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  1. #1
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    Dec 2004

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    Default Back to the future

    Catzsy appears to have broken her silence by announcing her new krewbies (congratulations guys! ) so I suppose it's my turn now!

    Myself and ---MAD--- have spent many, many hours in talks and have all but finalised arrangements for the new habboxforum. I say new habboxforum, as that's what it'll seem like when everything's in place, you won't recognise it! But I garuntee you'll like the changes, most of them stemmed from the joyful debates I've had the (dis)pleasure to read in the habbox feedback forum. Speaking of which, I hear the non-habbo light skin is in development

    What are these changes you ask? We'll I'm extremely limited in what I can reveal, partly because MAD is keeping everything under lock and key, but mainly because we don't the surprises to be ruined. However, we can put out a few teasers:
    • The words "caution" and "warning" will be given their definitions back, rather than being lesser versions of their bigger brothers.
    • A new start will mean exactly that.
    • Two new infractions to cover problematic problems
    • A more relaxed approach to some "lesser" offences
    • Re-written moderator and super moderator guides which will be simpler and clearer.
    • The long awaited clarification on the bumping rule
    • Bridging the moderator/member divide
    Hopefully that's vague enough to keep everyone from guessing what the changes are, but specific enough to keep you on the edge of your seat until... whenever they're introduced I now have to get back to writing the moderator guide (on my fifth hour atm, anyone else want a go for a bit?).

    There is a dog doing the limbo,

    Eccentricity is not, I repeat not, a sign of incompetance!
    Last edited by The Professor; 07-06-2008 at 09:21 PM.

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