we've had for summer since then; this year has been by far one of the best ones there has been. We've gained so many newcomers, many of them that will stay and some who have even already taken roles in some departments. We've had a lot of different events that we don't often see (or want to see again). It's been a nicer atmosphere and the competition has been mostly friendly, it hasn't been as stressful as in recent years and I think that's down to every single person who hosted an event, planned it or even just played in one, it has been amazing!

    This year we've had an amazing General Management team in terms of activity, and the planning that went into this event was phenomenal, you can just tell that so much time and effort was given. We've had some great team leaders who may or may not have led their team to victory (we will find out once the points have all been added). Admittedly, it hasn't all been plain sailing, but I don't think a Habbox event ever is!

    Like I said, I don't often make threads like this, but I felt it was deserved because of everyone this year! I want to say a special thank you to @lawrawrrr; who has taken so much time for this competition, going through stressful situations when she shouldn't have to and to @despect; and @Sho; for being some of the best Assistant General Managers we've had in years (even better than me because I was usually awful).

    A thank you to every single person who hosted an event, hosted a competition or anything that took some effort in doing; without you Habbox Summer Spectacular wouldn't have been so popular and not as many points would have been given out!

    A thank you to every one who took part in any event, who cheered on their team or someone else's. Anyone who just took time out of their life to come down to an event. Every one who took part, should be extremely proud because it's not easy to pull off such a large scale event! Usually, after HxSS it dies down, those who came just for the tournament depart from Habbox once more and it goes back to being a little quiet, but I believe this year is different, I think the popularity will continue and we have to thank the newcomers and the people who helped get them for that!

    Also, from a personal view I just want to say thank you for making this the best Habbox Summer Spectacular I have ever taken part in, I'm sad it's over, but I'm glad I can calm down a bit now and go back to moderately playing Habbo instead of becoming a full on addict again like I have been for the past 10 days! Also, just remember, red is the best team ever!

    Thanks, Samantha.

    Last edited by Samantha; 19-08-2018 at 11:34 PM.

  2. #2
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    I will reply fully tomorrow once I've slept and had time to reflect but my first reaction is this:

    Habbox Summer Spectacular 2018 has been by FAR the easiest one I've had as a GM, and probably the most enjoyable I've had as a player since my very first one (but I didn't sleep much then). I literally cannot thank everyone who hosted, DJed, played, planned events, joined, advertised, recruited - I've honestly enjoyed it so much and loved seeing the Habbox community as I know and love it out in full force.

    Even as a first reaction I can't type without thanking James and Sho enough, I absolutely adore working with them both all the time - the ideas and conversations and back-and-forth and motivation, as well as genuine friendship and support (I HOPE!!!!!) we all have for each other is lovely too. They're always fantastic, but for HxSS in particular, I super, massively appreciate them from the planning stages throughout the event and for everything we have had to cope with being thrown at us that has all been dealt with so quickly, easily and professionally. I'm so proud of EVERYONE for how it's gone, and thank you.

    Thanks also to Sam for this thread - as well as volunteering to help out as an admin again!

    From me: I love HxSS, I love Habbox. I do what I do because I care so much about this community and I want to build something inclusive, supportive, and positive, and HxSS this year has 99% epitomised that. I'm so happy, proud and genuinely also sad that it's over.

    Thanks everyone - full thanks thread and prob some soppy PMs coming tomororw/next day (once I've recovered) xxxx

    back to reality

    Loveyou all x

  3. #3
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    ye was ok
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    Blessed be
    + * + * + * +

  4. #4
    _spirit's Avatar
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    I agree with what everyone else has said this has been the best HxSS in years! Thank you to everyone who has been involved in some way ❤️

  5. #5
    Conor's Avatar
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    This is only my second HxSS, I joined Habbox back in September of 2015 so really I joined because of HxSS. This is the first year I've been a team leader and been stressed. However, I've loved every minute of it. Thanks Laura, James and Sho, you're months of planning paid off massively and I think this year was easy to lead in the end. Also a massive thanks to all the other leaders and admin, really couldn't have done it without you!

    Thank you for letting me lead the green team and here's (not) to HxSS19!

    FUNISMYME on Habbo

    Guest HabboxLive DJ & Guest Event Host & HabboxWiki Staff & Competitions Staff

    Previously one of the longest running HabboxLive Senior DJ, Ex Event Host, Ex Competition Staff, Ex Article Writer, Ex Help Desk Staff

    See something on the Wiki that needs updating? Feel free to PM me info and I'll get it sorted.

  6. #6
    A's Avatar
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    This event has been one to remember, and to everyone I say thank you. The management/administration team for organising and putting together such a well themed event to the staff who came into a close knit with those members to make the whole event a success. Honestly, after really getting involved and although not winning, it's still a fantastic thing to take part in and makes everyone feel strongly as part of a team. I've met some great people during this who now i'm close friends with, and talk on a daily basis. Everyone should look forward to this event every single year, because from what I remember... it only keeps getting better!

    Well done everyone, a successful event and a successful year.

    ex. senior dj, events organiser and hxhd staff
    oh, and ex forum mod too...

  7. #7
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    Lost my HxSS virginity to the Red team, it was spectacular. Thank you, Samantha.. for saying what we've all been thinking

  8. #8
    Ekelektra's Avatar
    Ekelektra is offline Content Design Manager
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    Thank you Laura, James, Sho and everyone who helped out in some way or participated!! I had an absolute blast. This year was so enjoyable everyone was so positive and it was so great to get to do some bonding with people and meet some new people too! Also had a lot of fun being a leader and helping out the newbies xx

    Check out our fabulous wiki!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    My First HXss was a Success! Yay!
    although ultimately work came in between me and some more points.
    But I had a amazing time and cant wait for next year! The love, The teamwork, & the rivalries.
    Bravo Everyone!

  10. #10
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    The House Always Wins
    -House Of Black-
    Like _spirit Liked

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