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Thread: Death's door

  1. #11
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    Hi guys. For those of you who don't know me I'm relatively new to Habbox. I am a senior event host . I HATE THE PRACTICE OF DIFFERING PRIZES. I'd rather do something like a little giveaway every hour theres an event. Have them write in a forum made by the event host and do a random number generator for a prize.

  2. #12
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    I think to say that Habbox is dying I personally think is untrue, areas of improvement may be a better way of putting it. People do focus on the bad side of things when you don't actually know that there's a lot of good things going on. Myself and Sho have been in the role I believe less than 2 weeks now and we've already done so many things that other people should of done but hadn't, even though we're still settling into the role I think that in itself says a lot.

    Myself, Laura and Sho all have our own little projects but we communicate, we support each other and I can assure you that there's going to be a LOT of great things coming to Habbox. The forum hasn't been very active for a while now and there's never really going to be a straight forward solution to that but there's many things that I know @Mikey; has planned and he knows that he will always have the support from general management team. I know that our management are a lot more motivated now, they are coming up with new and exciting ideas and I'm SO proud of our current management team and I know the rest of the general management team are too.

    We're ALWAYS open to any suggestions from anyone and if there's things that we can do to make the community a more fun place to be in then please let us know and we will give it a try. I've got my own ideas that will come soon.

    People have mentioned forum skins etc, I think it would help to have a more updated and better layout but that costs money, I know people have offered to pay and I'm sure Laura will appreciate that and it would be her that you need to contact should you want to contribute.

    Things are looking up in many areas so I'd like for people to actually acknowledge at least SOME of the good points of Habbox and we'll be dealing with other areas too that need to be looked into.
    Last edited by despect; 05-10-2017 at 06:32 PM.

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  3. #13
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    Helloo I know the Help Desk is one of the big things that should be raking in new members for the forum, we’ve been slowly recruiting people but slowly isn’t enough at all.

    We’re aware the desk isn’t as busy as it used to be but in the past few weeks our staff has grown from around 6 to around 18 with some of our staff hitting 17-18 hour weeks so we’re working on getting the desk populated from our side our main focus now is getting it populated on the other side of the desk.

    We’re working on a few things that will hopefully improve this, but essentially it really helps if you guys are coming in and helping us populate it as well. With the new layout we’re bringing back the event section which didn’t exactly go well during hxss but hopefully with more staff it should be better this time around and encourage more people into the desk.

    SNQ had taken a back seat, all my fault I constantly forgot to organise it. But it’s back this weekend after the AGM q&a so make sure you come along to that!

    In terms of big changes while James, I and the seniors have some ideas we would appreciate any feedback you have. I plan to start up a feedback thread in the coming weeks to collect this (with an anonymous form if you don’t want to admit to ur rude but much needed feedback) so look out for that. In the meantime if you have anything you want to share don’t hesitate to start a thread or pm me etc!

    The forum definitely needs some updates, new skins more rewards more excitement, which should hopefully keep the new members we are trying hard to get!

  4. #14
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    Forum is inactive, yes, but that's how forums are these days. People don't sign up new to forums so much and it's just the oldies who prop up any site - on client activity is very different, and has massively improved. If you don't use Habbox services then of course you won't see it happening, but to state that the whole thing is dead because one arm has a bruise is daft. A post is a minute of two's entertainment before waiting around for a reply, whereas people want immediate gratification these days and so anyone who's actually interested in Habbo things just talks about them on Habbo for the most part.

    Prizes changing for people with forum accounts sounds slow and unnecessary. It means asking and checking at the end of each round, and realistically won't help to improve activity anyway - also we don't want to get a reputation for being cheap if we can help it. It has never been the case that no-one new is joining, and has always (like literally for the past 8 years at least) been an issue that people join but don't contribute, and giving extra coins to people just for signing up won't change that. We've had 29 new people signing up in the past week, only one of whom has made more than 3 posts and only 5 have posted at all, and this is not a new trend. It's always always always always always always always been about trying to make people stay rather than just sign up, and that's a task that gets harder and harder as younger people have almost entirely ditched the idea of forums. There are certainly things to fix here, but there isn't a magic button that'll suddenly make everyone from 13 to 18 want to use a medium of discussion that has never interested them
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  5. #15


    Flakefish has joined so thats all that matters

  6. #16
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    I'm just gonna reply to one lil bit for now: prizes changing for people with forum accounts. This is something I have a very strong opinion about. Other fansites do this and I personally HATE this practice. I think that it encourages even more people to sign up and become inactive (so more usernames are taken that genuine people might want), and I also truly believe that Habbox is there to provide a service and something for the Habbo public to enjoy - not discriminate for our "members" who wouldn't actually be "members" in this case, just have inactive accounts.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by lawrawrrr View Post
    I'm just gonna reply to one lil bit for now: prizes changing for people with forum accounts. This is something I have a very strong opinion about. Other fansites do this and I personally HATE this practice. I think that it encourages even more people to sign up and become inactive (so more usernames are taken that genuine people might want), and I also truly believe that Habbox is there to provide a service and something for the Habbo public to enjoy - not discriminate for our "members" who wouldn't actually be "members" in this case, just have inactive accounts.
    I appreciate that, but similar to Ben's idea, is there something we could do to encourage people to sign up, AND become active, like he said.

    Maybe over Habboxween there could be a competition with newly created forum accounts younger than a month, the most posts gets 100c, as well as something for the older generation that have been around for years.
    Quote Originally Posted by lawrawrrr View Post
    let it be always marked here that odey is a babe

    There are a lot of things that are personally uncomfortable to show, especially me
    without makeup and completely bloated or crying. But I've realized that it's time for me to
    show my audience that you don't have to be perfect to achieve your dreams.
    Because nobody relates to being perfect.

    Katy Perry

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  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by :odey: View Post
    I appreciate that, but similar to Ben's idea, is there something we could do to encourage people to sign up, AND become active, like he said.

    Maybe over Habboxween there could be a competition with newly created forum accounts younger than a month, the most posts gets 100c, as well as something for the older generation that have been around for years.
    Oh I 1000% agree with things like that! We've occasionally run referral comps in the last couple years which were pretty cool and I'd like to use MOTM and Newcomer a bit more, just hard to get them interested in posting sometimes

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by despect View Post
    I THINK @Mikey; is keen to bring that back
    I think it encouraged some more engagement, just needs to be a little more frequent perhaps to make a bigger difference. Also hope it returns 'cause I finally managed to acquire a decent amount of tokens.

  10. #20
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    skins isn't the problem

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