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  1. #1
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    Default 80% of Britons think the government is handling immigration badly

    Thousands of illegal immigrants now flooding over the English Channel (terrorists and jihadists among them) and this government hasn't a clue. Greenie protestors blocking the motorways and the useless Police Forces stand there offering them cups of tea. Instead, the government pesters businesses which refuse to follow absurd Covid regulations and sends its goon squad out to patrol trains to try and fine people not wearing pathetic and useless masks. Threatening the population that Christmas will be cancelled - as though they have the right to hold such a draconian power. Thousands dying of undiagnosed cancers as a result of this insanity.

    The wheels really have come off this government and it needs removing from office. And I say that as a Tory Party member. Worse than Iraq in 2003.

    Time for Nigel Farage to come out of political retirement and stick the boot into them again.

  2. #2
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    Here's a video just emerged of the type of people who are flooding into the country as we speak.

    Priti Patel and Boris Johnson stand there like a pair of useless lemons.

  3. #3
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    • I think they're handling it badly; but not for the reasons you do. Sensationalist headline prompted by a badly written question
    • These polls are crap in general because they're answered by a small percentage of the population who go out of their way to be loud about their opinions
    • It's not illegal to cross the channel as I'm sure you very well know (and just don't care because it doesn't fit your racist narrative)
    • The government has not threatened to "cancel Christmas", more lies from you
    • Masks still aren't useless, stop lying just because you don't like them
    • Of course no-one should be abused like that bus of teens, that is illegal behaviour and the Met have said they're investigating
    • Calling these few people "the type who are flooding into the country" is just flat out racism and you know it. You'll argue against that fact, but it is entirely the case - you don't know their nationality, and if they are immigrants you don't know their background or their method of entry into the UK, you've just gone all out racist to be the cool inflammatory guy who cares so much about his country that he doesn't live in it and refuses to care about the health of any of its citizens when he visits

    I'm going to take a leaf out of your book now; leave a bunch of points that I have no intention of ever following up on, and just declare some sort of magical victory as I walk away. I know you'll respond (probably with a load of blustering about how you're totally not racist despite the words you've literally written on purpose this afternoon, and how daaaare I say such a thing to you, followed by some sort of suggestion that not responding to your nonsense makes me a coward), but I won't reply to that because there's really nothing else to say to you that hasn't been said time and time again, falling on deaf ears in every instance. You refuse to be educated and you refuse to be a decent human being, so there's no point actually talking to you. The only thing you got right is that this government needs to go, and even that you twisted the wrong way.

    Called it.
    Last edited by FlyingJesus; 01-12-2021 at 08:59 PM.
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  4. #4
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    As usual Tom doesn't understand scientific polling, doesn't understand the difference between race and religion hence his weak attempt to conflate the two, and doesn't understand that 2 years into a pandemic his mask hasn't stopped an endemic virus, hence why it is still here and will always be here. Nor does he grasp the difference between applying for a visa and sailing across the English Channel illegally against both national and international law.

    It's always good to have a debate but you can't debate with someone who claims night is day and day is night, and the moon is made of cheese.

    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus
    You refuse to be educated and you refuse to be a decent human being, so there's no point actually talking to you.
    When losing the argument, go for a character attack. Bingo.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 01-12-2021 at 08:52 PM.

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