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Results 81 to 83 of 83
  1. #81
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    England, UK

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    If I was prime minister I would not keep their identity a secret, infact I'd announce it myself. I would not let them ruin opportunities of others any longer (by that I mean he ruined the opportunities of kids and possibly new parks and stuff from the money spent on him). Britain is now officially weak imo.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

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    If it had been down to me, both of them would still be in jail serving REAL life sentences. They wouldn't see the light of day again. Pity they were let out under new identities... they can freely mingle with innocent people who have no idea who they are. Heck, maybe I (or you)'ve met one of them and didn't know... ugh. I would release his identity and bang him up for life, which he should have done. The inmates can sort him out.

    WHY the heck would the Government give these people anonymity? Do they give every murderer anonymity? No. Even the ones who do gruesome crimes like them, so why should they be the 'special' ones? WHY is the Government protecting criminals? It's all wrong, all wrong.

    Vote Hitman for Prime Minister!

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

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    I read in a newspaper today about a man who is being falsely accused of being Venables just because he is from Liverpool and has been in prison. He feels he could be attacked at any moment and is fearing for his own and his family's lives. So let's keep the identity of a heartless animal a secret and allow innocent people to be killed, shall we? :eusa_clap

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