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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    In my Help Desk

    Thumbs up Recommendation information for Habbox Help Desk.

    If you would like a job at Habbox Help Desk we now have a better way and more easier for you to get recommended quicker and get noticed quicker.

    Recommendations are now always open, so if you would like to be recommended then being at the Help Desk and meeting the new official small criteria, (which is on a stickie), will give you a better chance of being recommended. This also stops lots of habbo's that want to be recommended coming at a certain time, but now its every hour every day when jobs are open!

    Also, you may notice we don't allow you to see if you have been recommended. It is all now private and done with Help Desk Staff Members. We thought it caused too much trouble so instead you may get some secret surprises and it could be YOU with a group of people going to be having an interview next. All of this is done by Habbox Forum via PM if you get selected and recommended twice. The only thing you have to worry about is meeting most of the criteria, and you may find yourself working at the Help Desk from now to next month, you never know but patience is one of the best points I like.

    Highlighted in red below shows the criteria we expect, well some of it anyway, we keep the big criteria in the Help Desk forum .


    Hello Everyone .

    This thread is to mainly give you information about Habbox Help Desk. We do hope you enjoy reading and hope you understand everything about our help desk and feel free to drop by anytime on habbo hotel UK just search DJ-3000 and scroll down, or even check Habbo Services/Discussion Category on the navigator. :eusa_danc

    Habbox Help Desk is the official help department for habbox. Our main job is to help people - with habbo related questions - and management try to get the best staff to help people. Habbox Help Desk was originally owned by Mizki a while back. Now I own and manage it and has been very successful and has been growing even better and better. In the past we have had many different layouts. Our first theme was Halloween. Then we had christmas. Now we have a royal spring themed help desk right at this very moment. At this help desk we also have had alot of people who like to chill in there and chat. This is acceptable, we also allow people to go in there and just have a chat with friends or anyone new to them. The mocha will also keep people occupied which you will find at the back of the help desk so don't worry .. We hire workers fortnightly to help with us at habbox help desk. All job information you will find below on this page, or in the help desk on the stickies.

    I'm the Help Desk Owner/Manager and Spectate is our Help Desk Manager also together with me, and Cally-Star! and Cypher- as Assistant Help Desk Managers. We also have team leaders for all our help desk teams, and I lead all the teams too as a manager with Spectate and our assistant help desk managers assistant lead the teams. :James is the events teams leader. Also for the tech team Properclone is our team leader and Concentric is the assistant team leader of the tech team. We have also :Jin: and Trunks.15 are the assistant team leaders for the moderator team. If I haven't mentioned some it means me and Spectate lead them anyway. We have this management to help always keep the help desk organised and run propelry. We arrange meetings, do staff/trialist reports, staff/trialist training, sort out staff rules and lots more to keep a good business running. It is also easier to split the staff in teams to show more experienced players or 'higher capable' staff. Please check the post below which would give you more information on the help desk teams.

    The Help Desk Staff recommend people who they think would be good to work at the help desk, but they check who helps out well and attends in the help desk alot - Especially when its popular. So if you do want to work at this fantastic help desk, help out alot & get noticed! It's not just the helping that counts, its how friendly and loyal you are to others. Show us that you can help! And remember NEVER ask to be Recommended or ask for a job as you definetly wont get one and please be patient. Here is the official criteria: (but only some of it, most parts of the criteria are given to our staff )

    ¥ Member of Habbox Forum
    ¥ Attend alot; be seen 2week+
    ¥ Help - when its needed
    ¥ Never ASK for a job
    ¥ Kind, patient, hard-working
    ¥ Recommended twice

    If you want to know if you have been recommended please do be patient as we keep this all personal and do not spread anything for public view about recommendations and only keep it to our staff. Dont forget you have to be recommended twice for an interview, if you havent been recommended twice after about a week you will be removed from our information.

    You might not be recommended for a while because sometimes staff aren't allowed to recommend, we usually inform you on the Forum if thats the case, although recommendations are always open so that means you can get a job, by being spot by staff.. Or there might not be any more room for recommendations (Recommendations go in waves of 8) So then staff will note you down on the forum help desk staff only part for the next wave.

    If you have been reccomended twice you will be asked for a interview by either me DJ-3000 or Spectate or Cally-Star or Cypher- or a recruitment team member. We will give you a time and date for your interview and then will take you to the interview room on that specific date. (It is usually sundays or monday afternoons).

    Trialists end there trial after two weeks of being in the help desk help team as trialists. After those two weeks each trialist will be contacted by PM of this forum to tell them if they Passed Or Failed Their Trial with alot of information of being members of staff, and then it will be announced and will then see our secret help desk staff forum. (If you passed your trial you will be then part of the help desk help team *staff*).

    At Habbox Help Desk aswell as helping habbo's and hiring good members of staff to help, we also get lots of events stuck in to make the help desk more enjoyable and fun for all. These events can be things like races, quizes, wobble squabble, any seasonal events that may come to our mind. We like to keep many events secret. We also have our help desk soap box and event box for people to look forward to and help desk theatres & movies . All these events are run by events team members and habbox help desk management . If you want your say about the events, or suggest an idea for an event, then feel free to come to our event box. All times for them are announced earlier so that everyone will know and keep up to date. They are posted in the EVENTS TEAM forum so please check there for updates. You can also pm :James on the forum to see about events and maybe get abit more detail that i haven't covered on our events.

    We have now joined together Habbox Help Desk with Habbo.Help, both popular help desks right here to help habbos! We have linked up help desks, and to get to habbo.help from habbox help desk please go to the imperial teleporter on your right when you enter the help desk. We want habbo to know also that we're working together as a team with the habbo nation and show effort and team work between both help desks. Also to help habbo and ensure habbo hotel safety is at its best, and we want habbo's to have a lovely journey with habbo and have the experience they may need. And we're here to help with habbo related questions and even give some safety information to habbos. You can also check the staff / trialists list in the help desk too.

    We have many staff / trialist members at habbox help desk. You could of probably guessed why, we need lots of members of staff/trialists so then we get enough staff to help . Then we can decide to promote staff from ones that are more knowledgable, and those that aren't too knowledgable can get help from higher capable staff. Also we like to have staff from different countries, so whoever needs help can get at different time zones also. So when UK are in bed, theres some staff willing to help still as they are in a different country. Then it goes around the clock, with staff helping every hour. Sometimes we don't make this, but we do try our best. If you would like to see the staff members list then click HERE.

    Thanks very much for reading this. We do hope you enjoy habbox forum and why not pop down at Habbox Help Desk sometime, please just search DJ-3000 and if you need help we will be really happy to help you and give you a warm welcoming to the room. If you do not need help please feel free to just sit and chat, we have a cosy chat area right at the back. If you also need help but there is no one to help you at the help desk, feel free to post a thread here explaining your problem and our help desk staff will try there best help.

    DJ-3000 Help Desk Owner/Manager
    Spectate Help Desk Manager
    ©Habbox Help Desk Official Habbox Help Department™
    Last edited by DJ-3000; 15-06-2005 at 01:58 PM.

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