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Results 1 to 8 of 8
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Exclamation Jess... Girl... Help... Please?

    As you can kind of tell I need some help about this girl Jess. It's kind of a long story so please do read and help.
    Recently I've been noticing this girl, Jess. I asked one of my best friends girl friend (Who happends to be Jesses best friend) for her MSN address. We would talk for hours. Then on Monday, I sat near her at lunch and we started talking. I soon find out she had dumped her boyfriend but he asked her out again and she didn't know what to say, she then said no on friday. He didn't seem to care much anyway I spent from 4:30 (When I went on MSN) untill like 10:00. I started to talk to a friend who was one of those ladie man. He gave me some advice but I'd still like some advice from here. She told me she did fancie me and really liked me but was still getting over her X. She trusts me loads because she told me a lot of her fealings / sercets about whats happend. I've tryed to keep her happy when she says she would get called stuff. When she felt It was her fault for somthing, I would say It wasn't you get the Idea. Anyway we are like always texting and talking to each other. I really want to ask her out, but I know and she's told me she's not ready and still getting over her X. Which Is why I'm waiting a while.
    I dont want to be like "Hi Jess u got ova u X yet". I want It to be romatic etc. Like you see In movies.
    The advice I've already got Is just to talk to her loads, keep her happy. I think by this friday I might try to meet up with her In the park and then ask her out then.

    What should I do-
    What should I talk about-
    How should I go about meeting her on friday-

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005

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    Don't get too clingy. If u want to speak to her/spend every minute of the day with her she will just flip as you will be getting obsessive compulsive disorder :p So give her space but let her know that your offer still stands and you'll always be there for her!

  3. #3


    Okay. Thanks for the advice

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

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    Go for it! As far as I can see she's putting out the signals, and your just sitting back trying to please her, if you both like eachother don't wait!
    Live everyday like your last.
    Last edited by Pulchritudinous; 26-02-2006 at 11:55 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    If you're not sure about actually asking her out, just keep going as you are, be like unofficial girlfriend and boyfriend, that way she can have fun with you without feeling guilty or whatever about her ex.
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  6. #6


    That's the advice my freind gave me. I asked her to see a movie today and she said yes . Didn't really go to plan, we found her two of her best mates who were like "Omg hi" and I was like -.- . Anyway, after a bit of chat, they found out we were seeing a movie and they where like "omg you're going on a date" and Jess simpley said "We're going as friends" even though I knew she didn't mean It. Anyway they kind of just came to the movie with us -.- Which was very annoying because I couldn't sit next to Jess. After the movie we spent two hours in a kiddie shop sitting on the counters talking . Which was pretty kewl. When Jess had to meet her dad to go to fitness training (I'll explain In a second). I went with her leaving her two best friends behind at last. When she had to go I gave her a nice friendly hug which she turned Into one of those. Boyfriend girlfriend hugs If you know what I mean. Anyway, fitness training Is because she Ice skates and might be going to the winter Olmipcs (I cant spell) in four years time. I'm going to text her tonight even though we've been texting for ages while she had breaks at fitness training.
    Please keep the advice comming, It really helps!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Sounds like you're doing fine, even if you were unlucky with the movie thing (annoying I'll bet). All you need to do is keep the pace down, don't rush anything. She'll appreciate you more if you let her get back on her feet rather than taking her on the rebound, so keep up the good work with the "friend dates" .
    Good news about the Olympics too, means that when you do get together she'll be nice and flexible But none of that just yet methinks ^_^
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    NSW, Australia

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    I Dont Think That Much Of An Advice Expert, Ive Been Told Otherwise But I Dont Believe It So Here Goes.....

    Just Take Things Slow, I Know Its Annoying But Thats What Works. Trust Me A Friend Rushed Something With A Guy And Now Its Weird Between Them. Just Try And Be "good" Freinds And Go Out More Places And Get To Know Her Better. When Shes Ready She'll Give You Hints, Trust Me.

    Lol Good Luck With The Whole Romance Thing,

    →he said call me now
    →and id come a running
    →If you'd call me now baby id come a running.

    •яαยขнєℓ •

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