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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by BamitsElfie! View Post
    They think (example) that because you've got grey hairs and you're 30 that you're immediately either a liar or a freak when some people are just unlucky

    er do people read the question especially mods as it says THIS ISN'T ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS ITS ABOUT TALENT SHOWS IN GENERAL but you move it to relationships anyway lol ok im gonna answer based on relationships as everyone else is

    YES WE JUDGE BY APPEARANCE even subconsciously and for good reason although our instincts may be a bit outdated. the way someone dresses or styles themselves can tell you the type of person they are and whether you wish to avoid them or judge them negatively or not. i mean, if someone has a nazi tattoo on their face... yes i'm going to judge them negatively. :S & usually people of a certain genre/style hang out together and you do form stereotypes of them. i think its natural but you don't need to look down on them or avoid them, i really hate narrow minded people who stick to 'their type' - you got a lot to learn from other people.

    imo the way someone act still defines who they are. even though the first thing we do is judge appearance (its the first thing you see....) we still have our own free will where we can step out of that prejudice and not judge them on that only. i much prefer to judge someone negatively then be pleasantly surprised by them (ie on those talent shows) than to see someone who looks promising but completely disappoint you such as good looking people, you want them or believe them to be smart and kind too but often enough they're the complete opposite.

    pigged 25/08/2019

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by buttons View Post

    er do people read the question especially mods as it says THIS ISN'T ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS ITS ABOUT TALENT SHOWS IN GENERAL but you move it to relationships anyway lol ok im gonna answer based on relationships as everyone else is

    YES WE JUDGE BY APPEARANCE even subconsciously and for good reason although our instincts may be a bit outdated. the way someone dresses or styles themselves can tell you the type of person they are and whether you wish to avoid them or judge them negatively or not. i mean, if someone has a nazi tattoo on their face... yes i'm going to judge them negatively. :S & usually people of a certain genre/style hang out together and you do form stereotypes of them. i think its natural but you don't need to look down on them or avoid them, i really hate narrow minded people who stick to 'their type' - you got a lot to learn from other people.

    imo the way someone act still defines who they are. even though the first thing we do is judge appearance (its the first thing you see....) we still have our own free will where we can step out of that prejudice and not judge them on that only. i much prefer to judge someone negatively then be pleasantly surprised by them (ie on those talent shows) than to see someone who looks promising but completely disappoint you such as good looking people, you want them or believe them to be smart and kind too but often enough they're the complete opposite.
    cba to write anything when this basically sums up what i was going to say lmao. anyone would be foolish to say they don't judge ppl based on first impressions, as we all do. don't be ashamed ppl, don't be ashamed!!

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neversoft View Post
    Being shallow is probably one of the worst personality traits you could have as far as I'm concerned.
    Why's that? Looks are an important part of our being, and quite often relate to how the person sees themselves, which in turn is often a decent enough indicator of the overall personality. If I see someone wearing a band tshirt and a giant hammer&sickle badge, I know that I'm not likely to get on with them however nice they might be. Same goes for someone 30-stone with food stains all over them. It's entirely logical to judge people, and how one presents oneself says a lot more than effortless personality traits that can be faked by anyone
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  4. #14
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    By the way, I am not going to lie, I do it at times as well when it comes to people in general however it is mostly when someone comes on BGT and you think "they are going to be ****" and you find out they aren't so I am just wanting your opinions on that judgement. I have done it once or twice but after being fooled many times, I just give up lmao.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by lTraditional View Post
    By the way, I am not going to lie, I do it at times as well when it comes to people in general however it is mostly when someone comes on BGT and you think "they are going to be ****" and you find out they aren't so I am just wanting your opinions on that judgement. I have done it once or twice but after being fooled many times, I just give up lmao.
    i believe that they do that on purpose to recreate a 'susan boyle' moment. because the producers know that everyone judges based upon appearances, so we automatically assume that someone whose not 'conventionally attractive' will be terrible at singing (even though physical appearance don't dictate talent). plus, i wouldn't be surprised if the judges have an inclining of how good/bad an act will be; especially considering the acts have already performed infront of the producers (before the lives auditions). that's why i rarely take things at face value when it comes to all aspects of the media tbf.
    Last edited by dirrty; 10-05-2012 at 09:01 PM.

  6. #16
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    First impressions are important but I would certainly not be so closed minded that no-one has the chance to prove negative labels wrong. I always go 'uh oh' when I see a bunch of chavs walking towards me but 9 times out of 10, they just walk past and do nothing so often the negative label comes from a small minority which I think is just human nature to then apply to the majority. The reason I like coming online is that it is often personality first, looks second (or never if you choose not to show who you are) and it's a nice change from the looks first, personality second which while natural can be a bit depressing if your looks arent any good!

    As for talent shows, it's all edited and stuff to make you think negative things. Simon knew exactly what he was saying when he said 'it can't get any worse.' As for Susan Boyle, never had that moment because the newspapers ruined the surprise anyway!

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus View Post
    Why's that? Looks are an important part of our being, and quite often relate to how the person sees themselves, which in turn is often a decent enough indicator of the overall personality. If I see someone wearing a band tshirt and a giant hammer&sickle badge, I know that I'm not likely to get on with them however nice they might be. Same goes for someone 30-stone with food stains all over them. It's entirely logical to judge people, and how one presents oneself says a lot more than effortless personality traits that can be faked by anyone
    Looks aren't everything, Tom. The key part in what you said is the word often. Certainly, often appearance can be a good indicator, but never always. When I had long hair, everyone would immediately assume I was into metal, but apart from like two bands, I didn't listen to metal at all and had near to no interest in the genre. If you see someone with uncombed hair, looking fairly scruffy, are they a slob? Do they not care about their appearance? Or did they simply wake up late and have to rush that morning? You say personality can be faked by anyone as though how you present yourself can't be. I already said there's no way around judging others, but to be completely shallow and to base so much on appearance, that's just not in line with what I perceive to be 'right'. The only way you'll get to genuinely know someone is by having a conversation with them, and it's a shame how many people are reluctant to do that as a result of looks or appearance.

  8. #18
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    Personality isn't everything, Chirs. The key part in what you said is the word genuinely. Certainly, often interests can be a good indicator, but never always. When I was abusive to people, everyone would immediately assume I was a bully victim with something to prove, but apart from 5 minutes one break time I have never been socially victimised by my peers. If you talk to someone who's abrasive, sounding like they have no time for you, are they a bad person? Do they not care about mankind? Or did they simply wake up in anguish and not feel chatty that morning? You say beauty is only skin deep as though we aren't conditioned to have overlaying skins of personality according to what's deemed acceptable. I already said that people can be nice, but to be completely gullible and base so much on what people pretend to be, that's just not in line with what I perceive to be clever. The only way you'll get to genuinely know someone is by being them, and it's a shame that it's entirely impossible for that to ever happen.
    Last edited by FlyingJesus; 11-05-2012 at 02:32 PM.
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  9. #19
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    You're being awkward and completely twisting what I'm saying. I'm not denying that personality can't be faked, I didn't even insinuate that personality was everything. I agree with you, looks are important, and it is logical to judge people based on perhaps what they wear just as much as what they say. But looks and personality are two different things, one isn't necessarily reflective of the other, and when it comes to really getting to know someone, how are you supposed to even attempt that without talking to them. Some people simply look at others and take what they see as cold, hard fact, when in actuality appearance can be just as much a false projection as personality. Not being shallow doesn't mean in the slightest you're gullible or in any way not clever. Sometimes it's good to give people the benefit of the doubt, you know.

  10. #20
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    It's not right but we as humans, naturally judge. Whether you choose to voice it or not is a different matter.

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