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Thread: Master's degree

  1. #1
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    Default Master's degree

    Has anybody here done, currently doing or wants to do a master's degree? I'm really fed up with my current employment situation and have decided to go back to study. I'll have to go part-time due to the financial burden and will also need to find a part-time job, but the revelation was kind of liberating after enduring months of strife.

    I graduated from university in 2014 and took any old job because I just wanted to finally earn some money. Jump ahead three years and I feel like I'm stuck in the wrong industry, heading in the wrong direction. I'm gaining experience in positions I don't care about, while it feels my dream profession is slowly slipping away. I didn't think I would ever return to academia, but it feels necessary to me now.

    I'm going to apply as soon as I've put my portfolio together. Postgraduate courses don't have strict deadlines like undergraduate courses, so I hope there are still places available. Is anybody else in a similar situation or have experience with postgraduate education? I finished university before the fee's increased, but postgraduate study will add a hefty chunk onto my debt. It doesn't worry me now, but it probably will one day.

  2. #2
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    I'd like to do either a Master's, on a part-time basis, or a certificate etc on something to strengthen my career (marketing/web) as my undergrad is completely unrelated and I'm relying completely on experience.

    However it's the cost that really puts me off both, and I don't fancy getting in more debt!

    I actually work for a postgraduate-only university so I encounter the sort of environment and stress of doing a master's as well as learning about the funding available and how much it costs (especially staying in London).

    What are you wanting to study @Neversoft;?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by lawrawrrr View Post
    I'd like to do either a Master's, on a part-time basis, or a certificate etc on something to strengthen my career (marketing/web) as my undergrad is completely unrelated and I'm relying completely on experience.

    However it's the cost that really puts me off both, and I don't fancy getting in more debt!

    I actually work for a postgraduate-only university so I encounter the sort of environment and stress of doing a master's as well as learning about the funding available and how much it costs (especially staying in London).

    What are you wanting to study @Neversoft;?
    I knew a friend of a friend who chose an MA completely unrelated to their BA — seems like a good idea, if you ask me. Twice the experience, twice the options. The cost is a real burden, but I'm glad the government have introduce postgraduate loans. I probably never would have considered it had there been no funding available to me. I'm thinking of switching to full time and maybe working weekends, rather than going the part-time route. The loan is stretched so thin in a part-time course, that I may as well just stay in work, but I guess that's the point.

    I went to university in London, but am looking at doing my masters somewhere more local. The inflated expense of everything in London has long since put me off, but more power to anybody who studies there. I did enjoy my time in the capital.

    I'll (hopefully) be studying creative writing. I did a mixture of creative writing, journalism and film studies at university and it's definitely my calling. I want to go with creative writing over the (probably) more sensible choice of English literature since I also have an interest in screenwriting, which is more in line with the former. I wrote a novella as part of my final year at university, but didn't get to go much further. I'd really like to hone my abilities and focus on something worthwhile, while tackling more advanced fiction writing. I'm aiming to have sent my application by Friday, but I need to put together 2,000 words of recent prose, so I'm currently revising and checking over some pieces!

  4. #4
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    i would love to do a masters at some point, but just not right now. i finish in june for good and i plan to just work for a few years and then do a masters. im so sick of education right and just cant wait to move on and earn from a full time job. i also want to prioritise for partner for once and let him work on his career, whilst i just work instead

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neversoft View Post
    I knew a friend of a friend who chose an MA completely unrelated to their BA — seems like a good idea, if you ask me. Twice the experience, twice the options. The cost is a real burden, but I'm glad the government have introduce postgraduate loans. I probably never would have considered it had there been no funding available to me. I'm thinking of switching to full time and maybe working weekends, rather than going the part-time route. The loan is stretched so thin in a part-time course, that I may as well just stay in work, but I guess that's the point.

    I went to university in London, but am looking at doing my masters somewhere more local. The inflated expense of everything in London has long since put me off, but more power to anybody who studies there. I did enjoy my time in the capital.

    I'll (hopefully) be studying creative writing. I did a mixture of creative writing, journalism and film studies at university and it's definitely my calling. I want to go with creative writing over the (probably) more sensible choice of English literature since I also have an interest in screenwriting, which is more in line with the former. I wrote a novella as part of my final year at university, but didn't get to go much further. I'd really like to hone my abilities and focus on something worthwhile, while tackling more advanced fiction writing. I'm aiming to have sent my application by Friday, but I need to put together 2,000 words of recent prose, so I'm currently revising and checking over some pieces!
    I did an English Lit and Creative Writing undergrad - would definitely recommend having like a "proper" subject to be more employable (not trying to be patronising!!)

    I have a few friends on CW postgrads at the moment - I think at York one of them, couple stayed on in Aberystwyth, there are some somewhere else too!

    Good luck with your application and if you need any help with things then I'm happy to ask my more academically qualified acquaintances!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Absently View Post
    i would love to do a masters at some point, but just not right now. i finish in june for good and i plan to just work for a few years and then do a masters. im so sick of education right and just cant wait to move on and earn from a full time job. i also want to prioritise for partner for once and let him work on his career, whilst i just work instead
    Yeah, that's what I did. After school, then college, then university, I was ready to be done with education! Now I really hope to go back, haha.

    Quote Originally Posted by lawrawrrr View Post
    I did an English Lit and Creative Writing undergrad - would definitely recommend having like a "proper" subject to be more employable (not trying to be patronising!!)

    I have a few friends on CW postgrads at the moment - I think at York one of them, couple stayed on in Aberystwyth, there are some somewhere else too!

    Good luck with your application and if you need any help with things then I'm happy to ask my more academically qualified acquaintances!
    Yeah, I know creative writing isn't really the most desirable and straightforward qualification at postgraduate level, but I'm pretty set on it. I did compare with English literature, but I'm more interested in the process of creating language and exploring the textuality of my own work, rather than researching historical literature and examining things like Shakespeare and the politics of writing. To my understanding, an English degree is more research based whereas creative writing will (I'm hoping) allow me to be creative. That's how it was at undergraduate level, anyway. If I can produce some exceptional work, I hope I can find appropriate employment based on that rather than the specifics of my degree (a man can dream). Thanks! If anything comes to mind I'll send a message your way!

  7. #7
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    I finished last year and would love to go back and do my masters at some point, I miss studying already. I kind of want to teach at my old uni too which most of the masters students do at the same time so could be an option further down the track. Have to see where the working life takes me, at least I'm currently in the career my degree led from so it's not like I'm doing something totally different and I'm still always learning.

  8. #8
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    I'm in the exact same position at the moment. I did a film and television studies undergrad and I'm looking at doing a history based masters. I couldn't wait to leave uni when I finished and now I'm really wanting to go back

  9. #9
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    Completely forgot I needed references. Had to email my tutors from three years ago! Hope they get back to me.

  10. #10
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    I start my MSc in midwifery in september, scary! healthcare masters usually works a little differently though as we usually do them part time as we still need to work clinically for some of our modules. I'm going to be doing one module at a time as I'm still gonna be working full time alongside. I'm self funding with a postgrad loan which isn't too bad as the NHS funded my undergrad degree so all together with an undergrad and postgrad degree I'll have about 19k student debt. Not bad at all. I'd say go for your masters as everyone seems to have a bloody undergrad degree these days. Good luck!

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