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  1. #1
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    Lightbulb Is Television beneficial for the growth of a child's education? - ENDS 08/30/2017

    I have struggled with this thought. I remember growing up and watching kids television shows in which things consisted of Magic School Bus, Arthur, and other subliminal educational shows. While watching my nephews I am torn by the television shows that are now available for children and I shake my head when I am forced to watch their shows in which the kids on the shows are literally given everything they ask for, such as Caillou

    Which brings me to the question:
    Does television benefit a child's educational growth?

    Some advantages of television that I have found were;
    - With Kids developing language, these television shows can increase brain productivity in the language section of their brain.
    - The majority of these television programmes have vibrant colours and music/sound effects that give their developing of colours and sounds a chance to advance.
    - Problem solving is another huge advantage I had saw and whilst the children on the television shows run into problems they are encouraged to solve them on their own.

    Disadvantages I found were;
    - Children are being encouraged by their parents to watch endless amounts of television to keep them distracted which hinders their social time outside with other children.
    - While these kids are being engulfed in colours and sounds, they are often left with low attention spans and are easily distracted with long periods of time,
    - Lastly, these kids who spend most days in front of the television are lacking in other areas such as writing and are often hard to slow down because of built up energy that is being wasted sitting and watching television.

    Now, again, these are not my views on television and are merely starting points for this debate.
    Let me know your thoughts. Let the debate begin!

    This Debate will end on 30th August, 2017!

    The debate is now up to you! Good contributions will be rewarded with likes and/or royalty points throughout the thread and the member who makes the best contributions throughout the month may give you any of these rewards found here. Also, with contributing towards the Featured Member Debate will get you this reward!

  2. #2
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    I don't think television really has much of an impact on children, at least not anymore. I have a half-brother two decades younger than me, and he is obsessed with YouTube. He would much rather sit and watch things on a tablet than watch TV, which I think is worse. With television — it's regulated. You know your child isn't going to stumble upon something risque or abhorrent, and broadcasters such as the BBC are required to provide programming for all demographics, and children's television will more often than not be very educational and instructive. When I was young, programmes like Art Attack inspired me to be creative and scrupulous. I was always drawing and making things, and now I find pleasure in writing. Television can motivate and bolster passions, just as you may feel stimulated after watching a good film. There are a couple of brainless shows out there which children will lap up, but I feel most parents would want to encourage children to go outside and play rather than sit in front of the television. I also don't think it creates shorter attention spans — some children are absolutely absorbed by their favourite shows. The internet is more a problem in that regard, people — not just children — want instant gratification these days. With television, you actually have to wait until the programme you want to watch is on. If anything, it teaches patience, or at least it would if you couldn't just find it online.
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  3. #3
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    A lot of shows now don't have any critical thinking involved or heck, even English. I have seen some now and you contrast say Aunty Mabel and Pippin with the Boo Bars and it's dire. They just make noises - they're useless! Take a child out to a woods and teach them out to climb trees, what flowers are what and what animals are what - real education with stimulation.

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  4. #4
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    Like with everything it's good if you do it right and bad if you do it wrong. TV shouldn't be used as a substitute parent but it's often a good tool for learning (at any age!) and of course entertainment. As for just making noises, children's TV has always had that - The Clangers, Teletubbies, Bill and Ben, every generation gets it
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  5. #5
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    Strong strawmans under the disadvantages list. My childhood revolved around cartoons and video games, and I don't have trouble paying attention for long periods of time, and my English in both reading and writing was one of the best in my special ed class.
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  6. #6
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    Thank you to all who had participated in this Debate. It is now closed.
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