I'm looking for a coder who can do what may be a complicated task.

I'm wanting my online radio station to have a schedule for multiple times e.g. a drop down list allowing users to pick their country. If possible I'd like it to attempt to locate the users country, e.g. IP Address or something. If for whatever reason it can't then the drop down menu would be used.

The reason I want this is we have quite a few listeners from overseas such as America and Canada. These listeners are often asking me when shows on as our schedule is just in UK times. Instead of them having to ask me I wan't them to be able to see the exact times as quick and as easy as possible for all shows. The IP thing if possible, will speed it up, as if it works it would save the user from searching for their country.

Finally, it would also be handy as an extra to have some kind of box that allows it to save the country in a cookie, so even if the IP thing works, if it did fail, the user could use the list once then save it.
