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  1. #1
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    Default Deforestation: Are we just over-exaggerating? - Ends 1st of May


    While I was in the Help Desk today someone had mentioned this topic and was talking about it and it was definitely something I was planning on doing so I thought I would look into it a bit and then present this debate for it. Now, before I begin this is going to be one of those debates in which will be very personal as it is a very personable topic, so if you have yet to review the debates forum rules and regulations, please click here to go there before proceeding.
    Deforestation definitely has two sides to it and even though we, as humans, only see the negativity when it comes to deforestation there are a lot of good that come from it, and it need to be paired with afforestation, which there are some companies in which do so.
    So I will ask;
    Is Deforestation wrong? Or are we just over-exaggerating the problem?

    Before I let you go, I will leave you with a couple questions that have been brought up through my research on this topic:

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Problem 1: I think there should be a halt on all deforestation, as it harms the air, and the energy required to fell vast areas of trees is wasteful.

    Against 1: But why is there that deforestation? There are reasons for it, and it’s not all for waste. Sometimes, the land is needed, to nurture the growing population in some countries. Perhaps a few people need to put the land to use, perhaps even to build new homes. Deforested land is usually used for building farms, ranches, or converting forestland to urban use. Besides, this practice could be merely regeneration harvest.

    Problem 2: Copious amounts of land are put to waste. Do we really need so much land? Possibly we do, but what of the trees stripped of their life force? They can no longer cleanse the air in that area after they have been felled. What use is put into them? In areas where copious amounts of deforestation happens, the tree density is at a much larger scale.

    Against 2: Again, the land cleared is used for farming, quite necessary to feed the population. The land is used for pastures, plantations or even settlements. The trees cut down are not put to waste, mostly, they are used for timber in construction. One of the reasons deforestation occurs, is because charcoal is essential to support the country’s financial needs. Fuel is important, outlining the necessity to fell trees.Problem 3: In some parts of the world, deforestation is done using fire. Is there any use to the land then? The smoke pollutes the air, and burnt trees definitely cannot be used for timber. Is the land still bountiful then? Perhaps burning is a quick and efficient way to get rid of trees fast, but a single spark can incinerate a whole rainforest. The burning of trees contributes heavily to the amount of carbon dioxide released into the air, thus speeding up the process of global warming.

    Against 3: Sometimes, deforestation cannot be helped. Can overpopulation truly be controlled? That is usually the cause for deforestation, as the land cleared is needed to provide for the people. Some other causes for deforestation include: corruption of government institutions, distribution of wealth and power, industrial needs, and urbanization. Most people, have no alternative but to deforest.

    Problem 4: Deforestation is a major cause for loss of habitat, and extinction. Many of the animals needed to balance the ecosystem are killed, or starved my deforestation. This provokes them to venture near human settlements. When the ecosystem is ruptured, it will eventually lead back to us. Animals, in more ways than you can imagine, support the existence of the world. If they were wiped out, some plant life that need those animals to reproduce, will wither and die. Without the fertilizer we collect from the feces of certain animals, the land can no longer support us. The killings of secondary predators even, is an unspeakable risk to the future. How will the fragility of the ecosystem balance out, without secondary predators such as jaguars and eagles, to keep the other animal populations in check? The population of pests and poisonous animals will greatly increase this way. (Ever heard the story about the mongooses and the snakes in Hawaii? The mongooses were and introduced species to the islands, meant to keep away the snakes, but instead, they became pests themselves, wiping out many species of native birds. In some places there, the songs of birds cannot be heard anymore. But introduced species are a different story.)

    Against 4: Are humans not more important than animals? The immediate need to survive is far greater than a chain of events that may or may not happen in the future. Are the many animals really that important? What of the people that will become extinct without the land cleared from deforestation? How do the lives of animals affect the lives of humans? There are other ways to grow things than using natural fertilizer, though they may not be organic. Many of these predators also attack humans, and once they become used to living alongside urban places, they must be killed. Is this not a way to exterminate them? In fact, prey for the secondary predators is becoming scarce. Do we really have to worry about herbivores overpopulating and becoming pests?
    ----Now I have only quoted this writer to begin some topics so before you question me; I do not fully agree or disagree with their statements. They are just for referencing points and I do not endorse everything in the quote----

    I will rest the debate into your hands. What do you think?
    Let the Debate begin!

    This Debate will end on 1st of May, 2017 at 11:59PM GMT

    The debate is now up to you! Good contributions will be rewarded with likes and/or royalty points throughout the thread and the member who makes the best contributions throughout the month may give you any of these rewards found here. Also, with contributing towards the Featured Member Debate will get you this reward!

  2. #2
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    Eh, I don't think that deforestation is going to be a major concern in the future because we're already starting to move to electronics. Yes, there will always be a need for trees and paper, but it's not going to be anywhere near what we have now.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Landon View Post
    Eh, I don't think that deforestation is going to be a major concern in the future because we're already starting to move to electronics. Yes, there will always be a need for trees and paper, but it's not going to be anywhere near what we have now.
    what does moving to electronics have to do with it? there are more important uses for trees rather than just the paper you write on

    deforestation should be limited purely because it provides us with oxygen and houses countless ecosystems and habitats yes humans are more important but that shouldnt give us the right to recklessly harm the environment

    agriculture is the biggest cause of deforestation so we should look into different methods of producing the food we eat!
    Last edited by lemons; 23-04-2017 at 09:33 AM.

  4. #4
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    Hi everyone,
    I apologise for my lack of debates as there was an issue in my personal life that had to be dealt with. (which will probably be used as a debate next week)

    Thank you to all who had participated in this Debate. It is now closed.
    Remember that there will be a couple more debates posted by the beginning of next week.

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