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Thread: Rule updating

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Latest Awards:

    Default Rule updating

    Need to change this:

    We are now enforcing a prize collection rule across all competitions and events run by Habbox (either by General Management or Habbox Departments). This rule means that any winners of these competitions/events that have Habbo credits as the prize will have two months to claim it. If they fail to claim the prize after two months then that prize will be considered a donation to Habbox.

    Minor competitions/events such as individual Habbox Events and on-air competitions are organised by individual hosts, who are responsible for their own prize. If you have problems collecting those prizes please contact the relevant department manager or Assistant General Manager (Community).

    We feel that two months is long enough and should give plenty of time to the winners to get in touch with Habbox. The organisers of each event will contact you and inform you that you have won the prize when the winners have been announced.

    If you haven't had official confirmation either by a Private Message (PM) or an official thread announcing your win, then please contact the Assistant General Manager (Community). This is currently: Shonly.

    Note: The two months start from the date the winners have been announced or contacted.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Feedback Forum

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    Sorted, thanks
    Former General Manager
    Former Forum Manager
    Former Site Manager

    I've left, but I still visit sometimes!

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