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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

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    I'd love to say no but sadly yes. My Mum has pretty much disowned my brother because he's an idiot. That just leaves me. I mean my brother has just turned 18 and he's got into smoking weed & stuff so my Mum has just told him where to go. I'm almost 21 and my Mum kinda treats me so much better than my brother. I never go without anything, haha

    My Dad has too many kids I've kinda lost count and I never see him.. lol
    all i care about is laura prepon & cats.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

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    I would say if anyone was treated like the favourite it'd be me. Simply because me and my bro live with my mam and my brother and my mam don't really get on that well most of the time. I'm closer to my mum and am willing to actually talk to her sometimes. Also because my brother is at uni now obvs I spend like 95% more time with her than my bro. Also when he lived here he was always the one to do the washing up ahah :p but saying that, my mum made special allowances for my brother like she'd always try and do things for him because he was so unwilling to accept help.

    My brother also seems to think that I get loads more stuff than him, which is true I guess but because I ASK FOR IT. He just holds it as a secret vendetta against my mum when he wants something but wont ask for it like she's supposed to mind read........... erm no.

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    skype name: rosierozi

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