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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

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    Default This woman is 130!!!

    A woman from Georgia is staking a claim to be the oldest person in the world.

    Officials say Antisa Khvichava, who lives in a remote mountain village, will be 130 on July 8.
    The Georgian authorities have petitioned the Guinness Book of Records to include her as the oldest person.

    "Antisa Khvichava was born in the 19th century, and she is amazing," said Giorgi Vashadze, head of Georgia's Civil Registry Agency.

    "We have the necessary documents to prove it."

    The authorities have Ms Khvichava's Soviet-era passport registration, which shows her date of birth, and her pension book issued in the 1960s.

    Although she was born in 1880, the pensioner only retired in 1965.

    She was shown on TV two days ago - on International Women's Day - being congratulated by her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and enjoying a glass of wine.

    The matriarch, a resident of the Tsalenjikhi region, remains in good health, according to reports, and still plays backgammon and drinks vodka.

    If Mrs Khvichava is accepted for the Guinness Book of Records, she will take the title from a 114-year-old who lives in Japan.

    The oldest people just get older and older (quicker than time!) Imagine who else is out there that hasn't even been discovered yet...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Melbourne, Australia

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    she is one helluvan old lady. She has seen world war one and two, and can probably tell you what it was like living through both of them!
    Man, she also retired when she was 85?!

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