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  1. #1
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    Question If you were elected PM today, what would you do?

    I would.

    Cut taxes.

    Bring back capital punishment.

    Bring back corporal punishment.

    Scrap all stealth taxes like Green taxes.

    Restructure the NHS as it's completley collapsing.

    Invade Zimbabwe and remove Robert Mugarbe who has killed may thousands of people for no reason.

    Remove Scotland from the United Kingdom, or remove their parliament or remove their MP's from our parliament.

    Build a new Generation of Nuclear Power Plants so we won't rely on Russia in the future for our gas and oil.

    Give the go ahead to a new Trident.

    Leave the EU.

    Stay close to America but not right behind them unlike this Labour Government.

    Make gay and lesbian adoption illegal, I do not think children would live normal lives otherwise and it's not fair on them to be bullied.

    As you can see, i'm right wing, what would you do if you got into power?

  2. #2
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    I think i'd do some of what you have.. But Taxes are there for a reason... and i'm against Capitol Punishment.

    The NHS does need reorganising i agree

    Invade another Country... AGH! , lets try diplomacy first but i also agree

    I think removing scotland would be a bad idea.. putting in place a British parliment that covered all 4 countries rather then the English,Welsh,Scottish and NI Assemberlys.

    Nuclear... i would change that to Renewable energy sources personally

    Increase Our Armed force... lovely

    We founded the EU, stay in the EU but push ideas that could help britain for once

    Make the world see UK and US apart but working together

    and Pro Gay and Lesbian Rights for the adoption of Children... They are no different for anyone else and bullying shows how perhaps straight couples shoudn't be allowed children if all they do is bully

    I'd also work on Uk Pollution and rubbish levels , reduce fishing in the Uk boosting other food sources i'd also attempt to reduce importants from countries like North Korea and China (as i don't agree with sweatshops)

    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    I would.

    Cut taxes.

    Bring back capital punishment.

    Bring back corporal punishment.

    Scrap all stealth taxes like Green taxes.

    Restructure the NHS as it's completley collapsing.

    Invade Zimbabwe and remove Robert Mugarbe who has killed may thousands of people for no reason.

    Remove Scotland from the United Kingdom, or remove their parliament or remove their MP's from our parliament.

    Build a new Generation of Nuclear Power Plants so we won't rely on Russia in the future for our gas and oil.

    Give the go ahead to a new Trident.

    Leave the EU.

    Stay close to America but not right behind them unlike this Labour Government.

    Make gay and lesbian adoption illegal, I do not think children would live normal lives otherwise and it's not fair on them to be bullied.

    As you can see, i'm right wing, what would you do if you got into power?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    I would.

    Cut taxes.
    Ok I agree
    Bring back capital punishment.
    Bring back corporal punishment.
    Do not agree what so ever this is just another shovinistic act of masculinity and dominance that should still be against the law.
    Scrap all stealth taxes like Green taxes.
    Restructure the NHS as it's completley collapsing.
    Yes I agree we need another Florence Nightingale
    Invade Zimbabwe and remove Robert Mugarbe who has killed may thousands of people for no reason.
    Remove Scotland from the United Kingdom, or remove their parliament or remove their MP's from our parliament.
    Why exactly?
    Build a new Generation of Nuclear Power Plants so we won't rely on Russia in the future for our gas and oil.
    There are better sources of power that nuclear power.
    Give the go ahead to a new Trident.
    Leave the EU.
    Stay close to America but not right behind them unlike this Labour Government.
    Make gay and lesbian adoption illegal, I do not think children would live normal lives otherwise and it's not fair on them to be bullied.
    Do not agree. someones sexual orientation does not affect a child's life.
    Normal Lives eh? Whats normal. Normal is a stereotype, Normal is an expectation, expectations and stereotypes is the only thing that holds us back from our true potential.
    As you can see, i'm right wing, what would you do if you got into power?
    What I would do, As I said about what I agreed on.
    Working on the educational system, NHS, Abolish private education. Making subjects such as anthropology taught in schools. Free medication (No prescription fees for ANYONE Not just elderly and children).

    I have done quite alot of research into sweat shop productions and I completly disagree so I would Ban it.
    Last edited by :Liam; 12-09-2007 at 04:34 PM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    I would.

    Cut taxes. Yeah, I agree. But the government needs money from somewhere so where else could they get it?

    Bring back capital punishment. I'll be honest, I dunno what that means.

    Bring back corporal punishment. Same as above.

    Scrap all stealth taxes like Green taxes. Same as first comment but I agree on the stealth bit.

    Restructure the NHS as it's completley collapsing. Completely agree. Although I couldn't complain while in hospital. I suppose I got lucky.

    Invade Zimbabwe and remove Robert Mugarbe who has killed may thousands of people for no reason. I'd prefer to sort problems out at home first, then sort them out.

    Remove Scotland from the United Kingdom, or remove their parliament or remove their MP's from our parliament. It seems to be going that way anyway.

    Build a new Generation of Nuclear Power Plants so we won't rely on Russia in the future for our gas and oil. Yet again, completely agree.

    Give the go ahead to a new Trident. Great minds...

    Leave the EU. I wouldn't leave completely, but I'd stop us from sinking deeper in.

    Stay close to America but not right behind them unlike this Labour Government. I'd be as close as possible.

    Make gay and lesbian adoption illegal, I do not think children would live normal lives otherwise and it's not fair on them to be bullied. One of the only things I disagree with I'm afraid.

    As you can see, i'm right wing, what would you do if you got into power? I'm abit central I suppose. probably considered pushover, haha. But the government is push over already I think.
    My comments in blue. Only thing I'll add is a massive clamp down on yobs and anti-social behaviour. I wont say all this "hug a hoody" stuff as he might pick pocket your wallet.

    Oh and longer, more set-in-stone sentences. There should be allowance for petty crimes but depending on the severity of the crime, no being let out early.
    Last edited by Browney; 12-09-2007 at 04:39 PM.

  5. #5
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    If you were elected PM today, what would you do?
    i would lol irl

  6. #6
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    I would

    Leave the smoking age at 16

    Scrap inheritance tax

    Lower VAT If I could

    Change immigration rules... Make sure they had a job to come over here with

    Increase disability allowance

    Decrease Job seekers allowance

    Fix the NHS >.<

    Put more money into schools / health

    That's all I can think of at the moment...

  7. #7
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    I would;

    Bring home troops from Iraq and Afghanistan ASAP and avoid involvement in any other US lead "world police" missions.
    Maintain decent funding for our armed forces and in military research/development (including a nuclear deterant) to ensure we're a compact but very effective and respected force in the world.

    Build more prison space with better security and take crime and punishment more seriously, with more harsh penalties and potentially more "bobbies on the beat".

    Build sustainable energy sources that we control, including nuclear.

    Reduce the tax burden (especially for the poorest) where feasible.

    Get a grip of the NHS (including not "throwing money at the problem").

    Work on good relations between the constituent countries of the UK and aim to prevent more moves towards independence.

    Be more strict with the EU, especially in getting our money's worth from what we pay in and putting back restrictions on migrants.

    errrmm i'm sure there are other things
    Last edited by Concentric2; 12-09-2007 at 04:58 PM.

  8. #8
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    So you don't want to prevent terroism then? ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Concentric2 View Post
    I would;

    Bring home troops from Iraq and Afghanistan ASAP and avoid involvement in any other US lead "world police" missions.
    Maintain decent funding for our armed forces and in military research/development (including a nuclear deterant) to ensure we're a compact but very effective and respected force in the world.

    Build more prison space with better security and take crime and punishment more seriously, with more harsh penalties and potentially more "bobbies on the beat".

    Reduce the tax burden (especially for the poorest) where feasible.

    Get a grip of the NHS (including ot "throwing money at the problem").

    Work on good relations between the constituent countries of the UK and aim to prevent more moves towards independence.

    Be more strict with the EU, especially in getting our money's worth from what we pay in and putting back restrictions on migrants.

    errrmm i'm sure there are other things

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lycan View Post
    So you don't want to prevent terroism then? ...
    What part of what i said suggests that i don't?

  10. #10
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    The World Police.

    We are in Afgahn fighting Terroism/ists at the momment.

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