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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    A Bed In A Far, Far, Far Away Galaxy

    Post A Typical day In The Offices

    One cold day. It was so cold, it was colder than a really cold day.
    Glitterkat fumbled for her key and locked her house door. Beginning the journey to the offices. She pounded the chewing ridden streets of London and eventually came to the offices.

    Once, in the office she came arcross Smash with his head in the Drink machine..
    'Smash??, what are you doing?' she quizzed in a very quizzical state.
    'Dunno' replied smash,
    'Dionysus said he's stop calling me shorty and give me the new PLATINUM nelly that is coming out ' He said in response to Glitterkats quizzical question.
    'RIGHT!!, DIONYSUS!!! . GET HERE NOW!' She wailed like a banshee.

    Dionysus ignored her and continued to drag his magnet arcross his computer screen and drain the colour out of it...

    'Dionysus, you big eared, lovable bunny! Come here please'

    Dionysus wimpered over to Glitterkat..

    'I'm sorry Glitter, Smash kept annoying me he was trying to do little britain Impressions and he was giving names to all of my toes. Would like me to do that to you?'
    'Well then you must understand my point'
    'I do, but I still don't like what you did'
    'Yeah a'no'
    'Yeah a'no'
    'Stop with the impressions Dionysus, it's annoying'
    'Yeah a'no'
    'I said stop!'
    'Yeah a'no'
    'Well stop then!!'
    'Yeah a'no'
    'Yea a'no'
    'Dionysus is a lonely, bald, computer nerd'
    'I am NOT!'
    'Ha Ha'

    After a big fight and a massive game of Checkers in the gamehall first to 10. Dionysus proved victor and went off to place his PLATINUM nelly in Soapbox for it's grand unveiling on Sunday.. When he noticed it had gone o.O He marched off..

    'SMASH!!! Wheres my nelly??'
    'I dunno'
    'Stop shouting.. I don't like it. I'm only small'
    'I'll find out who is is and when i do I will make them eat all of my chewing gum under my desk '

    Jay walked passed..
    'Hey Jay' Dionysus said
    'Hey Big D, why your screen so grey?
    'I drained all it's colour'
    'Ohh cya later then'

    To be Continued...
    Who stole Dionysus's Nelly??

    -Lost_ Witness

    Post your answers below...
    Gamball [ TECHIE ]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    erm... not too be rude but wat was the whole point of that.... i didnt really get any of it.... :s :s :s :@ :eusa_eh:
    hmm y o y do we live...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    A Bed In A Far, Far, Far Away Galaxy


    Can a Mod please move this to the right section as it is currently wrong with it being in the 'nothing to do with habbo' section and in answer to your question davy..Well i don't know either i had an urge to write something so i did. I was planning on turning it into a bit of a comp though... o.O
    Gamball [ TECHIE ]

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