I ran across a super interesting thread on Fox where Chinese researches have used a technique on dna that basically makes it so the baby is 10% more perfect and won't have as many irregularities. I find it interesting because that's what the movies are saying, that we will be able to edit DNA and such. I actually think that it is being done as we speak? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Anyways, do you think that it's okay to genetically modify dna to prevent diseases? I'm not sure, myself. Convince me.

Quote Originally Posted by FoxNews
Science has taken another step toward delivering the perfect newborn – or at least a bouncing baby free of certain genetic defects.

Chinese researchers used a genome editing technique called CRISPR to rid normal embryos of hereditary diseases that cause blood disorders and other ailments, according to New Scientist. Experts who reviewed the project told the publication that, even though it involved just six embryos, it carries promise.

“It is encouraging,” Robin Lovell-Badge, a human genome expert at the Francis Crick Institute in London, told New Scientist.