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Thread: WTF(riday)?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default WTF(riday)?

    It's that time of week again: get your questions answered by Habbo Staff!WTF(riday)? gives you the opportunity to get your questions answered and get to know your Hotel Staff better! Shoot your queries our way (Habbo related...or not):
    Who's our celeb crush?
    What's our favorite foods?
    What's your best recipe?
    Etc, etc!

    We cannot guarantee the answers will always be super-smart, on point and up-to-date, but we do promise to be our honest, funny and weird selves.
    Every Friday we will pick a bunch of questions you've sent and answer those with what pops into our heads!
    Those who get their questions chosen will win a prize. To keep things interesting, we'll switch the prize every week - this week those who got their question picked, will recieve a surprise Love Furni on Monday!

    And now, on to the answers!

    UnderCover. asks: What is your favorite love song of all time?
    Kitano:Probably'Sally Cinnamon'by The Stone Roses. Or'Wish You Were Here'by Pink Floyd.
    I am fairly maudlin when it comes to love songs, preferring 'lost love' songs like Gary Stewart's'Quits'or The Pixies'Hey'

    Puffin:That's a tough one! Maybe The Smiths''There is a Light That Never Goes Out'.. or The Cure's'Just Like Heaven'or maybe Regina Spector's'Samson'or the Undertones''Get Over You'... and let's not forget the old classic by Darlene Love,'(Today I Met) The Boy I'm Gonna Marry'! I promise, I could go on FOREVER. Oh, the agony of choice!
    Neja:Hard to pick just one, can I please pick ten? No? Well, at leastEverything for You(by Entwine) andWhenever I Say Your Name(by Sting, the version with Jo Lawry instead of Mary J. Blige).

    Tri-Circle asks: What is your favourite romantic movie?

    Kitano:L'Appartment. It's French. Also3 Ironis a beautiful movie.
    Puffin:I thought "Juno" was really sweet (and the song linked!) - also "Love Actually" .. obviously!
    Neja:Valentine's Day! It was so happy and cheerful...and cheesy.

    xVIRUSx asks: What was your worst date ever?

    Kitano:My worst date. Well it's a long story. So I'll just give the highlights: Her father thought I was gay, and possibly a communist. The movie we wanted to see at the cinema was overbooked, so we had to watch an Adam Sandler movie, I forget which one, but it was pretty dire. Was this guy ever funny? Afterwards we went to a restaurant, and spent so much money she had to help me pay the bill, and it didn't help that the waiter was hitting on the lady in front of me, and even slipped her his phone number when he thought I was in the toilet. Waiting for a Taxi, a bus went through a puddle and I got soaked in water and mud. On the way home she was incredibly racist to the taxi driver, so when she invited me in, I had to wonder if I really wanted to be in a relationship with a racist with only three front teeth, two children already, and was technically still married to a guy called Crackle. I certainly did not! So, I thanked her for the evening and said I should be going. To which she responded that her dad was right, I was a pinko commie. (Did I mention this was in 1997?). On the way home, I got in another taxi and fell asleep.
    I woke up the next morning in a bath of ice, with one of my kidneys removed. In North Korea. In 1862. But that's another story...
    Puffin:The worst dates are the ones where the other person just sits there quietly and doesn't say anything, leaving it up to you to carry the conversation. It stresses me out!
    Neja:I haven't really been on many dates, but I was on one during which my ex-boyfriend called me about 50 times - no kidding. I felt slightly stalked. Not funny.

    -Transfers? asks: If you were going to a Valentine's dance and you didn't have a dress or tux or any fancy clothes what would u wear and why?

    Kitano:Non-fancy clothes. Just a basic black shirt and jeans.
    Puffin:You never think you've got anything to wear, but you always do! Try laying out different options on the floor, mix and match pieces you haven't worn together before, see what goes and what doesn't. Your closet might just surprise you!
    Neja:I'd take an old dress I have from before and pimp it up with some accessories. A happy party mood is the best accessory!

    Suitehearts. asks: What does Valentine's Day personally mean to you?

    Kitano:Very little. I believe you have to show your love every day, and not just on Valentines.
    Puffin:I wish I could say it was very special to me, but it's not. I believe in everyday love!
    Neja:Well, it's a good reason to celebrate, but I prefer everyday little things rather than huge gestures.

    STEVIE-DEE asks: Do you remember your first kiss?

    Kitano:Yes. It was very, very awkward. The s********* prison guards didn't help matters either.
    Puffin:Vividly! The first time I was kissed I was 7, and the boy was 8 and caught me by surprise. I got really mad and I yelled at him to go home! I'm so nice
    Neja:I actually got two instead of one! I was at a party a this boy came up out of the blue and kissed me and walked away. Two seconds later his friend did the same. To this day I don't know if it was a dare, a bet or what...

    pirateshoes1 asks: What is the worst Chat up line you've ever heard?

    Kitano:Do you want to go back to my place and check out my Spawn action figures? Even worse- it actually worked!
    Puffin:I've had some poor lines come my way, but my least favourite is when they say nothing at all... when a guy just stands there staring. Any lame line is better than that!
    Neja:I don't like any of them! Casual conversation is much better and much less awkward.

    Miraculous asks: Have you ever had your heart broken?

    Kitano:Yes, too many times.
    Puffin:Oh yes. It sucks, and it makes you afraid to try again... but you have to, because it is really true what they say, thatit's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all.
    Neja:Yes. But good friends and my brother pulled me through - I had plenty of shoulders to cry on!

    liam[@]@lemon asks: What's the worst thing that could be inside chocolate?

    Kitano:Reindeer droppings.
    Puffin:Mint. I know. Most people love it, but I can't stand it. Also, marzipan.
    Neja:Marzipan! Yuck!

    Murderings asks: What do you like the most about doing this: Reading all the questions you get, picking the top questions, or answering them? ;O

    Kitano:Answering them.
    Puffin:I love answering your questions, I could do it all day long!!
    Neja:I wish there was time to answer them all. Love all the questions you send in...and so many of them make me chuckle.

    yetiz4eva asks Kitano: Is there a cuddly toy you snuggle up to at night? if so, whats its name?
    David Duchovny.

    JJ4824 asks Puffin: If you were a character in your favorite book, who would you be and why?
    Hmm.. I have a lot of favourite books, but I'd rather not be in any of them, to be honest. Haha! However, growing up, I loved Anne of Green Gables and would always dream I was her... meeting Gilbert.. ah! Be still my heart

    Michaels asks Neja: Roses are red, violets are blue, i just lost the game, and so did you.
    Gee, thanks! Luckily,I just won The Game and so did you! Also, whenever you lose The Game, you winThe Other Game!

    Next week is another chance, just go ahead and post your question below (we're continuing the Valetine's Day theme still ) !

    - Kitano, Puffin and Neja
    well done to the winners.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

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    Woo i've finally won a competition!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    lmao wd all

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Well done to the winners!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

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    Congratulations to all those who won!

    Is it only me that think this competition based thing is boring? they need something new if you ask me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

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    wd to the winners xoxo

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