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  1. #1
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    Cool What is the 'stoopidest' Customer experience you've had?

    If you work in retail or any Customer Service based job role, then you'll know the dreaded things that walk around thinking the world owes them something.. or Customers if you want to get technical.

    What's the worst customer experience you've either had or had the pleasure of witnessing?

    Due to the fact I'm a Manager at a Cinema, I've had my fair share of stupid customers. Although the one I'm about to explain comes in the top 10, it's fairly low on the scale, but it's the first one that came into my head, and probably the most annoying... The others are genuinely stupid which I can understand.. I'm come to learn that 90% of the people who walk into my Cinema, leave their common sense beside the entrance, therefore any customers with stupid complaints, I just boil it down to them being stupid; end of... But this one guy actually annoyed me.

    So I was standing at Dropbox (where we check your tickets) and a customer comes up for the Inbetweeners Film (He got his tickets from the Automatic Ticket Machine) as a result his tickets were blue (instead of red) so I knew he'd had no interaction with staff at this point, therefore no one has I.D'd his son... This film is a 15, and the son at best looked 11, so naturally I asked for any proof of age.. and naturally I get the same crap of "I'm his father, I can vouch that he is 15) so I proceed to tell him that I am unable to take anyones word for it, I need to see a government official proof of ID.

    At this point he father continues to tell me that he wouldn't bring his son to see a film if he was underage, and then continues to tell me that he is 15..
    Then he says "Don't you normally ask for their DOB?" to which I say "If we're around 98% sure that a customer is the legal age, we ask for their DOB to reinforce our judgement" So the angry father tells me that I don't think his son is 15, and that I'm calling him a liar.. So I explain to him that he is correct in that I don't think his son is 15, and due to it being AGAINST THE LAW for me to let someone underage into a film, it is therefore my job to ask for proof of ID when I have a shred of doubt..

    So this is where it gets funny.. The father then tells me in a rather stern voice that he is a police officer and has been for over 20 years and said that he can assure me that letting someone underage into a film is not against the law.. I explained back and forth that it is.. he kept telling me it's not. So I then got rather annoyed with him and told him "With all due respect, there are many areas of law, so vast and complex that lawyers need to pick a certain area of law to study and practice... Police officers go through NO LAW TRAINING WHATSOEVER. What you've heard about it being legal to let an underage person into a film has been hear-say or word of mouth..."
    Naturally he got angry with me and almost shouting at this point he told me that he can ring his Constable and he can confirm to me that he can let his son into a 15 rated film despite him only being 14 (So now he's admitted to me that his son is 14)

    So I told him that he can do this if he wishes however there are certain factors to take into account regarding this law.. The law of it being illegal to allow an underage person into the Cinema is a business law.. It's not illegal for you to allow your underage son into a 15, it's illegal for me and the company.. We are bound by law to abide by he BBFC with their certification on films. Failure to do so will result in a massive fine for both me as a person and the company.

    Despite this speech of mine, he still claimed that I was in the wrong and continue to express the fact that he is a police officer and therefore sometimes in his job, he has to be lenient, and asked me why I couldn't do the same...

    At this point I was done with him, only so much I can say.. So I said "Because it's against the law, you can get a refund for your tickets at the till over there *points*

    and then I walked away
    Apparently this is what I'm paying my Taxes for.. For idiots like him who seem to think they're above the law because they're a police officer.
    What's your experience?

    There's another shooting today, and this one was bad
    I'm glad that we all hope and pray, but it takes more than that
    We've been trying, we've been crying
    Hoping that they will do more than keep lying
    I need to believe that people can change
    Or else this life has all been in vain
    What's the point of fighting if we're fighting for a lie?

    I'm not senDing sublimInal messagEs to rule breakers

  2. #2
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    Default What is the 'stoopidest' Customer experience you've had?

    I used to get ID problems hundreds of times a night in my job

    One in particular though had me in stitches. Basically I worked in a nightclub that my mother run, and has done for over 12 years.
    One night there was a school disco for people leaving after their GCSE's locally, so we were expecting loads to come over and try their luck.
    Wasn't long before they all started coming along and just refused them entry. One young kid though, looked about 15 at most, come to the door with the usual sucking-up methods. Anyway, I ask him for his ID to which he replies "I'm 19 mate", tell him he still needs ID and that he can't come in without it. Then he goes "Yeah but my grandmother runs this place, you can phone her if you want" (bare in mind his so called grandmother, is actually my mother), few of the staff click and start laughing. Still the bloke had no idea who I was, so kept leading him on asking him all the details, which he some how creepily knew. Finally give up and tell him that if his grandmother runs the place, then I must be his uncle. The poor kids face was a picture and he just walked off

    bless him
    Last edited by j0rd; 27-10-2015 at 04:04 PM.

  3. #3
    welshcake's Avatar
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    I have quite a lot of stories.

    I'll say my most recent thing.

    Before we had the new self scan machines, I was told that one of the main purpose of them allowing the customer to do lots of things that at the time, only I could do, was so the staff who is running the machines can talk to the customers more and sort of provide better customer service whatever that is.
    So ,I had these two people, must have been about my mother's age so around mid 40s. They both were really angry at the machines like normal. I thought I would do what is suggested and talk to the customers, sort of do the thing I do with regular customers which is share gossip, tell funny stories, etc., etc. I started to tell them a story about a customer who hated the machines so much that they did spit at me. I thought maybe the 'hate the machines' part would allow them to relate to the customers anger but the way I was saying it, I was trying to make them laugh.
    I have a very strong accent, I currently live in Wales. These people were English, they were on a holiday. These people then started to yell at me and demanded to know where my manager was and I was like ?? so I pointed to the manager. They then shouted and demanded to know my name so I was like er Lauren?
    Turns out the woman assumed this story I was telling was me saying to her that she spat on my face... If that makes sense. She thought I was saying that she spat on my face. I wasn't even close to the woman, she didn't even speak to me. The woman then went and shouted at my manager saying that I told her she spat on my face and apparently I was saying 'I can't wait to finish at 4 o clock'. Tbhhhh I didn't even finish at 4 o clock. I feel like she started to shout at this thing about me telling her she spat on my face then she realised how stupid it sounded and started to make up all this crap.

    That was my most recent thing and is something I think of and bring up all the time because it's so stupid and so annoying. Even if I did say that (I didn't), my voice at the time would be all jokey and stuff because of the story I was saying and apart from that, why the hell would it be something that they would be annoyed at me saying? Like not just !! they were proper angry proper needing to see a manager.

    I was pretty sad because it was a funny story. A wasted funny story.

  4. #4
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    I work at a golf club at at the time I became the bar manager I was still working in the golf shop dealing with customers and membership. We have a very cheap membership for anyone under the age of 16 to try and encourage them into the game of golf. Anyway, one junior came in one day and joined as a member and paid his £100 membership in full, so I issued his membership card and he went out to play golf. 2 days later he comes in woth his dad and tries to buy alcoholic drinks for himself and his dad. I recalled to the boy that it was I who served him the other day and I still remembered his birthday and that he was 14. His dad tried to argue wite and say he was legal and all the normal stuff. Our membership cards give members 10% off of all alcoholic drinks so I told the man the member that regardless of everything I can't process the transaction as the system won't put yhe drinks through the system for a minor. They proceeded to have two cokes and then on the Monday the son and dad came back to the golf shop asking for a refund on his sons membership. I went through this whole thing about membership being non refundable and all that stuff and the dad by now qas starting to get abusive towards me and I showed him the terms and condition that he himself and his son signed which explained it was non refundable. So about 5 minutes pass and the police turn up and arrest the dad. Turns out another member had been in the bar and witnessed him talking to me and had also witnessed the whole membership saga and called the police. The man came back a week later to apologise and we the terminated his sons membership and told them not to come back. Was quite funny after everything.

  5. #5
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    in my old job in a call centre when people would tell me that they'd had accidents but it must've been that bad that they'd bumped the heads and forgot all about it

    i was literally crying laughing it was so funny

  6. #6
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    ummm when i was in mcdonalds a guy returned two hours after i had served him proper screaming and shouting saying i'd given him a £5 note with some rips in it (it was still useable ;l) he was proper swearing saying i should be fired

    i think the worst part about it was that my managers didn't stick up for me, they made me stand there and watch cctv to see if i had him it then took me into a disciplinary !!! it was ridiculous haha

  7. #7
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    Nothing extremely bad, but in the job I most recently worked at a lot of people would end up calling us about trying to report their lost bank card despite the fact we only dealt with fuel cards.

    Also someone called us to try and get the location of all Murco garage sites and literally would not get off the phone and called us useless yada yada despite the fact we couldn't actually do anything as we are not Murco and it is not our job :@

    The only face-to-face retail I've done is in a charity shop and people are generally ok, don't think I've had any nightmareish people there.

  8. #8
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    Default She had Bags on her feet.

    So ive been an Assistant Store Manager @ a Superdry Store for 6 years now so ive had my fair share of these strange bizare customers.

    However one that stands out for me is it was a quite old afternoon at cheshire oaks the team were busy tasking away in preperation for a busy old weekend,
    when a young lady enterd the store and headed straight toowards me looking rather pissed off, she then approached me and said were is the womens footware
    i then kindly took her to the womens footware and let her browse after about 5-10 minutes she then approached me again and asked the try a pair on
    soonce again i went above and beyond as your expected to do to find this women the size she wanted after bringing them back onto the floor and asking the lady it then struckkk me
    she was wearing 2 morrison bags on her feet with elastic bands holding the on ? well i held in my laughter thinking she may be trying to keep her shoes clean when... she removed the bags from her bare feet.

    Well that was it i was in histerics and quite frankly i didnt know were to put my face.. she must have known what i was laughing at so then she went onto to tell me the reason why ?

    "ive had a real crap morning i was in that much of a rush to leave the house i got into the car drove 3 hours to cheshire oaks and it wasent untill i parked the car and got out that i had realised i had forgotten my shoes"

    Well i was in pleates pissng my pants.. and just for the share amusment she gave me that morning i gave her 50% off the shoes she was purchasing.

    What a bloody Ding bat!!!


  9. #9
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    every. single. day. of. my. life.

    the OP sounds most accurate and is the best story in here

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