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Thread: Maths question

  1. #1
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    Default Maths question

    This isn't actually homework, I'm just wondering where I'm going wrong here (there's a question at the end of all the equations).

    Q: log(2x-2)2 = 4log(1-x)

    From there I did this:

    2log(2x-2) = 4log(1-x)
    log(2x-2) = 2log(1-x)
    log(2x-2) = log(1-x)2

    Then I equated both sides to get:

    2x-2 = (1-x)2
    2x-2 = x2-2x+1
    x2-4x+3 = 0
    (x-1)(x-3) = 0

    From there it's safe to assume that x=1, x=3 } however x !=1 because subbing x=1 into gives log(0) which can't be taken. So from there we can assume x=3.

    However, just looking at the equation in the question, I can see that x must also equal -1 because:

    Subbing for x=3:

    log(6-2)2 = log(1-3)4
    log(16) = log(16)

    But then subbing for x=-1 also gives:

    log(-2-2)2 = log(1+1)4
    log(16) = log(16)

    So then I had myself wondering how you're meant to solve the original equation to give both x=-1 and x=3. Taking a longer way round to the answer I decided to leave the brackets as they were and equate them from the outset using binomial expansion for (1-x)4:

    (2x-2)2 = (1-x)4
    4x-8x+4 = x4-4x3+6x2-4x+1
    x4-4x3+2x2+4x-3 = 0

    Then factorizing that as a whole gives me:

    (x-1)(x-1)(x+1)(x-3) = 0

    From which I can gather that x = 1, -1, 3 where I can then rule out x=1 as an answer but also know about x=-1 as a possible value for x.

    So my question is, how can I solve the original equation normally (as in using the rules of logs and powers etc) so that I'm presented with all 3 solutions of x rather than just the two I got when I tried to simplify the logs? I can also see that in my first attempt to solve x I've taken away the positive powers (2&4) which serve to include x=-1 as a solution for x so I understand, kind of, why it doesn't show up as a solution there. But I don't know how to get it using an easier method than my second way. Cheers for any help provided!

  2. #2
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    ive just quickly used my calculator and you cant do it as youll be taking a log of -2, which isnt possible. ill have another look, but the correct answer is just -1 apparently

    ---------- Post added 16-09-2010 at 11:29 PM ----------

    wait, is the first part, all of it squared, or just the part in brackets? so log((2x-2)^2) or (log(2x-2))^2. If its the latter, i doubt the brackets would be there :S

  3. #3
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    Q: log(2x-2)2 = 4log(1-x)

    log((2x-2)2) - log((1-x)4) = 0

    log [{(2x-2)2} / {(1-x)4}] = 0

    since log(1)=0

    {(2x-2)2} / {(1-x)4} = 1

    (2x-2)2 = (1-x)4

    4x2 - 8x + 4 = x4 - 4x3 + 6x2 - 4x + 1

    x4 - 4x3 + 2x2 + 4x - 3 = 0

    x = 1. x = -1. x = 3

    what you did was right. But i think this is the only way you can do it. Youd then put these numbers into the original formula and see which ones work. the only one that will is -1 apparently, according to wolframalpha.

    Try TSR for more help?
    Last edited by kk.; 16-09-2010 at 10:46 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    East Yorkshire


    Q: log(2x-2)2 = 4log(1-x)

    From there I did this:

    2log(2x-2) = 4log(1-x)
    log(2x-2) = 2log(1-x)
    log(2x-2) = log(1-x)2
    When you cancel out the factor of 2 you are getting rid of 2 solutions.

    You need to solve
    (2x-2)^2 = (1-x)^4

    edit: sorry, didn't read the whole post

    If you want to get the full solution you have to solve the quartic polynomial
    Last edited by Jesus-Egg; 16-09-2010 at 10:56 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by kk. View Post
    Q: log(2x-2)2 = 4log(1-x)

    log((2x-2)2) - log((1-x)4) = 0

    log [{(2x-2)2} / {(1-x)4}] = 0

    since log(1)=0

    {(2x-2)2} / {(1-x)4} = 1

    (2x-2)2 = (1-x)4

    4x2 - 8x + 4 = x4 - 4x3 + 6x2 - 4x + 1

    x4 - 4x3 + 2x2 + 4x - 3 = 0

    x = 1. x = -1. x = 3

    what you did was right. But i think this is the only way you can do it. Youd then put these numbers into the original formula and see which ones work. the only one that will is -1 apparently, according to wolframalpha.

    Try TSR for more help?
    Quote Originally Posted by Jesus-Egg View Post
    When you cancel out the factor of 2 you are getting rid of 2 solutions.

    You need to solve
    (2x-2)^2 = (1-x)^4

    edit: sorry, didn't read the whole post

    If you want to get the full solution you have to solve the quartic polynomial
    Thanks for both the replies. I understand that simplifying removes one of the answers so I see why expanding the entire thing is necessary for both values of x. Good to know! Also, wolfram confirms x as -1 and 3.

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