Quote Originally Posted by clueless View Post
sorry for totally hijacking your thread with film talk by the way!

glad you like sussex i dont actually know too much about sussex, how far from the campus is brighton centre?

i only really made them because it was fun to do and i didnt have a level media to provide me with anything for a portfolio, so as long as you have a few short things for any that do require a portfolio then that would be fine i imagine! i know how you feel, i think everyone thinks that really though but they pretty much train everyone up from complete beginners level it sounds like so after a while everyone will be level really anyway so i wouldn't worry about that.

haha i dont know why i did art really, i wasn't great at it preferred more digital work really!

nope i cancelled it because the day i got offered the interview was the day i'd just come back from an interview at m&s and got the job so badly timed.

haha sorry for creeping you out!! i dont mean to
Only about a 10-15m bus journey or a 5 min train journey.