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Thread: School advice

  1. #1
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    Default School advice

    I need advice. I haven't been to school in ages. The reasoning behind it is. I got held back a year because I didn't go in because I was dumb. Last year was okay because my mates where in school just in a different year, this year has been a disaster, all my friends have left school, I don't really get on well with anyone in my year and I just feel embarrassed because I'm on my own most of the time and it's hard to fit in with a new group.

    The only days I like going into school is when there isn't huge lunch breaks because no-one has time to chat, we just do work. Obviously this is rare so I have barely been in school this year. I have my big exams in like three months which basically lead my future. I don't know what to do and when anyone talks to me about it I shut it out and get upset.

    I've tried to speak to people like my family members and friends, one friends understand, he says "It's your life man, if your not happy, do what makes you feel happy". I've spoken to my sister and my mam and they just say "It's your fault, you'll need to do these exams eventually". I don't want sympathy but no-one seems to understand how hard it is to actually go into school. You try to go into school and sit on your own, feel embarrassed and left out.

    I don't want to be an embarrassment to my family and the world. I'd much rather live on the street than accept the dole (with all respect to anyone on the dole). I want to finish school but now I've heard practicals and orals are coming up which are like 10 - 20% of my exam. Most of the people in my year are finished I haven't even started.

    Irish Oral
    Engineering (I don't even know how to work the machines no mind build a mini truck the works)
    Geography - I love geography but I think it may be too late to start my project
    Music - I have to play three songs with an instrument and I can't play an instrument. (I'm not even sure if this has been done yet)

    All the rest of the exams are written exams in June. Any time I go in I have people on my back, I don't want it easy but I feel like telling them to shut the hell up. I've spoken to my principal and he said we are glad you're back. They think I just felt like giving up, it isn't that, it's the fact that I'm embarrassed to go to school because I have no friends.

    It's not like I haven't tried, people in that year already have "groups" formed. You need to bear in mind they have been a "group" for four years before I knew them. Some of them even go back ten years. It's really difficult and I don't know what to do. The more I talk and think about it the angrier and more upset I get.

    I do have friends, just not in school. It's really weird, two years ago I was pretty popular and everyone love my humour and just thought I was a very nice guy. I was pretty popular. Now I have no-one in my year because I'm kind of stuck in a position where I can't be myself. It sounds silly but it's true.

    I have told my Principal, year head and teachers many times "I'm not going to miss any more days" I try for a week but then it just all caves in again. I feel people have given up on me, I don't blame them, I'm an idiot. I understand school is about education not friends but as I said you try sit alone for 40 minutes of school and watch everyone talking to their friends, having lunch with their friends and just having a general conversation.

    I'm pretty much screwed, I don't know what to do. Don't go taking the piss I just have spilled my emotions to tones of people on an online forum. It's not like I've told anyone how I really feel other than two friends in real life.

    +rep to any helpful advice,

  2. #2
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    you should go into your school with your head held up high, dont be upset if anyone is going to comment on you in any ways. and try and fit in with the right people, dont mix with the wrong kind, and you should just go with your word, dont miss anymore days, because as you have got big exams coming up soon you need to crack down with your work. so as i said, if anyone laughs or talks about you behind your back of some sort, make sure you just ignore them, thats the best way

  3. #3
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    Retake the year.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaughtyNemo View Post
    Retake the year.
    Don't mean to sound stubborn but that really isn't an option. I'm not repeating a year with people 2 years younger than me and having to face all that again.

  5. #5
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    take me advice, if you like

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richie View Post
    Don't mean to sound stubborn but that really isn't an option. I'm not repeating a year with people 2 years younger than me and having to face all that again.
    Then there is no options or nothing to discuss. You work your balls off from here on in, or you quit it completely. No more days off, no taking time off, weekends, everyday you gotta work. Sorry to say it but the hxf job has gotta go.

    Get your **** together and just DO IT. No other advice you gonna get thats gonna help you anymore, its down to you and what you can do.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaughtyNemo View Post
    Then there is no options or nothing to discuss. You work your balls off from here on in, or you quit it completely. No more days off, no taking time off, weekends, everyday you gotta work. Sorry to say it but the hxf job has gotta go.

    Get your **** together and just DO IT. No other advice you gonna get thats gonna help you anymore, its down to you and what you can do.

    Yes I know that I just don't know what to do, If I go in tomorrow they'll be like who the **** are you? How am I meant to stick the remainder months sat on my own for 40 minutes a day "boo who, its not a big deal" 40 minutes feels like hours..

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richie View Post
    Yes I know that I just don't know what to do, If I go in tomorrow they'll be like who the **** are you? How am I meant to stick the remainder months sat on my own for 40 minutes a day "boo who, its not a big deal" 40 minutes feels like hours..
    Wait its only 40 mins a day? And who cares what they think, just go in. Look, let me put your options simply for you;

    a) Go in, dont care what anyone says, get on with your work and be a success.
    b) Dont go in, fail your exams and be a failure.
    c) Retake the year.

    Take your pick.

  9. #9
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    What I have quoted is right tbh You need to have no fear of having no friends - Focus on your work and not the social aspect of it.
    Spend your lunch times in the library or wherever doing work and it should all be okay for you. You have friends out of school to socialise with after.
    Or try adding a few people on facebook, girls etc? get chatting to them, you may get yourself a girlfriend
    Quote Originally Posted by NaughtyNemo View Post
    Wait its only 40 mins a day? And who cares what they think, just go in. Look, let me put your options simply for you;

    a) Go in, dont care what anyone says, get on with your work and be a success.
    b) Dont go in, fail your exams and be a failure.
    c) Retake the year.

    Take your pick.

  10. #10
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    Just go in and get it over with would be my ideology. It will benefit you greatly. If you don't want to socialise with anyone and they don't want to socialise with you then just go for a walk or something, company isn't always needed and school doesn't last forever.

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