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  1. #1
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    Default how to put someone off me?!

    but STILL be friends with them?

    he 100% knows i'm not interested. he is literally the only guy i've never lead on or flirted with. i tell him about guys i like and it's normally followed with "he's not good enough for you". he says i'd be his perfect girl if i wasn't way out his league because i "like weird, geeky things + act like one of the guys" (most my friends are boys & i don't normally get on with girls, i'm not a total pig but i'll burp openly, make sexual innuendos and i'm not really girly) so acting NOT feminine won't put him off.

    k he sticks up for me, tells me he's proud of me, buys me things :eusa_whis. now he's all like "you're adorable", "i'm so proud of you" + sure that's probably what every single girl wants. not me. not from him anyway. he'll go into stupid moods "why can't i find a girlfriend whos into the same things as me, why can't i find a girl like you who's not out my league?"

    it's honestly annoying me because i want to be friends with him but i feel so so uncomfortable about it, i'm actually not sure if he does like me in that way but he's all cryptic about stuff + saying all this weird **** it starts to creep me out.... + i don't want to talk about it with him because i know i'll just end up shouting at him n ruining everything

    +rep for mature answers on how to handle it xoxoxo

    pigged 25/08/2019

  2. #2
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    tell him straight up you dont wanna be more than friends. if you say he knows 100% you're not interested in him, and he's STILL persistant, you're gonna have to put your foot down. sure, it might seem harsh but he'll be learning a valuable life lesson from it. and if after you've straight up told him he still carries on, that'd be the time to avoid him cause he'll be turning into a stalker ha.

  3. #3
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    He sounds really cool except I'm lying. Why do you want to stay friends with him, out of interest? Sounds like he's literally just there to buy you stuff and for you to talk about boys with and to give you the compliments you're not getting from said boys, because people like that are impossible to get on with in a normal, non-worshipful sort of way frankly. With that in mind I wouldn't care too much how he takes it, just let him know where you stand - next time he says something about wanting someone "like you" just tell him straight up "you won't find someone like me and we're never going to happen so start looking elsewhere".

    That or sleep with him, most people don't seem to go back to you after so that might work.
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  4. #4
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    You'll have to tell him that you can't continue to be his friend like this because he's making you feel uncomfortable when you're around him. I know you said you wanted him to still be your friend but when you're that in "love" (I wouldn't really say it was love, sounds to me like you're some girl who just hasn't had the heart to tell him that enough is enough... but err Im sure youre pretty too!), it may not be possible to remain friends.

    I think that if you tell him, he'll storm off then after a while, he'll come back asking to be friends again. If he does, this is the moment where you say 'Yes but there is no way I am going to go out with you so please stop the hints' or he'll just start up again. If he ignores your warning, break ties with him again and wash your hands of him.

    edit: if possible, another way could be to set him up with another girl. This way, you're saying 'no I don't want you, have this girl instead' but still looking like a good friend!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus View Post
    That or sleep with him, most people don't seem to go back to you after so that might work.

    i dont know what else to say to make my post unpointless. er, try the above?

  6. #6
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    I'd just try and tell him straight and up front that you are not interested, and you don't want him to get the wrong idea incase it just hurts him even more when he finds out you truly don't. He seems to care about you a rather lot, so he should understand, just don't dump it on him with a quick answer like go away etc. Just tell him nicely without trying to hurt his feelings as he seems quite attatched to you... and you wouldn't want him to not like you either way. Hope this helps in some way,
    I'm burnin' up for you baby.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by cocaine View Post
    tell him straight up you dont wanna be more than friends. if you say he knows 100% you're not interested in him, and he's STILL persistant, you're gonna have to put your foot down. sure, it might seem harsh but he'll be learning a valuable life lesson from it. and if after you've straight up told him he still carries on, that'd be the time to avoid him cause he'll be turning into a stalker ha.
    will do

    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus View Post
    He sounds really cool except I'm lying. Why do you want to stay friends with him, out of interest? Sounds like he's literally just there to buy you stuff and for you to talk about boys with and to give you the compliments you're not getting from said boys, because people like that are impossible to get on with in a normal, non-worshipful sort of way frankly. With that in mind I wouldn't care too much how he takes it, just let him know where you stand - next time he says something about wanting someone "like you" just tell him straight up "you won't find someone like me and we're never going to happen so start looking elsewhere".

    That or sleep with him, most people don't seem to go back to you after so that might work.
    i enjoy his company? it is possible. we like the same things. i won't deny the buying stuff, the hot friends + compliments are mainly why he's my friend but i do actually like having a serious convo with him i do normally say "well you won't ever have me, i have standards" but he takes it as a joke.. lol
    also SHUT UP irl
    Quote Originally Posted by Inseriousity. View Post
    You'll have to tell him that you can't continue to be his friend like this because he's making you feel uncomfortable when you're around him. I know you said you wanted him to still be your friend but when you're that in "love" (I wouldn't really say it was love, sounds to me like you're some girl who just hasn't had the heart to tell him that enough is enough... but err Im sure youre pretty too!), it may not be possible to remain friends.

    I think that if you tell him, he'll storm off then after a while, he'll come back asking to be friends again. If he does, this is the moment where you say 'Yes but there is no way I am going to go out with you so please stop the hints' or he'll just start up again. If he ignores your warning, break ties with him again and wash your hands of him.

    edit: if possible, another way could be to set him up with another girl. This way, you're saying 'no I don't want you, have this girl instead' but still looking like a good friend!
    right next time (he's not in today) he gets all gushy and crap i'm just gonna tell him it makes me uncomfortable. he'll probably just shrug it off and say "i'm joking" but he'll start again. i'll deffo put my foot down lol thanks. i've also tried setting him up with people but i've been unsucessfull haha
    Quote Originally Posted by kk. View Post

    i dont know what else to say to make my post unpointless. er, try the above?
    then rep him for it instead of replying with an immature answer
    Quote Originally Posted by Meree. View Post
    I'd just try and tell him straight and up front that you are not interested, and you don't want him to get the wrong idea incase it just hurts him even more when he finds out you truly don't. He seems to care about you a rather lot, so he should understand, just don't dump it on him with a quick answer like go away etc. Just tell him nicely without trying to hurt his feelings as he seems quite attatched to you... and you wouldn't want him to not like you either way. Hope this helps in some way,
    lol well i didn't want to get all serious with it and actually have a chat about it because that's just ... not me. it'd be awkward to say the least. i'll just be harsher than usual, he reckons he can handle me the way i am at the moment but i'll show him :eusa_danc

    pigged 25/08/2019

  8. #8
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    woah calm down jen

  9. #9
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    wear no make up, sure to work


  10. #10
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    God I've been in that exact situation before and still is now >.<

    Whoa,he really really likes you and is persistent.it's hard to get someone off you and still be friends cause it is very uncomfortable after all what happened and the friendship is no longer the same like I experienced before.

    I reckon you should have a small talk about it and not let him slip off the convo and focuses on the matter.It's easier if you guys go hang out at your favourite spot just the two of u.Start by some random chats and eventually into the matter.

    Tell him what you feels and ask him to just listen to you without interrupting.Tell him that you are very uncomfortable and unhappy with his actions if continues so and the chances of you guys' friendship torn apart if he is still persistent.

    If he still not giving up,JUST TELL IT STRAIGHT TO HIS FACE.It's harsh but you gotta do it sometimes.

    Much luck hun

    sorry for dp >.< was lagging really bad -.-'

    Posts Merged by Bolt660 (Forum Moderator): Double post caused by forum lag.
    Last edited by Martin; 15-01-2010 at 05:04 PM.

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