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  1. #1
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    Default online friends vs real life friends

    which do you prefer, personality-wise? (i.e don't say rl friends because you can see them)

    i kinda have a habit of making my online friends my rl ones, we have way more in common and they're just nicer people. my rl friends aren't really similar to me in any way and i've ended up distancing myself from most of them because they're pure idiots.


  2. #2
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    my friends irl are very much friends i have FUN with, they don't really know much about me. we just have a laugh together and chill together. my online friends know much more about me, i'm far more open and i like that. they're usually on my intelligence level or above (i'm not saying i'm super clever, just my irl friends aren't very ha) and i can have actual discussions.

  3. #3
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    ummm if you asked me this several months ago i would have said online, but now i rarely speak to anybody online
    people online know more personal things about me, but these days i much prefer speaking to rl friends
    it's sad i had some really good online friends who i thought i'd never stop speaking to but unfortunately i have.

    so yeah, as much as i may complain about them/get pissed at them rl friends all the way

  4. #4
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    friends i have irl i have much more fun with and in terms of things we can relate to that we've done, there's more as there normally would be.

    friends i have online, i have more of a laugh with than anything and i do have fun with em as well, but it's not in the same kind of fun.

    then for me, theres people ive met online and went into irl and now look at them as online/irl friends, and them i kinda get along with more than anything, cuz we have things in common offline, but also online as well and i can just be more myself in that i can talk about things that affect me irl as well wtihout them directly my irl life with my irl friends. ya dig.

  5. #5
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    will forever be real friends because i actually interact with them. if i saw some online friends regularly, then i'd probably shift them into the 'real friends' category. but because that hasn't happened, online friends will probably remain within that context. plus, what makes friendships stronger is experiencing things with one another - and that's more difficult to achieve with someone who you only communicate with online.

  6. #6
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    I met one of my best friends online. In fact, they're one of my oldest friends. I've known them longer than I have any of my real-life friends who are still around. I feel extremely close to them, and I wouldn't want to go on without them. But I think when you get as close as we did, something bursts, and you can't just stay confined to the internet anymore. We met, and we exchanged numbers, and essentially I would consider them a real-life friend now. In the long run, there's just too many limitations online. You can't truly know someone if they're just words on a screen. I open up a lot more online than I do in real-life, but despite that, I still feel those who have actually been around me know me better. They might not know my innermost thoughts, but they know me as a person. They know my personality, and what I'm like. However much you talk to someone online, you can never truly grasp their being. How you are online is essentially a projection. It's bits and pieces, it isn't the whole thing. There's a whole new dynamic when you're physcially around someone, and just so many more levels on which you can connect, relate and engage. And I feel the bond is so much more stronger in someone you know in real life and can open up to an confide in, than it is with someone you can open up to and confide in, but know strictly online. Physical connection is so important in life.

    Nevertheless, I can't really give an answer. My head says real-life friends, but I met one of my best friends online and I can't overlook that. But I have no preference. To me a friend is a friend, and I don't see why it has to be one or the other all the time.

  7. #7
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    Well, I only have a few friends in real life that I'd consider proper friends and who I can tell anything to and feel 100% comfortable with, in fact... I probably just have one who's my best friend we're unbelievably close and I love it.

    Saying that, I've met some amazing people online, people who've cheered me up and made me laugh whenever I needed it. I would consider a few of my online friends my best friends just because you haven't met somebody doesn't make them any less important to you.

  8. #8
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    I used to be very close to my real life friends but not anymore since we are not studying together etc. I really hope things will get better but it's getting worse apparently and we rarely meet each other. So, I'd say online friends. I spend a lot of time online and I dunno if they know me well but that's how it is, I guess.

  9. #9
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    I'd probably say online friends, I can really be true to myself and I don't have to hide anything with a smile with them. I don't have a friend in real life that I can talk to about my own feelings so I just act like everything is okay when it's really not. I love how I can be open with people online HOWEVER it sucks because I don't know them irl. I'd love to know some of the people I've met online in real life, would be perfectttt.

  10. #10
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    I have one friend in real life who is my best friends and we've been best friends for like 5 or 6 years now. i love her loads and would choose her over my online friends but i feel we're drifting apart and don't really speak as much as we used to. the rest of my friends are just mates and i don't really like them that much lol ngl. i love my online friends because i can say anything and they wouldn't judge me, we share the same interests and i'm closer to them than my mates irl. i've met some really amazing people online and i do like them better than my mates irl. i can just get along with them better and have a laugh, most of my rl mates are annoying *******.

    x brandon x

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