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Thread: :(

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jordy View Post
    That's nonsense it's easy to see it is the case. I used to think it was very far-fetched as well and couldn't see it happening when you used to see loner's getting bullied, it's not like you could imagine them bullying people.

    There's a load of idiots in my year who are consistently bullied by most people they come across yet as soon as they see someone such as a loner or someone who's shy they'll just use all the insults which they just received against them.
    I think I'd know seeing as how I've never in my life been bullied yet I am what I am. It may be the case for some rejects but the best bullies are the ones who've never had a trouble in their life
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  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leaahh. View Post
    The best form of attack is defence, Bully someone weaker than you.

    Thats ridiculous.

    You have just gone lower than low.


    To be honest the fact you just said 'I don't get along with the boys in my class' says something for me! That makes you the least 'gay' person in your class

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dom C View Post
    To be honest the fact you just said 'I don't get along with the boys in my class' says something for me! That makes you the least 'gay' person in your class
    Well not really, people like to have friends that they don't have to worry about what they look like when they're around them or what their friends think of them. Lots of camp people seem to be friends with more women than men.

    Try to make friends with other people in other classes and in other years. They'll make you feel better and back you up if you become close friends.

  4. #34
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    These guys are probably bottom set, low IQ rejects anyway so it isnt worth being bothered by people who'll be serving you in Burger King in 5 years time.

    Just roll with the jokes and wave at them, blow them kisses if you want and youl be suprised how quickly they stop. And for the sake of doing it just chat to some guys in your class and their case against you is closed.

    Horrible people just exist. Many in my year even when we were all turning 18 still acted like they were 4 in trying to be vindictive and exclude certain people from social circles. Those people suffer at uni so jokes on them.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jxhn View Post
    Well not really, people like to have friends that they don't have to worry about what they look like when they're around them or what their friends think of them. Lots of camp people seem to be friends with more women than men.

    Try to make friends with other people in other classes and in other years. They'll make you feel better and back you up if you become close friends.

    I won't try and make him feel better about himself in future

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