Our HabboxLive Vault, the mass storage center for all of the Radio prizes we give away on air daily, is in danger again!

Last night, on Sunday 18th, while 'working' in her office at the HabboxLive Offices, Angel-Light was hit around the head with a fire extinguisher by a mystery attacker who could only have been a HabboxLive DJ. Our beloved Assistant Radio Manager is now in hopsital with severe amnesia and cannot tell us much about what happened.

Sadly, the attacker made off with Angel-Light's list of passwords, including the only written record of the password to enter the High Priority Access, HabboxLive Vault! We are making every effort to track down the DJ responsible, and recover the lost password before the staff member makes off with over 2000 credits of Habbo UK furniture!

Unfortunately, evidence is limited, and we have never been graced with intelligence at HabboxLive, so we need your help to unravel the mystery behind this shock event. If you think you have what it takes to play detective, and earn a massive reward of all the furniture in the room, then check out HabboxLive.com now and see the story and evidence in detail!

A CCTV feed of the Vault can also be found on HabboxLive.com, but be quick with your investigating, we suspect the DJ will be removing furniture from the room every day until he is caught.

Thanks for your help everybody!

Sherlock Adzeh
Radio Manager / Resident Detective