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Thread: KIDS

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Considering you're now a grown up whose main contact list is made manly of the people of the same age as yourself (or older), having kids or not, what is your usual behavior towards them, the KIDS?

    Are these lil' people with tiny hands, heads and feet smart, funny and cute as some say, or extremely disturbing, yelling and bossy? Do you plan 'making'/adopting some?

    Cos I do.. ok, maybe there's a chance I can rethink about this because, like, I usually have lots of fun with my cousins, aged 03-09 and they love me also BUT it doesn't mean I'm automatically ready to take the upcoming (or not) responsibility of being the one who they cry for, complaining when it is needed and dealing with their necessity of wanting everything which is in the market, right ?

    do discuss, dude

  2. #2
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    Children seem to really like me. I have a half-brother who is seven, and he says I'm his favourite brother. I always make time for him whenever I go over to my mum's, and I'll play Minecraft with him and let him show me all his games and things. But I think as long as you know how to humour children, then they're happy and they'll like you. I wouldn't really say I dislike or like children, because they're all so very different. I'm not very fond of bratty children, and loud children. When they scream I die a little inside. As for whether I want to have children... I have never had any strong feelings or desires about having my own children. I don't feel like a child would fulfill me any more than having a partner would, and I'm not really big on this idea that we as humans must procreate and continue our bloodline. I couldn't really care less if I was the last of my bloodline. Also, when you have children, it feels as though life as you know it will never be the same. There'll always be somebody more important than you and maybe even your spouse, and that's a big responsibility. It's also a big cost, and I think I'd rather travel the world a couple of times. That said, I would consider having children with the right person. If I really loved them, and it was something important to them, then it's probably worthwhile.

  3. #3
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    I dom't mind children but if they are the whinning bad type I don't respond to them well. I usually ignore them and get frustrated. I have this thing about people touching me. So when little hands be all touching me or when they try to sit on my lap I say to myself "Get off me." Children can sit near me but they have to behave themselves because once they act up and break my surrounding peace I get annoyed by them and I will ignore them. {These are mostly toddler age.}
    I like older children because they don't get on my nerves. They don't be all over me or touching me. They even behave themselves somewhat because they are a bit older than toddlers.

    I don't really want any children. I rather foster a child. That is like raising a child without having to deal with them being infants or toddlers. I'll do that: D

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  4. #4
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    I'm good with kids and for some reason, it comes naturally - probably has a lot to do with my chosen career path (which actually begins this September so exciting!). Every job I've done really has been aimed at working with children - recent school placements have made me realise I'm pretty good at communicating with them and making sure that they stay on task but also know how to have fun with me!

    Out of schools and work, I've always been good with other children - my first girlfriend, I absolutely adored her little cousins and we used to play xbox all the time together and they always asked me to come over and stuff, so it was nice!
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  5. #5
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    I do not particularly like them, they literally creep me out and disturb.

    The idea of having my own makes me want to vomit. I'm sure in reality children are lovely and they're just trying to grow up and deal with that, but please do it away from me...

  6. #6
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    kids never used to bother or annoy me cos my siblings and cousins were younger but now they're all in teenage years (or very nearly) i find myself getting increasingly annoyed at airports etc when a baby cries or a toddler misbehaves. my patience is deffo going!!

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