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Thread: New Newsie!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    lol both posted at the same minute well done - shakes hand -

    ps . im sorry x
    I dont Believe in Signatures

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Latest Awards:


    I am starting to dislike Habbos ignorance. Take this article from Anon:

    Happy Birthday Habbo

    On February 19th 2001 Habbo Hotel UK officially opened. Only a few people had ever heard of this little village, and some people might have even thought it was a silly idea. Five years on, Habbo Hotel has become a giant online teen community, with over 40 million users worldwide!

    Since the UK opening, around 15 new Hotels have been opened, encouraging teens around the globe to get online and have fun! Habbo Hotel has created many new and lasting friendships and is great fun and offers much pleasure to anyone who wishes so. With added bonuses to the fun, furniture can be bought to make fantastic rooms, designed in your personal favourite way.

    Habbo Club can also be purchased, giving YOU extra benefits to make your Habbo experience all the better! The great staff that give their own time to keeping you and other Habbos safe really deserve a special thank you, for keeping up the great excitement of being on Habbo Hotel. 5 great years Habbo Hotel has been with us, and what a special day it is. In 2006 Habbo will celebrate it's 5th anniversary! Yey!

    It should be:

    Happy Birthday Habbo

    On January 16th 2001 Habbo Hotel UK officially opened. Only a few people had ever heard of this little village, and some people might have even thought it was a silly idea. Five years on, Habbo Hotel has become a giant online teen community, with over 40 million users worldwide!

    Since the UK opening, around 16 new Hotels have been opened, encouraging teens around the globe to get online and have fun! Habbo Hotel has created many new and lasting friendships and is great fun and offers much pleasure to anyone who wishes so. With added bonuses to the fun, furniture can be bought to make fantastic rooms, designed in your personal favourite way.

    Habbo Club can also be purchased, giving YOU extra benefits to make your Habbo experience all the better! The great staff that give their own time to keeping you and other Habbos safe really deserve a special thank you, for keeping up the great excitement of being on Habbo Hotel. 5 great years Habbo Hotel has been with us, and what a special day it is. In 2006 Habbo will celebrate it's 5th anniversary! Yey!

    Most of that article shouldn't be in there "/ It is describing what Habbo Hotel is rather than it's birthday, which is wrong "/ My God Habbo Staff and users are dumb.

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